{3} Things unseen

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               Jayfeather was walking in a beautiful moor. The sun was beating down in his silver tabby pelt as he walked towards the shinning lake of the clans. "Whose dream is this?" He wondered as he looked around the endless sparkling fields.

Then, a light brown tabby pelt appeared behind him from a small bush, and didn't seem to notice him. Jayfeather quickly sprinted behind an old oak, hidden away from the tabby's view.

Confusion and curiosity filled his thoughts as a dark grey tom, a tortoiseshell she-cat, and a dark ginger she-cat followed close by.

"Here we can talk about what we're going to do about Tigerstar without getting caught."  The light brown tabby declared in triumph with a calm mew which he quickly recognized. Leafpool.

Jayfeather's gaze met the other cats pelts as he recognized them too from other dreams.

It was Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and Squierrelflight. "Your idea of meeting together in our dreams to discuss our actions is a really good idea." Crowfeather admitted warmly as he stared at Leafpool with unhidden admiration.

The former medicine cat flicked her tail happily. "Thank you Crowfeather. So Squierrelflight, do you want to start?"

The ginger she-cat nodded as she opened her jaws to speak. "Tigerstar may  have destroyed our clans, but he hasn't destroyed our warrior spirit. If we unite, we can overthrow him.. Together. Also, he says Starclan is gone, but how are we to sure about that? When has Starclan ever left us?" A growl escaped Tawnpelt's muzzle and Jayfeather saw the tortoiseshell look frustrated. "Now they have." Tawnypelt spat, gaining a warning glare for Leafpool.

Jayfeather was surprised at how calm his mother looked as she spoke, with her tail curled around her paws. "Tawnypelt," Leafpool started, "I believe Starclan got scared and fled back to the old territory. This may cause some fear among cats, but I can help and get us out of this mess." Jayfeather realized Leafpool was suggesting as stepping up as leader, which led suspicion through him.

He had seen Leafpool camp at times (when he was allowed out of his 'healer den' or some mouse dung like that.) and he noticed she was rather quite and only ever talked to Crowfeather or Reedwhisker. But Crowfeather seemed to agree with her. "We're lucky to have you." He purred, which made Jayfeather want to physically puke. Before Leafpool could respond, Tawnypelt's image was starting to flicker, as well as Squierrelflight's.

"We're waking up." Squirrelflight muttered as she gazed at her sister in respect.

"We will spread the words carefully to those we think will be able to help." She informed her as Leafpool nodded. "Same for me." Tawnypelt meowed. Then both she-cats disappeared, leaving Leafpool and Crowfeather in clearing and Jayfeather still behind the oak. 

He watched his father walk up to Leafpool and touch her muzzle with his gently and it took Jayfeather to lean close to hear what they where saying. "You have to take it easy, Leafpool." He murmurs gently as he intwined his tail with hers, "You're going to have our kits any day now, and you have to keep low on the radar so Tigerstar doesn't do anything them." Jayfeather was shocked. Leafpool was expecting kits? He saw his mother purr against him and start to disappear. "I will, my love, I promise." As both cats faded back to reality, Jayfeather realized he was fading as well. And then his world turned dark as he woke up in hell, knowing he would have to tell Tigerstar everything he knew about Leafpool's plan.

Wow! I've been updating A LOT lately and I'm pretty proud of myself tbh. Anyways, sorry for the short chapter! Say whose perspective you want the next chapter to be from in the comments. Options are:
(Or any suggestions)
Dovewing (maybe-ish)
Leafpool (maybe her kits?)
Or mystery!

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