Author's Note- Important

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Hey guys! I have some important news!

I recently came across @flowingpetal 's amazing story called "The Running".

The first chapter is already out and it's great! It really captures your attention, and i'm eager to know what's next. If you like my story, then you should definitely check hers out.

Here's what Petal's book is about:

Ever since the Rogues took over the forest, they arranged an event called The Running that occurs every Leaf-bare. The Running was made to assure every cat to find it's mate. For the she-cats, they don't have a choice who catches them, but they have a choice towards how far they'll run to escape.


Dovewing is nervous about the year's upcoming running. She managed to make it out free last time but she's afraid she won't be so lucky again. Even though she's eager to see her sister again, she doesn't want to be forced to be alongside a cat she will never love.

That was until the cat who stole her freedom also stole with her heart.


Flare just got the position as deputy in Lake Tribe. All cats fear him, and know better than to get under his skin. With everyone avoiding his vicious claws, he became rather lonely. Flare convinced himself he was incapable of love, and just wanted to have someone to take his anger out on when he entered The Running.

But his intentions changed when he met the small, gray she-cat that thawed his heart of steel.

If you're a fan of Ivypool or Dovewing, this story is a must read!

Also, the next chapter of WITDFW is coming out soon. Please be patient because I'm trying to make this one extra long. Release date will be next week.


I would really appreciate it if someone made a cover for my book! I made this one a while ago and I'm not very thrilled about it. Thanks in advance!

Holly <3

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