Chapter 1

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AN:This story is an AU and Cas is 18 (senior here in America) and Dean is 19. If the pictures won't load they're of Brock Kelley and Logan Lerman

 If the pictures won't load they're of Brock Kelley and Logan Lerman

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I walked down the street towards school. I hate it there. I mean I'm a nerd and all but I absolutely hate it. I get bullied and my only friend, Charlie, is barely in any of my classes. I sighed as the giant building came into view and the sounds of the students could be heard.

The girls were drooling over pictures of the oh-so-famous Dean Winchester, while the guys were saying how they're going to be just like him. I could only care less...well maybe that's a lie. I sorta maybe have a tiny crush on Dean but c'mon! First of all: he's a celebrity and second of all: I would be the last person he would "fall for".

I walked through the doors and felt someone shove me. I just ignored it and continued to walk but then the person shoved me even harder causing me to fall and all my books and papers scatter everywhere. I heard laughs and snickers but rolled my eyes and picked my stuff up. Charlie ran over and helped me. This is so cliché. I mean c'mon what's next?! Dean Winchester's gonna walk through that door and swoop me off my feet? Ya right. (And just so you know, that didn't happen)

I managed to get through my day without anymore trouble from my usual bullies, Crowley and Alastair. As I walked home with Charlie chattering away about some new nerd show, Shannara Chronicles I think, I thought about how my life might be better if I hadn't been such a nerd. But nothing ever goes my way so I'm stuck like this. We reached my house and I sighed in relief when I saw that only Gabriella-I mean Gabriel- was the only one home. You see I had a lot of half brothers and sisters so my family was pretty big. My mom, Becky, liked to be loved and when she thought that the man she was with didn't love her anymore she left him. This usually happened after she had the guy's kid. My brothers and sisters names were, from youngest to oldest, Gabriel, Me, Hannah, Anna, Ezekiel, Zachariah, Lucifer (Nick), and Michael. It's hard to remember them all when you first meet them but once you to know them they're pretty swell.

We walked in the house and I felt something cold and wet fall on top of me. Gabriel. That little bitch. "GABRIEL!" I heard him snicker and then the little bastard steps out from behind the doorway leading to the living room. I could hear Charlie giggling like a fool but I'll deal with her later. "What the hell, Gabe?!" A look of guilt crossed his face.

"Sorry Cassie. It was just for fun." I rolled my eyes and he stared at his feet. I sighed and softened a bit. I could tell he was genuinely upset about this.

"It's ok Gabe. Just please no water next time, okay?" He nodded rapidly and I smiled.

"Ookay. Well I'm gonna leave seeing as my girlfriend desperately needs me," Charlie said looking up from her phone. 

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