Chapter 2

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Charlotte's POV

I awake in the same motel room. I sigh as I pack my things up. I take a shower before i go. I then grab all my possessions and return the key. I yawn as I go outside. Its pretty chilly so I pull my blanket around me tighter. I look around for someplace i could grab some food. I go into the local grocery store for a pack of cigarettes and some breakfast. I go into the bakery and grab a donut or two. I then head over to the counter for a pack. I pay for everything and head outside. I lean against a wall and light up. I wrap my blanket around me tighter as a chill goes through the air. I look around for a second before locating a little girl around the age of seven or eight looking around. I watch her walk into the street as my eyes intently follow her. I put my cigarette out and walk down the sidewalk. I look up towards the street to see the little girl from earlier in the road. I look both ways before walking over to the girl. As I'm about to reach her a car comes towards us. My instincts kick in as I grab a hold of the young child shielding her with my body. The car hits my back head on I'm thrown onto the ground. The car I presume stops as I lay still on the ground. I sit up wincing in pain as it spreads all over my back. I look over at the girl. Tears are streaming down her cheek. I smile at her before I stand up. I bite my lip to try to muffle the scream going to come out of my mouth. I crawl over to her wiping away her tears. I examine her looking for anything unusually as a man and women come running over. They go immediately to the child scolding her about being in the road whilst hugging her. I smile at it before looking around for my backpack. It was a couple of feet away. I grab it and open it to see nothing has fallen out. I groan and stand back up. My back protests the movements I'm making. The driver of the car looks over to me. I smile at him as he comes over to me. He helps me up into a standing position. I thank him as I lean against his car. The man and women who I presume are her parents notice me. I smile at them. I pick up my blanket stuffing it into my back pack. I walk slowly over to the little girl bending down to whisper in her ear "stay out of the road little one." I then start to walk down the street. I look around for a pharmacy or drug store, something like that. I locate one up the street. I grab my wallet out of my backpack. I grab a couple of pills and a couple stick on heating pad. I sigh as I go check out. I throw it into my bag and exit the store. I walk down the street to a park. I walk down the path to a bench. I sit on the bench and pull my knees to my chest. I pull off my bag, setting it beside me. I take out the heating pad and stick it onto my back. I sigh as I take a two Advil. I reorganize my backpack and then light up another cigarette. I sigh loudly as I watch the children run around. I pang of envy goes through me. I shake it off though. As I look around I don't notice the man that sits besides me. I continue smoking my cigarette as I watch the people at the park. I stand up off the bench groaning a little at the pain in my back although it had dulled. I walk a couple of feet before a boy runs into me. I smile at him but stop when I notice the tears falling down his face. I bend down to his height. I wipe away his tears and say "hello there buddy what's got you all in tears." I wait for the tears to stop flowing from his eyes as he stutters out "I can't find my mom but I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." I smile as I say "I'll help you find your mom kiddo." I look around for any parent that's looks like they lost there child. I walk over to the playground and notice a group of moms looking a little sheepish. I walk over to them and set him onto the ground. The boy ran to the group of mothers as I walk back over to the bench. I put my backpack on and start to leave, but the man who sat next to me, interrupts. I turn to face him as he starts to speak "that was a nice thing you did there." I nod my head and turn to leave but he interrupts me again "what's your name sweetheart." I sigh loudly and say "Nothing you need to know. Now I'm going to go find something find fun todo in this shitty town." I walk away slowly since my back still hurts. I run my hands through my hair trying to think about what todo know. I need to find some food is the last thought I think before I trip down a hill and fall to the ground. I lay down as the pain radiates everywhere in my body. The darkness I accept.

Oliver's POV

Hello I'm Oliver. I'm 23 years old and an alpha werewolf. I hadn't found my mate yet and may never. I woke up in my bed and go downstairs to the kitchen in the pack house. I grab a apple before I head into the woods. I strip out of my clothes letting the change happen. I let my wolf Cleo take over. He runs through the woods doing a border check before we smell a marvelous scent. It was the best thing we'd ever smelt. He ran towards it to see the most beautiful girl sitting in a tree. We gaze up at it whilst howling. There she was my mate. I hide in the shadow and watch her. I don't even notice the sun setting until I watch her get down from the tree and run out of the wood. I growl before watching to make sure she got home safely. I then run back to the pack house with a grin on my face. I'd finally found her. I walk into the pack house heading to my office. I work on some paperwork before I decide Togo to bed. I strip down to my boxers. I fall asleep thinking about my mate.

Charlotte's POV (didn't want to write Oliver's anymore)

I groan as I start to come to. I open my eyes and close them immediately due to the bright light. I blink a couple of times to adjust to the light. I look around to see I'm in a hospital bed. I groan as I try to sit up. I locate my backpack on a chair and get up to go get it. I bite my lip hard as the pain courses through my back. What happened? I slowly walk over grabbing my backpack and pulling some clothes out. I walk slowly to the bathroom. I put on some new clothes from my bag. I make sure everything's inside and slowly walk to the bed. I sit down on it and press the nurses button. A nurse rushes in as I take out the IV in my arm. She seems surprised to see me up. I smile at her and say "why am I in the hospital for? Alcohol, drugs, or did someone smacked to hard?" She seems startled at my questions before calling a doctor in. I sigh as a female doctor comes in. The nurse whispers something in her ear before exiting. The doctor stay as I start to get annoyed. I don't need to be in a hospital anymore. The doctors starts by saying "A man brought you in saying you passed out in the park. You will have some back issues for a while and we patched you up. Though I was wondering why when we looked you over you had multiple bones that had been previously broken." I sigh before grabbing my backpack and saying "well if that's all I'll be hitting the road since I slept all night. Do you need me to sign anything?" The nurse shakes her head no and points me towards the exit. I put on my backpack and pull my hair up into a ponytail. I follow the directions outside and sit on a bench. I run my fingers through my hair a couple of times. What am I supposed todo now. I still have a couple hundred dollars left. I've saved up ever since I remember. I sigh loudly and close my eyes. The pain soon forgotten I finally get up off the bench going to the side of the road. I'd asked for direction and from what I see I'll need a ride. I want to leave this town. I want one more night though. I want to party and get super wasted. I walk into a clothing store and buy a party dress. Well more like a clubbing dress. I pay and walk out. I go and place my stuff in a safe place. I then get ready. I shower and straighten my hair. I put on some eyeliner with mascara. I then put on my dress. I grab my wallet and walk to a club. I get in easily even though I'm underaged. I go and look around. I grab a drink from the bartender and hit dance floor. I dance with a couple people before I'm drunk. I stumble a little before going outside. I walk around until I find a liquor store. I buy a bottle of vodka before I head back to the motel. I open my door after a couple tries oops. I lay on the bed and pull the dress off of me. I hug the bottle as I lay in a fetal position. I start to cry not caring if I ruined my makeup. I cry myself to sleep tonight wishing I wouldn't have to wake up in the morning.

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