Chapter 11: The last hour

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Kai: "I'm afraid that you all have to go see him for the last time..." The doctor said with a sigh. "Doctor... You can't do anything to help him?" Kris hyung asked. The doctor shook his head, "I did all I could do... He can only live for another hour or so." The rest of us lost their words. I was the first person to go inside slowly and look at him. He was laying there, almost lifeless. I found tears in my eyes as I walked closer to him. "Hyung... " I managed to choke out. "I'm... So..r.r..y..." He forced out the words. "Don't say sorry Chen, we understand why you kept it from us." Lay said at the door. Everyone gathered around him and tried to hold back tears. "S...uh..o... X..iu...min.." He wheezed. "Don't worry, hyung. They are coming." I ensured him. Kris hyung left the room without saying a word.

Kris: I dialed Xiumin, but no answer. I tried Suho also, still no answer. I looked in frustration, where in Seoul are they? I ran to the dorm and looked inside, no one was there. I tried the park, no one either. I finally looked around and found them. Xiumin was crying softly and Suho was comforting him. "Xiumin... Suho... Chen wants to see you." I said. "How is he?" Suho asked. I shook my head and looked down. "How didn't I noticed earlier? He was clearly in pain, sick... I kept thinking he was okay." Xiumin cried. "Xiumin... We can't think about this right now... He needs to see you two before he leaves peacefully. He wants us all here as one." I said. "I can't bear to see him... I will break down in front of him." Suho took his hand, "Be strong, Xiumin... We need to be around each other's side... If Chen wants to see us, we should go. That's his wish, we should fulfill it." I watched Xiumin looked at the sky and took a deep breath, "You guys are right... Let's go..."

Chanyeol: Tick tick... The clock kept moving, but Chen's time was up... He looked very tired but refused to give up his life. Even his parents were here, they looked like they've lost their way of living in this world. I couldn't help but cried, he was one of my buddies... A beagle line member. Baekhyun was on his phone when he started to look angry. I went to take a look and found out why. Social media... There were still a lot of debate over Chen lip syncing. "I can't believe it... They would say all of these things... While Chen tried to give his best performance that day but couldn't because he was sick." I grabbed his phone and posted big long words, 'Listen, you dirty, nasty people. Chen is on the urge of dying and all of you are just writing stuff like get out of Exo, die, or disgrace. Well congrats! You're wish came true because he's about to leave and never come back! Get some human sense, will you all?!' I posted the message angrily with Baekhyun looking at me. "Chanyeol... I don't think you should've did that..." I made him pause, "Did it or not is not important right now... We need Xiumin and Suho back to fulfill Chen's wish. Which is for us to be one again."

Kris... Lay... Xiumin... Tao... Luhan... Suho... Baekhyun... Chanyeol... Kai.... D.O... Sehun... It was nice meeting everyone. I must leave now, death has already grasped most of my body. I could hear everyone still, "Where is Xiumin hyung and Suho?! Chen can't wait any longer!" "Kris hyung texted that they are on the elevator right now!" Tears fell from my eyes as I waited for the last of my light to fade away. The pain was slowly subsiding... Everything went silent... I heard nothing, felt nothing. Then... I heard a voice... Xiumin's voice, 'Chen... Chen!' I forced my eyes to open one last time. There they were... All of Exo. I smiled for one last time as I saw them all, spreading out their wings like an angel. I had tears in my eyes as I felt warm and peaceful for the first time. I followed the warmth and sunlight... But not before I sang one last song, angel. That was my last sound to this world. Farewell... I hope I can bring smiles to everyone again in the future... I fid Exo good luck, my fans to be happy, my family to move on happy because my light is forever still in this world. I will forever be silenced. I will be an angel with the wings of light.


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