Chapter 17

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Charlie's POV

We walk into the apartment and I drop a ball. I say to them "I would like to start looking for a place to live by myself. I really appreciate you guys letting me stay here. I just think I'm ready to live on my own for once. It will take a while though."

They look at me with shocked but hug me and say that they understand why I have to leave. Also that I'm welcome to come back or leave whenever I like. I smile at them before saying it was a long day and I had to to work in the morning. I went into my bedroom and took a quick shower. I set my alarm clock.

I feel asleep.

Oliver's POV

We drove back to the pack house in silence. My wolf was purring inside me happy to have spent time with our mate. Though she is a puzzle I just can't seem to solve. When that man smacked her I almost lost it. She's was so strong and got up acting like nothing happened. That worried me was she used to this kinda stuff. I wanted Charlie to just be my mate already. I wanted to tell her but I don't know what we are. I sigh as I walk inside. I have these urges that I wish I could suppress for just a little while.

I first needed to know the relationship she has with Harry. He's a fellow pack member. When we arrive at the pack house I ask if Harry could meet me in my office. I walk to my office. I wait for him to arrive. He arrives after a couple minutes and I start the questioning.

O-What is your relationship with Charlie?
H-She's just my friend. I show her stuff.
O-What did you show my mate?
H-Oh yeah I had a feeling you to were mates. Well I like to help her out. I met her at a party I went to with my older brother. She was nice to me. She got totally high and hammered. She said she couldn't go home or she'd get in trouble. I brought her here and she stayed the night. That's all no funny business. I have my mate already.
O- Uh! I can't figure this girl out. She's nice and fun one day and the next she shuts me out and shrinks away.
H- Also something weird is the other day when she ran out of the pack house. She asked me to teach her how to defend herself. She hugged me but when I went to ask her what day she would I grabbed her arm. She gave me the meanest glare ever and in a scary voice said "don't touch me."
O- I remember she had knocked me down when she ran out of the house. She ran out of the house. I mind linked Daniel to make sure she got home safe. It's not just her who does that scary voice her brother the boy adopted was is very scary.
H-Um maybe that dude we saw at the park had more todo to her story than we think.
O- Also the other day Daniel asked me to check in on her and she looked so scared when I knocked on the door. Like she was afraid that someone was there. Then when her brother showed up she acted like she was fine. Then we took her to the ER to make sure she was 100%. Her brother didn't seem surprised at all by her injuries.
H- I don't know but I'm sure Daniel and Annette know more about her then we ever would. I don't think she'd like us to be snooping about her. I think you should just go and tell her and then she will tell you her secrets.

I nod my head thinking that was a good reason. I was just getting antsy due to the mating bond we should be closer but I don't want to push her. I dismiss Harry and text Charlie saying hey there. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something important. I could meet you whenever.

I wait anxiously for a response. After a couple minutes I get a reply. It says "sure how bout dinner tomorrow after work. I get off early at five.I actually wanted your opinion on something."

I respond with a "I'll pick you up at 6 from your apartment. "

I'm so happy she said yes.

I go to sleep happy that night

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