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Chapter 23


You can taste the dishonesty

It's all over your breath, as you pass it off so cavalier

But even that's a test

Constantly aware of it all

My lonely ear

Pressed against the walls of your world

I slowly rocked my head from side-to-side, typing words onto my Word document as Pray You Catch Me by Beyoncé played softly. I was currently in my office at the radio station. Our show for the day was over, but I was currently brainstorming for next week's shows.

Plus, I was waiting on someone to come meet me here.

I looked up as a co-worker of mine knocked on my office door. "Hey, there's a Kennedy here to see you."

"You can send her in." I nodded.

Not even a minute later, Kennedy appeared in my office doorway. "Hi, Adriana."

"Hi." I said, forcing a smile. "C'mon in, have a seat." I told her. She did as I said, setting her purse in the seat next to her. I turned in my chair, pausing my music before turning my attention to her. "I'm glad you could make it."

"It's no problem." She grinned. "So, what can I help you with?"

"Well," I started. "I just wanted us to sit down and have a conversation, as two grown women, and put whatever problem there is between us out in the open so we could fix it." I explained. "Let's face it - we are here for one purpose, and one purpose only. And that is to celebrate our friend getting married. The last thing she needs is to have two of her closest friends butting heads every time we're around each other."

She nodded. "You're right."

"So...why do you have a problem with me?" I asked. "Is it something I did to you, or..."

"No." She shook her head. "Honestly, Adriana, and I know this may sound childish, but I am jealous of the relationship you have with Aaliyah." She admitted. "This is so hard for me to admit. You two remind me of how we were when we were kids. Always together. Always having fun. I miss that about us. And now that she's moved out here, we don't spend as much time together as we used to, and as much as I want us to be able to do that, I know that's not possible."

I nodded. "I get it."

"But, I want to apologize to you for how I've been acting. That was childish and stupid of me, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." I grinned. "And my intentions are good, I would never want to come in between a friendship, especially one like you two have."

"I sensed that." She nodded. "But this is all my fault, you have no reason to feel sorry." She said. "I promise, you won't see this side of me again."

"Thanks." I smiled.

Surprisingly Kennedy stayed a little longer. We took that time to get to know one another , and before I knew it, we were laughing and joking on our way out the door.

Once outside, we ended our conversation on a good note before leaving each other. She said she had to head back to work, and I was on my way to meet Aaliyah. We were meeting at the venue to meet with the vendors, the photographer, and the DJ. Her father was also meeting us there, so he could make the final payment for everything, since Aaliyah made it his job to pay for everything - well, more like he wanted to. 

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