{7} The Leaf doesn't fall far from the Tiger

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              The tortoiseshell hid behind a berry bush, hiding her scent with the mushrooms littering around her.

                Her eyes were narrowed to slits, the look of a hunter masking her face. Now, she must wait for her prey.

"Spiderleg! Where are you?"

                  The familiar call of a cream colored she-cat almost made her laugh. Daisy was a joke and stood no chance against her. That pathetic kittypet will be a pleasure to slaughter.

"Spiderleg!" Daisy yowled, her blue eyes stretched with fear as her long coat bushes out.

                  The cat who remained hidden smirked. Daisy seemed to be alone, her precious Spiderleg nowhere in sight. What an easy catch for today, she thought, almost bored at the queen's approach.

"Who's there?" The tortoiseshell stiffened in alarm as Daisy turned her gaze towards the bush, her voice quivering nervously.

It's now or never, she thought with a smirk, unsheathing her long claws as she leapt out of the bush. "Sp-" Daisy wasn't able to finish her shriek because the tortoiseshell pinned her down roughly, making the queen lose her breath.

The metallic scent of blood filled the roof of her mouth, making her hungry for more. Daisy stared into the she-cat's green eyes in terror, he jaw slack and ears still peeked in surprise.

                  The stranger let out what seemed like a laugh, but it sounded more like a scratchy cackle. Then, she struck her head down towards Daisy's neck and bit down with as much force as she could muster, red liquid flooding into her jaws.

                   Daisy stiffened, her soft blue eyes widening as she took her final breath and stopped struggling.

                   Now satisfied, the tortoiseshell leapt off Daisy, licking her muzzle as she savored the rusty taste that soaked it. She was rather disappointed in herself, because she didn't inflict as much suffering as she usually did for the others. Huh. I guess she was losing her touch.

                 Or maybe she was just being soft. After all, she used to be in love with a kittypet herself.

                  Love. That word made the she-cat choke on her own spit. Love was a fantasy. It was nonexistent feelings that only brought weakness. Now in her new body, the tortoiseshell wasn't going to fall for that trick again. It only brought her own slaughter.

                   A mrrow of amusement escaped her lips, the thought of her past life seeming so ridiculous at the moment. No, she wasn't here to heal cats. She was here to kill them.

              And she was very grateful for her new form. Her old appearance was delicate and fragile, something so easy to break. Now, her exterior was well built, muscle rippling under her tortoiseshell patterned  fur. Her claws were a piercing white and were an unbelievable length. Her leaf green eyes were darker than before, a malicious glint present at all times. She was new and improved, and so was her heart.

               A twig snapped a few fox-lengths behind of her. She immediately whipped around to face a red calico colored tom. His blue eyes held confusion and sadness, and he uttered her name, making her want to sink her fangs into his pelt for reminding her of the memories she shared with this cat.


Hey guys! The next chapter is already half way done, I'm sorry for the lack of updates! I've been very busy with school, but the overwhelming amount of work has stopped for now. Please PLEASE send book covers for this story if you want to make any. I really hate the one I'm using right now.

Anyways, next update should be next week at the most!

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