1K READS!! {sneak peek to the next chapter}

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Oh my Stars, you guys have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you so much for everyone's amazing comments and positive feedback!

When I first started writing this, over a year ago, I never expected for my story to actually have any recognition. I'm surprised that it's actually gotten 100+ reads on the Prologue!

I'm currently working on the next chapter, though I doubt I'll release this one as my actual "next chapter" because I'm currently having Writer's Block and I'm stumped on a certain part of it. So I might scrap it and rewrite it.

Due to my cringey first few chapters, I will mostly rewrite or/and edit them. "Things Unseen" will be completely rewritten, and some things will be altered. Leafpool will not be expecting kits, since I believe that will make her break from character if she got back with Crowfeather.

The plot is really messy right now, and this story will go under A LOT of reconstruction. For those of you who are confused, in the chapter "Fallen Cinder" the kits that appear are not Cinderheart's and are, in fact, Dovewing's. I noticed I didn't really emphasize on that so I'm sorry for the confusion!

So yeah, with that out of the way, here's a preview to the "next" chapter! (Keep in mind that this is a portion of it, I've gotten a lot more progress done)


"Honeykit will never find us!" The soft giggles of Robinkit hummed in Honeykit's ears. The white and ginger patched she-kit suppressed an amused chuckle as she pictured Robinkit and Lilykit squeezed behind the loose stone at the back of the den.

Of course, when Honeykit and her siblings played hide and seek, she always won due to her inherited skill from her mother. It gave her the ability to have very good hearing that could measure from far ranges of the forest.

The downside was, she could only use it for a short period of time at a time if it was miles away and sometimes it didn't work too well.

          "Gotcha!" Honeykit yowled, pouncing on Robinkit's bushy tail. Robinkit squealed, giggling and bouncing away from her while bumping into Lilykit, who glared at her in annoyance.

         "Mouse-brains! Do you want to attract our father?" The outraged hiss of Ripplekit made all three she-kits turn towards their brother.

The kits saw reason in their littermate's words and quickly ended their game. Their father, Brokenstar, scared the young kits. From his lifeless eyes to his venomous voice, the kits found it hard to believe that their gentle mother would have ever chosen him as a mate.

Well, most of the time their mother wasn't exactly gentle. She was rather impassive, and only really pampered them when their father was around.

Smokekit got out of her hiding spot beside a dry clump of moss and slumped to where Honeykit was. "What now?" She whined, her pale blue eyes sharp with boredom, "Cats don't let us out of camp because we're too young even though we're almost two moons old!" Honeykit twitched her whiskers in shared annoyance. "How about.... we just go anyways!" She proposed, looking at all of her siblings' expressions carefully as she waited for their reaction.

                "Let's do it!" Robinkit and Lilykit exclaimed in unison, then they glanced at each other with matching smirks. Honeykit giggled, since the two she-kits look exactly the same already.

              "You must have bees in your brain." Ripplekit snorted, but didn't protest any further.

                 "Maybe we can finally meet the rest of the clan!" Smokekit mewed thoughtfully, making the rest of the kits nod in agreement.

"What are we waiting for?" Honeykit mewed, waddling out of the stone den. She heard her sibling following close behind, making her even more determined. They crouched down to the cold ground, making sure they weren't spotted as the crawled behind a thorn bush.

                      Honeykit raked her amber gaze across the part of the forest they were in. She frowned as she realized their den was hidden behind a towering, broken log. She pricked her ears, picking up sounds of meows and cats thriving at the other side.


I hope the preview wasn't that bad! Let me know what you guys think. I'm still working on it, but I've been very busy with caring for my 11 rabbits lately.

Anyways, thanks so much everyone!
Love y'all! <3
~ Holly

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