Chapter 6

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Dean stared at me in shock and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I guess it was a bit too soon in our relationship to be having a baby (like way too early). I turned away from Dean and stared at my shoes.

"Sorry Dean. I guess you'll want to leave."

"Oh no no no baby I was just surprised is all." He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I turned around in his arms and smiled at him.

"So you're ok with having this baby?" He nodded and pecked me on the nose.

"Yes. Yes I am."

I thought about the media and started to panic and also about how Dean would have to leave soon.

"D-Dean? Wh-what about th-the media? And you-you're gonna ha-have to le-leave eventually."

Dean just shook his head,"Don't worry darling. I'm gonna be moving here so I can be closer to you and our baby, ok?"

I nodded and smiled in relief. There was still the issue of the media but I guess we could discuss this later.

Dean and me sat down on the couch and he raised an eyebrow.

"Ok I have a few questions."

I nodded and signaled for him to go on.

"Ok. Well how far along are you and what made you have sex with me when you didn't even remember me and it was like we just met?"

I blushed,"Well I'm a couple weeks and I just trust you, ya know? I felt like I could trust you to be gentle with me."

Dean smiled and kissed me. My stomach growled and I giggled and blushed.

"I guess the peanuts hungry. Ooo Dean can you get me a slice of cake with pickles and strawberries on it?"

Dean made a face but nodded his head and kissed me on the forehead before going into the kitchen to get me my weird request. When he returned I clapped my hands like a little kid getting birthday presents and immediately dug in. Dean made a disgusted face.

"How the hell can you eat that?!"

I stopped eating and shrugged. "I don't know I guess it's a craving."

He just nodded slowly and leaned back on the couch, turning the tv on.

When I had finished eating I lifted my shirt up and looked down at my stomach. So far there was only a little bit of pudge considering I was only about 3 weeks along. Basically I was a month along. Dean appeared in front of me and smiled. I sat up as he kneeled down so he was face to face with my stomach.


Dean put his hands on my hips and leaned closer so his mouth was almost touching my stomach.

"Hello little baby. You may not be able to hear me yet, but I'm your papa. I love you very much and so does your mama."

I lightly swatted Dean on the back of his head and he smirked before continuing.

"Mama-" swat "-I mean dada is doing such a good job keeping you healthy, safe, and warm. I can't wait to meet you peanut. I love you." Dean moved up so he was face to face with me.

"And I love you as well, my darling." I blushed at the pet names and closed my eyes as Dean kissed me. It was full of love and nothing else. I absolutely loved it.

When we broke apart I pecked Dean on the lips and smiled.

"I love you too."

Dean smiled before picking me up bridal style. I yelped in surprise and clung tightly to his neck. He was smiling and I frowned.

"Dammit Winchester. You almost gave me a heart attack."

Dean lightly placed me on the bed and went down to where my feet were.

"Oh but Mr.Novak, you absolutely love it when I do that." I sighed. You can't argue there.

Dean took off my shoes and socks and started rubbing my feet. I giggled and wiggled my toes. Hey! It's not my fault my feet are ticklish.

Dean smiled and continued rubbing my slightly swollen feet. I sighed and closed my eyes and just relaxed. I've been a bit stressed due to the media and all and this was just what I needed.

When Dean stopped rubbing my feet I whined and opened one eye. He rolled his eyes and walked over to his side of the bed and climbed under the covers. I did as well and I cuddled closer to Dean. I turned on my side so I was facing away from Dean. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I sighed as he put his hand on my stomach and traced little patterns on it.


I woke up and immediately felt a wave of sickness come upon me. I hopped out of bed and practically ran to the bathroom. I knelt down in front of the toilet and started puking my guts up.

Dean came in the bathroom, his hair a mess and he was rubbing his tired eyes. He walked over to me, who was still puking their guts out, and knelt beside me, rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

I sighed when I finished and Dean helped me stand up on shaky legs. I walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth as Dean flushed the toilet.

When I finished, he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me back to the bedroom. I looked at the digital clock and groaned when I saw it was only 6 am. I climbed in bed and Dean did as well before bringing me closer and gently rubbing my stomach.

I sighed in content and quickly fell back asleep.


When I woke up sunlight was streaming into the room. I looked at the clock 9am. I just laid there and listened to deans light snores.

I felt my stomach growl and I got up, trying not to wake Dean up.

I crept into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, some fish fingers, and custard.

When I had the bowl of custard and the fish fingers heated up, I dipped a fish finger into the custard and ate it.

It tasted like fucking heaven let me tell you that.

Dean walked into the kitchen and stopped in his tracks when he saw what I was eating. I suddenly felt a wave of anger at his staring. Uh oh mood swings

"What the hell are staring at?! If you have a problem with my food choices then leave Dean Winchester!" Dean looked shocked and I suddenly started crying,"Why won't you understand me?! I'm gonna look like a whale soon!" I sobbed and Dean quickly walked over and held me in his arms.

"No no baby. I'm sorry. Eat whatever you want ok?" I nodded and immediately brightened up. "Ok!"

Dean looked surprised but smiled.

"Ok baby. How about you enjoy your fish fingers and custard?" I smiled and sat down in my chair, digging in.

Dean kissed the top of my head and chuckled.

"I love you."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you too deanie!"

AN Hello lovely people! So for each month of Cas' pregnancy I'm gonna post a pic of what his stomach should look like. I didn't post one for this chapter bc his stomachs only a little bit of pudge honestly. I hope you enjoyed!


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