Chapter 2

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I shook my head and tried to calm myself. This can't be happening. My life is ruined. Everyone's gonna hate me even more now! Maybe I'll lie to Dean. Ya that's it. I'll lie and tell him I have a boyfriend-wait. He'll find out I'm lying. I just know it. Maybe I'll wait it out? No. That won't work. I'll just ignore it! That's a good idea! I nodded to myself and smiled at my brilliant "plan". I laid down on my bed and turned the tv back on.

Suddenly, there was someone knocking rapidly on my door. I raised an eyebrow and slowly got off my bed. I walked hesitantly towards the door and flung it open. Gabriel stood there red faced and smiling like a fool. "Omg, Cassie! Dean Winchester is interested in you!" I groaned and turned around, walking to my bed and flopping down on it. Gabriel looked confused."Cas, why aren't you happy about it? I thought you loved him!" I just buried my face deeper into the pillow. So much for ignoring it. Gabe just walked over and patted me on the back before heading out. Good. I'm glad he understands I need some time.
I managed to get my homework done. Yes even with the constant buzzing of my phone from random kids from school texting me. Like how the fuck did they get my number!? They're obviously threatening me or wanting to be my "friend". Why don't I just go out with Dean, you ask? Because I don't like being in the spotlight. I hated it. Whenever you were in the spotlight, you had to be perfect. You couldn't screw up. I hated that. My phone buzzed again and I decided to check it this time. It was my mother.

Gonna be gone for the rest of the night! With Daniel! -Mom

I rolled my eyes and dropped my phone back onto the bed. She was never home. She'll probably be gone for the rest of the week! I sighed when I realized it was only Monday. Fan-fucking-tastic. Maybe I'll fake sick!

I heard the doorbell ring and thinking it was Charlie, I walked down stairs and opened, not even caring that I was in just sweatpants and a raggedy old t shirt. My eyes widened as I realized this was definitely not Charlie. It was Dean Winchester. Fuck.

"Umm...hi?" He chuckled and gazed down at me.

"Hello cutie." I gulped and I could feel my cheeks getting red. He raised an eyebrow,"May I come in?" I nodded quickly and he chuckled again. My cheeks probably got even redder and I quickly shut the door. I walked in front of him and led him to the living room. Gabe was no where in sight. Must be in his room. I motioned for him to sit before I sat down a little ways away from him on the couch. He smirked,"Don't be scared honey. I don't bite...hard." I rolled my eyes. Great. You know Dean seemed like a really sweet and caring person but if he's gonna act like a whore I'm done.

"You must use that on a lot of girls. And by the way it's Castiel."

He raised his eyebrows,"What do ya mean?" I just scoffed before standing up and standing in front of him. He eyed me up and down and licked his lips.

"You know you seemed like a really sweet person. If you're just gonna act like a whore and try and 'get with me' then you should leave because that's not gonna happen."

Dean looked shocked and guilty. Good. "Sorry... But Castiel you should know, that when I first saw you...I felt something and I really really want you to give me a chance. So Castiel will you go on a date with me?" I pondered it for a second. If I went on a date with Dean everyone would know who I was and like I said: I don't like attention. But if I did date Dean then my dreams would come true. Oh fuck it, I'll get used to all the attention.

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you." I swear Dean's face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. He jumped up and before we could have one of those cliché kiss moments I stopped him by putting a hand on his mouth. He pulled back with a confused look and wide eyes. I smirked,"Dean. I don't kiss on or before the first date."

He rolled his eyes and whined,"So I have to wait to kiss your luscious pink lips?" I giggled and pushed Dean back a bit. He heaved a dramatic sigh,"Fine!"

"Sooo...when do you want to have our date?" He seemed thoughtful for a moment.

"How about tomorrow at 7?" I nodded my head.

"Sounds good!" Dean smiled and before I could stop him he pecked me on the nose. I giggled but stopped and my eyes widened when I realized there was still the publicity and all that. "Dean what about all your fans and everything?" Dean raised an eyebrow and his face softened. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close and started swaying us back and forth. He kissed the top of my head and I snuggled into his chest.

"Don't worry Cas I'll have my team talk to your parents and have that article taken down. Also, I'll have them talk to your parents about being home schooled until you're comfortable and ready for the 'spotlight'." He pulled back to look at me,"And Cas whenever you go out with me or just in general you might wanna wear a hoodie."

I looked at him puzzled,"What about our date?"

He smiled down at me,"Don't worry Cassie. Our date's gonna be nice and private." I raised an eyebrow and he chuckled. "Don't worry Cassie nothing like that will happen."

I smiled,"Good because I'll make sure nothing will. I'm not ready yet."

Dean rubbed his nose against mine,"I respect that baby."

I pulled away. "Wait a second we're not together...soooo...and I know nothing about you..." Dean raised an eyebrow.

He got down on one knee and I raised an eyebrow."Castiel..."

I rolled my eyes,"Novak."

He smiled and continued,"Castiel Novak I know we barely know anything about each other but will you do me the honors of becoming my boyfriend?"

I smiled and rapidly nodded,"Yes!" Dean got up and hugged me, being respectful of my no kissing until after the first date rule.

"You just made me the happiest person on the planet Castiel Novak."

I smiled,"And you just made me the happiest guy as well Dean Winchester."

Wow I was actually dating a movie star and the man of my dreams and the guy that I am actually starting to care for.

Wow. This is really starting to turn out like a really cliché fanfic. But hey I'm happy and nothing can change that.

This is not the end(obviously)! But I have many ideas and maybe mpreg😏. So anyways sorry if there's errors I was watching Unfriended and btw it was amazing. Comment if you've seen it! Anyways...ya that's all. Bye hope you enjoyed!

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