Chapter 6- Discoveries

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Kai: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KYUNGSOO!!" We all shouted when he was still sleeping. He opened one eye and went to sleep again. I threw a pillow at him and he woke up glaring at me. "Say... Sorry." I blinked and apologized. He got up and went downstairs. Breakfast was already served to him since Lay hyung did the honors. "How sweet... You are all good boys." He exaggerated. We glared at him as he sat down. "What? Sit down or bow to the king today." "Yeah ok, you funny." Chen said and quickly sat down. We followed and started eating. As I ate, I saw Chen playing with his food... He's been getting more skinny... I asked yesterday but he said that he was on a diet. When he looked up and saw me, he grinned and started to eat. What a weird guy...

Recording was going well, Exo 2014 was a really good but emotional song. I was crying at the end. Chen, Chanyeol and Lay made the song perfectly. There was many other songs we needed to record for our upcoming album. We need to practice dancing and shoot a music video... So much work, but we still got a few months, good pace. When we finished, I caught Chen hyung coughing and running out the room. D.O hyung eyed me and mouthed, 'Don't tell anyone, I'm gonna watch and follow him to see what he's hiding.' I nodded and mouthed him to go quickly. Jongdae hyung seems normal, but his face is always pale, he's losing a lot of weight, he's always tired quick and running to the bathroom. That's not normal. Luhan called and said he was fine with a long term flu that will go away soon... But still... I'm worried.

D.O: I hided in a corner and watched. He was puking and coughing a lot... But... He wasn't puking normally. He was puking blood... I watched him wipe the blood and come out of the bathroom. I hid until he walked past me, I followed him to his room. He left the door open with a creak so I was able to look in. Jongdae... He was taking pills. I watched him pop some pills into his mouth and drank some water. He laid on the bed for a good five minutes that I almost was tempted to go over and see if he was dead. He sat up and looked at the time, "Shoot... I'm about to be late!" He got up and to dress and took his coat and keys while I got away from the door. "Guys, I need to stay at my parents' house for the next few days, I'll come back on Kai's birthday." Suho and the others looked at him and nodded slowly. Chen took a piece of cake and left. "Follow him." Suho said. I nodded and headed out.

I watched him go to the front desk at the hospital and talk to a lady. After talking for a few minutes, he nodded with a grin and left to the elevator. After he was gone, I went to the front desk and asked, "excuse me, that young man before... Do you know where he is going?" The lady looked up, "Do you know him, Mr.?" "He's my best friend, Kim Jongdae." The lady had shook her head, "He's doing a radiation therapy to remove a tumor in his throat." "Radiation therapy??!" I said with shock. "I'm afraid he never told you... He only has a few more months to live... This therapy is only for his laryngeal cancer... He won't be able to live longer even if this therapy is successful..." "Why? Is there anything else?" I asked. "He has Stage III lung cancer... Possibly IV now since his condition is getting worse..." She sighed. My eyes widened with shock. I ran back to the dorm and rushed to his room. I grabbed his medicine and and searched up on google what they were. Carboplatin, Docetaxel, Gemcitabine, Nab-paclitaxel, Paclitaxel Pemetrexed, Vinorelbine... All chemotherapy drugs... Just a regular cold, trying to lose weight, I'm not sick, I'm as active as a troll... All lies, LIES. Luhan hyung must've lied too.. Chen doesn't keep secrets to hyung often. Why... Didn't he tell us...

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