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"Lock the doors." 

"Boss, you're a little too late for that." I laughed in a low tone while dangling the store keys in the air. "That's already done." 

"I love how I don't have to tell you to do things." She smiled. "Thanks, Adri." 

"No problem." 

While heading into the back, I yawned loudly to express how tired I was. Cleaning this restaurant was the last thing I wanted to do. Currently, my to-do list was to go home, eat, shower, and sleep. Since it was Sunday night, we closed at 10pm, so I wouldn't be getting out of here until 11. Just thinking about not going to bed until midnight frustrated me. 

And it was even worse since I didn't drive today. So I would have to wait until my best friend was ready to leave. 

"Girl, let's get this damn place cleaned up so we can leave. I'm not tryin' to be in here no longer than I need to." She sighed. 

"I agree." 

Since my best friend, Aaliyah, and I worked at the same place - Red Lobster  - we had a agreement for us to take turns and carpool to work on days we didn't have class or I didn't have to do the radio show at our school, University of Southern California. We were on break, so carpooling happened often for us. 

But since tomorrow was the first day of classes, it would die down. 

To say I was excited to start my last year in college was an understatement. It's been four long years, but they were some of the best years I've experienced. I've met some good friends along the way - one being my best friend Aaliyah. 

We were done closing faster than we knew it.  After cleaning the dining room area of the restaurant, Aaliyah and I went into the back to get our things. 

"Oh my God." She whispered, rolling her eyes. 


"That damn Blake. Keeps blowing my phone up." She scoffed. "Like it was cute when we first took our break, but now his ass is annoying." 

"Girl, call him." I laughed. 

"No, that would defeat the purpose of the break, Adriana!" She groaned. "I want him to think I'm occupying my time doing something other than sitting around thinking about him." 

"Mmm." I nodded. "Gotcha'." I joked. "How long as this break been going on? Like a week..." 

"No." She paused. "It's been...a week, and three days." 

"Wow. Such a big difference." I said sarcastically, closing my assigned locker and placing my small jacket on. 

"Hush, Adri." She said, trying her hardest not to laugh. "Hey, when you get a boyfriend, you will see exactly what I'm talking about." 

"Girl don't even worry. You know me, I'm not trying to get a boyfriend any time soon. That's all you." 

I will admit. Coming into college, I had that "fantasy" that I would meet a guy my first year, and we would date, and by this time we would be in a great relationship preparing for the end of school and our life together - but that hasn't happened. Not even close

Coming to school, I learned that guys were the same as they were in high school, if not worse. All they wanted was to have sex. Sleep with as many girls as possible. And being pursued, guy after guy for the same thing, I gave up on that "fantasy" and just stayed to myself. Being in my last year, you would've thought I would have met a guy that was different - hell no

Staying to myself has bought more good things in my life, though. For one, I'm really known around campus for my popular radio show for the school, along with two friends of mine. We started the show freshman year, doing it one day a week with only 20 listeners. Now, we do the show three days a week with more than half of the school tuning in. 

As far as my life goes, I don't want or need a boyfriend. I'm doing just fine by myself. 

"Adri, you always say that. Then you be the main one hollering goals! whenever me and Blake were around." 

"What?" I laughed. "I only did that a couple of times, and I was just joking. You know I don't mean it." 

"Mhm." She hummed, not believing it. "Whatever you say." She said sarcastically as she closed and locked her locker. 

"Don't try me." I pointed at her as we walked out of the break room and headed out. 

"C'mon so I can get you home." 


A/N: How was it, guys? I know you may have sensed some of the changes I threw in, but it's only to make the story a little better. For one, I changed the female main character's name - it's now "Adriana" (ah-dree-ana) instead of "Megan". I've made the female be interested in Broadcast Journalism instead of dancing, changed the location of the school, and I'm also using a different name for August. "August" will still be in his name, just not his first. It's something I've been wanting to do to make it different from your typical August fanfiction. 

I hope you guys understand the changes and aren't upset with me. This will still be a book about August in college. I'm still keeping that in the plot, I think that's why you guys liked it so much. 

But I want to spice the book up, and also get a little "personal", meaning use some of my life experiences. I've never really done that, I'll be honest - I was a little scared to. Now I figured it's time to let you guys in on some more things about me, if you don't mind. As we go on, I'll give you guys a better understanding. 

Tell me how you guys feel. If you like it, I'll post the first chapter soon. Thanks! 

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