Alliangces (Maple Clan and Broken Clan)

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Maple Clan
Leader: Mapleshade- scarred ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes

Second in command: Maggottail- old tabby with long claws

Healer: Willowshine- light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Warriors: (high ranks, typically dark forest cats)

Fallowleaf- pale tabby she-cat with ragged scars and torn ears

Yellownose- thick furred gray tom with a yellow splash on his nose

Finchface- dark brown tabby tom with a white chest

Sharpfang- matted brown tom with various scars

Redwind- young dark reddish colored tom with a white tail
Apprentice, Fallenpaw (ginger and white she-cat with a torn ear)

Silverhawk- silver and brown tabby tom with long claws

Rainspeck- smoothed, light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Redwillow- brown-red tom with a torn tail
Apprentice, Lilypaw (tortoiseshell she-cat)

Snowtuft- ragged white tom

Burnedface- pitch black tom with half of his face scarred
Apprentice, Darkpaw (black tabby tom with green eyes)

Icewing- white she-cat with blue eyes

Deerfoot- golden brown tabby tom

Tangleburr-  long furred, golden tabby she-cat
Apprentice, Seedpaw (brown she-cat with white spots)
Lower Ranks: (typically clan cats)

Ferncloud- light gray she-cat (with darker flecks) and blue eyes

Troutstream- silver tabby she-cat

Hollowflight- pale brown tabby tom

Dawnpelt- cream colored she-cat

Whitetail- small white she-cat

Emberfoot- black and gray tom

Crowfrost- black and white tom

Foxleap- reddish-brown colored tom

Reedwhisker- black tom

Spiderleg- long legged, black tom with a brown underbelly and paws
Queens: (nursing or expecting she-cat)
Daisy- cream colored she-cat with a torn ear: (mother of Spiderleg's kits) Smokekit (black she-kit with gray paws), Plumkit (cream colored she-kit with ginger stripes), Flutterkit (white she-kit with ginger ears and paws) and Cloudkit (white tom)
Fostering Kits: Dewkit, Snowkit, and Amberkit

Cinderheart- gray she-cat (expecting)

Kinkfur- dark ginger tabby with fur sticking out at all angles: Shadowkit (black tabby tom), Windkit (small brown tabby she-kit), Riverkit (silver tabby she-kit) and Thunderkit (large ginger tom)
Fostering kits: Minnowkit, Gorsekit, Morningkit, Hopekit, Badgerkit and Stonekit.

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