Chapter 15

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Charlie's POV

I walk around this town admiring how pretty and where stuff is. I walk into a store. It was a cute little vintage shop. I look around for a while. I leave soon after and it had gotten pretty late. I walk back to the apartment. I have work in the morning so I quickly take a shower and blow dry my hair. I put on pajamas and climbed into bed. I wait for the nightmares to surface.

next morning

I wake up and look up at the date. Uh I groan as I get up putting on my work clothes. I only have to work three days until I can leave. I had taken care of everything so far. I haven't told anyone yet though. It's not like anyone's gonna care so. I sigh as I walk to work and get ready.

****************Three days later**************

I pack my suitcase with everything I need. I look at myself in the mirror before I start to walk to the train. I'm excited but lately I'd just felt terrible. There's an aching in my chest for something. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the bus arriving. I hop onto it and sit with my bag. I lean my head against the window and close my eyes.

I remember when my mother was sober and she would bake us things. I really loved her even if she did some weird things. I had to take care of Jacob a lot. I can still remember the day it went bad. She had left us for a couple days alone. We never cared to much. We had gotten used to it. She had told us the rules like she usually did. She never came back. We spent the weeks waiting. When the police officer came to our door we had panicked thinking we would have to go into the system. We eventually invited him in. He asked us if anyone was home and we said our mother was coming back any minute. He took me aside and told me my mother was dead. I asked him how and he told me she had been found in a club somewhere with multiple drugs in her system. He then asked us if there was anyone to take care of us. I had shook my head no and he told us to pack our bags. He was so nice to us. I told Jacob about mother. He started to cry so I'd comforted him while keeping my tears in. We had went and packed everything we needed from the house. The officer had even got us some dinner since it was so late. We had stayed over at the nice officers house while we waited for a couple days. We were put into the system. We stayed together for a couple years until they split us up. I'd been looking for him ever since.

I open my eyes to see were in town. I get off and grab my suitcase. It was about midday so I walk to the hotel I had reservations at. I sigh as I got there and checked in. I checked my phone to see text from a couple of people. I turn it off though. I took a quick shower and get dressed. I lay down for a couple seconds before grabbing my purse and exiting the room. I look around at the town. Memories of my mother start going through my mind. I smile at the earlier ones. I walk quickly to the cemetery. I stopped and bought some flowers and tissues.

No ones around and I find her tombstone quickly. I put the flowers in front of it before leaning on it. I close my eyes remembering her. Tears roll down my face as I say "mom I'm sorry I never came earlier. I never could get a chance. I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me. Jacob is so handsome. He's with another family. I found him though. My life hadn't been easy. They split us up when I had gotten older and he went to a couple nice family's. I hope your watching from above. I had met someone though. His name is Oliver and he's so sweet. He got adopted though. I'm staying with a couple friends of mine. I hope you have watched us from above. I love you so much. Now that I'm older I see you in Jacob and I. I have a job and I'm becoming happy. A while ago I was raped but I got better. I'm strong but I had to break sometime. I wish you were here to meet Oliver. You would love him. I have to go since its late but I'm coming back tomorrow I promise." I smile and leave. I need some dinner.

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