{1} You're one of us now

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        Ivypool felt a sharp prod on her side. She easily turned over but felt it again. "Get up you lazy piece of Fox-Dung!" Breezpelt's sounded behind her as Ivypool jumped to her paws. She gazed over at Bumblestripe and Icecloud, who were both curled up in their small nests and stared hard at Breezepelt. "What do you want?" She snapped, her pelt prickling along her showing spine.

"You're on dawn patrol..." Breezepelt snorted, and exited the den, Ivypool at his tail. Sadness washed over her as she stared at the view. The old Shadow Clan camp was dark and foggy. Dark Forest cats constantly kept guard at the entrances, and the fresh kill pile for the clan cats was only filled by scrawny mice. She spotted Redwillow clawing harshly at a young Wind Clan apprentice.

Ivypool woke up everyday, hoping it was just a dream. Hoping she could see her family and friends once more. She could only remember how things went down as if it was last sunrise...


Ivypool felt pain prod at her flank as sharp claws sliced her skin. She screeched and batted a dark forest warrior off her, then broke off into the mayhem of battle. Each Dark Forest warrior seemed harder to kill, and Ivypool felt herself get tired.

"Ivypool help me!" A scream pierced the battle behind the silver tabby. Ivypool turned toward the cat, and gasped. Dovewing was pinned down by Brokenstar, a wound stretched across her chest.

"No!" Ivypool shrieked, but was pinned down by a dark tabby. Once she retained her vision, she snarled at Darkstripe, who was now digging his claws into her back. "Get off, you mouse-heart!" The silver-and-white tabby spat. Darkstripe laughed. "Now, is that anyway to talk to your clan mate?"

"I am not your clan mate!" Ivypool hissed as she hauled him off with her hind paws. Darkstripe hissed in surprise as Ivypool sprinted towards her sister. On her way, she stumbled across a matted tabby and Daisy battling furiously, the tabby she-cat winning. Ivypool almost stopped to help the cream colored she-cat, but she heard a scream straight ahead, which forced her to move on.

"Ivypool!" Another scream came from her sister as she dangled limply by the scruff in Brokenstar's jaws. Ivpool's eyes widened in horror as she stopped dead on her tracks. A thin trail of blood pooled out of Dovewing's mouth, and a deep gash trailed around her neck.

The sounds of battling cats and slicing flesh around her tuned to a blur. Nothing was important anymore. Nothing matter. Ivypool felt her legs move on their on accord as she sprinted towards Brokenstar. She desperately attempted to launch herself on top of him and claw his face off, but was once again pinned down. This time, to her horror, it was Mousewhisker. Ivypool desperately tried to get loose from his hold but failed.
            "What are you doing mouse brain? You're on our side!" She snarled in shock. Mousewhisker spoke something to her which was inaudible in the mayhem of battle. Ivypool tried to lean closer to listen but a triumph howl was heard through the battle. He leaped of her and turn around.
           Instantly, cats stopped fighting and looked at the horrific image. "No..." Ivypool whispered.
              Tigerstar  stood at the top of the high rock, holding the limp body of Firestar, his dark red glinting. A wail was heard as Sandstorm raced near the stone. Also, all star clan had perished.
"No! Firestar!" She screeched but instantly a dark forest cat leaped at the pale she-cat, cracking her neck. Shocked cries spread across the crowd. Thunder Cats pressed close in fear and utter terror.
            Finally, Tigerstar dropped the ginger leader and spoke.
           "Thunder Clan, like the others, you have been defeated. It's our time to rule over you pitiful cats. No more prophecies-" He pointed his tail towards the defeated three. Lionblaze was tied with thorn vines, his pelt bleeding and torn, held by Mapleshade. Jayfeather was missing clumps of fur and was pinned by Breezepelt. And to her dismay, Dovewing was still in the jaws of Brokenstar.
            "-And no more scrawny clan leaders. From now on, cats will be separated into four different clans. You will be not be with random other clan cats, and into groups." Tigerstar turned to Mapleshade, who had a pleased look on her pale face. "Maple Clan will have most of the kits who will train as our future warriors. Broken Clan, Thistle Clan, and Tiger Clan will have the remaining cats, who will be the lower class of those cats who are loyal to me."
           Cheers of dark forest cats erupted through the clearing. "No... This can't be real." Ivypool thought in dismay, horror spreading through her pelt.
This was not how the clans could end...
           The last words she could remember in that night before being dragged to a camp, was Tigerstar's harsh words to Thunder Clan.

"Even better for us, your precious Star Clan is gone."

--------——------------------------------------------------------------End Of Flashback--------------------

            And now Ivypool waited a long day full of everything she hoped would never happen.
So she bundled up her courage and padded to the lower rank patrol, just as she did day after another.

      Phew! Finally finished first chapter:) Hope it wasn't too short!!! next chapter will be alliances, so if you have any Dark Forest Cat names you would recommend, feel free to comment down below! Btw this takes place 4 to 5 moons after the awful battle.

®Dove_Storm 2016

What if The Dark Forest Won? {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now