Chapter 16

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Charlie's POV

I arrived home and smiled. I had not planned to tell anyone anything. I spent most of the week visiting my mom. I was officially cried out. I was reminded of something though. It was that everyday could be your last so I started to make a bucket list. There was pretty simple things todo on it.

Learn how to ride a bike
Learn how to drive a car
Get a tattoo
Stay up all night with someone
Learn how to bake/cook
Run a marathon
Dance in the rain
Go on a road trip

It was a small list so far but I wanted to complete it. I smile as I collapse onto my bed. I hear voices come in. I turn to see Daniel and Annette looking really worried. I'm tackled into a hug. I smile at them as they pull me into the living room. They both sit me on to the couch and start there lecture. They lecture me about just up and leaving without any notes. After there finished I told them to sit down this will be a long story. I started to pace before saying

"When I was in a bad foster home a while ago I met a boy he was so sweet. We liked each other a lot. I even told him about what happened at the foster home. I was always hit there. After a while he asked me out and I said yes. He let me stay at his place when it got really bad. But he was trouble. I should have known. He got me hooked on many things. The first was alcohol and then after a while he gave me a couple drugs. I was eventually moved into a different foster home far away. When I told him this he freaked out saying I was his and he hit me. He apologized the next day when I was leaving. I accepted it and we broke up from our relationship. I was then moved to many different foster house and nothing really changed. A while after I turned eighteen I left where I was staying. I was so engulfed in this pain that I started to drink. I was in the hospital a couple times for multiple different things. I got used to hitting after a while. I usually had to protect the little ones in the house. I went from town to town trying to find a place to call home. I landed in this town and I found Jacob. I wanted him to leave with me. So we could be a family again. Be together and I could take care of him like my mother always told me to. He didn't want to come with me thank god. I wanted an out of the life of drinking and partying when I called you. You were the last possible person I could've called. I'm so thankful for you guys taking me in." I started to cry a little but continued on.

"I had hit the lowest spot in my life. I was doing better staying sober and getting my life back together. Until Liam the boy I was talking about found me. He had never laid a hand on me in our relationship. He threatened to a couple times though. He showed up here a while ago. He's a scary guy and he didn't like that I wasn't interested in him anymore. He first started to beat me and that wasn't that bad. I just shut my eyes and waited for him to stop and he beat me and then he r-r-raped me. I couldn't do anything. When he left I couldn't eat or sleep. You guys are the first people I'd confided to. One day Oliver and Jacob came over. Jacob was all happy because he was getting adopted. I tried to hide how bad it was from him but he knew me to well. He fixed me up. I left because I wanted to visit my mother. Please don't tell anyone."

At the end of my story I was crying no sobbing. They both looked at me with sympathy on there face. They came over and cradled me into there arms. They whispered sweet things into my ear. I fell asleep in there arms.

The next morning

Still Charlie's POV

I awake in the morning to the smell of breakfast in the air. I quickly get up and walk into the kitchen. I sit down on a chair and say "I'm officially cried out. I have plans to meet up with Harry so I'll see you guys later." I go and grab my purse before going to his house. I had showered and changed. I arrive at his house and see its still not to early. I texted him I was here. He opened the door for me. I step inside and he leads me into the kitchen. He starts to eat breakfast. Multiple people come in and make breakfast. I look around admiring how pretty this house is. When he's finished he leads me into the sitting room. I smile at him and pop my cheeks with air. He laughs and so do I. He seems surprised. He asks me where'd I'd been. I told him I took a small trip. I then ask him if he could teach me something. He said maybe. I smile at him before asking "could you teach me how to ride a bike. I never learned when I was little and I made a bucket list of things to do and it's on it." He says yes and I smile at him. He says to wait for him to get ready and we'll go and get a bike. I put my feet in the air. I hear laughter. I look to see who it is. It's Oliver. I give him a weird face. He asks "So Charlie what are you doing here." I make another weird face before saying "for your information I'm just waiting for someone. Harry is going to teach me how to ride a bike. You wanna join?" He nods his head and says he just has to get dressed.

I wait on the couch and both boys come downstairs. I smile at them and we hit the road. I bought a bike and we went to the park. It was fun as they taught me how to ride a bike. I went to get a drink when I felt someone behind me. It was Liam. I smile at him as if he wasn't a very scary man. He tried to give me a hug but I stepped back and told him I had to go back to my friends he didn't like that. He grabbed my arms and shook me a little. He kept telling me I was his. I told him to leave and never come me ever again. I start to walk away but he grabbed my arm and said "babe you cant leave me." I stomped on his foot and yelled at him. He let go of my arm but raised his hand and slapped me. He slapped me hard and I fell to the ground. I smile a creepy smile and said "God even you hit like a little bitch. Now I'm going back to my friends and if you ever come near me I'll shoot you. I'm not joking. You seem to not remember I was raised being hit and I won't take it anymore."He left me and I grab my drink and walk back with a smile on my face. I go up to them and give them a weird look. We stayed for a while. It got to be lunchtime and we walked around the park with a hot dog from one of the carts. We passed the park and I watched the children run around. I'm distracted by a certain little girl.

It was the little girl I had ran in front of a car for. I look at the two boys and ask "now be honest how red is the hit and do you think it will bruise. It shouldn't he hits like a lil bitch. I'd been hit harder by someone who was drunk." They look very mad at the fact that I'd been hit before. They both answer with the answer of a possible bruise. I smile at them and yawn. We head home they drop me off and Daniel was outside waiting for me. I hug him and say "I need a drink." He looks at me with disapproval. I just smile at him and say "yeah I know I won't drink. Now I need some ice or this will be impossible to cover for work." I went back to there car. "Thanks both of you. I appreciate this more than you could ever imagine." They drive off and we go back upstairs to the apartment.

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