Chapter 3

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My mom texted me and said that I could stay home from school until this whole situation was managed and I was officially being homeschooled. Dean's management probably talked to her. She also said they were gonna try and find a good teacher and not some half ass one. Good. Hey! I still care about my education! Dean had stayed for about another hour or so and we had cuddled on the couch and watched a movie. Gabe had stayed upstairs probably to respect the fact that I had "important" company over. Dean was gonna have to meet him eventually so I wouldn't have cared if he had come down.

I was currently sitting on my bed texting Charlie about the whole situation and I was happy that she was genuinely happy for me. I looked up from my phone when gabe walked into the room."What Gabriel?" He rolled his eyes and sat down on my bed, making himself comfy. I raised an eyebrow,"Excuse me. What are you doing?" He just crossed his arms and smirked,

"Oh c'mon Cassie. I know who was over. Now tell me all the deets." I just rolled my eyes and tried my hardest not to smile. I failed miserably.

"Well I'm now Dean Winchester's boyfriend..." Gabe smiled and his eyes widened.

"That's great Cassie! Wait a second what about the publicity I know you hate that."

I nodded,"True but I'm gone wear a hoodie every time I go out and be homeschooled until I'm ready and comfortable with all the attention." Gabe patted me on the back.

"Ok Cassie. Oh and if he ever hurts you let me and our bros and sisters know if he ever hurts you and your fragile heart," he teased, but sounded serious as well. I scowled and he ruffled my hair. "Night Cassie! Have fun wanking to pictures of your boyfriend!" Gabe singsonged and he quickly ran out of the room before I could catch him.

"Fucker,"I muttered under my breath.


I woke up at 9 o'clock and I panicked but quickly calmed down when I realized I didn't have to go to school. I got out of bed staying in my pajamas and wandered around the house. Mom must've told gabe and he must've gone silently. Wow, I'm impressed. He usually sounds like an elephant leaving the house. I felt my phone vibrate and I smiled as I read the message. It was from Dean by the way(obviously).

Hey babe! I miss you already! :( -De

I rolled my eyes. Dean was such a sap.

I miss you too you sap. You'll get to see me tonight tho ;) -Cas

Can I come over now????? I can't wait until tonight! -De

Rolled my eyes and texted back a 'fine'. Dean was at our front door in 10 minutes flat. Damn. "Hey Cassie." He stepped inside and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the living room.

"Hey De." We sat on the couch and I turned on the tv, snuggling into Dean afterwards.

"So Cas...tell me about yourself."

I raised an eyebrow and looked up at him,"We're supposed to save the info for tonight Dean."

He just scoffed,"Forget the date I already have you I don't need to woo you or anything." I raised an eyebrow and leaned back to look at him straight in the eyes.

"Oh so now that you have me you don't have to do anything. Is that it?! I'm some prize?!" Deans eyes widened as he realized what he said.

"Oh no Cassie I didn't mean it like that! I just-I'm so happy I have you and I don't have to impress you or anything-wait I mean I still obviously have to impress you but-" I cut Dean off with a kiss. His eyes widened before he closed his eyes and kissed me back. He pushed my back until he was hovering over me, our lips still attached. When he pulled back his lips were red and slightly swollen and I can probably take a good guess that I look like that as well.

"Cas?! What happened to your 'rule'?" I shrugged my hands gripping his tshirt and looked up at him.

"I don't know you were rambling and I just didn't want to hear you ramble like a fool." He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Oh so I'm a fool now?"

I giggled,"No you're my fool." He chuckled and leaned down and rubbed our noses together before kissing me again. We sat up and I snuggled into deans side.

"So Cas you still want to go on our date tonight? Or do you want to wait for some other time and just get to know each other here?" I thought about it for a moment.

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you I could care less." Dean smiled and he actually blushed.

"Aww Cassie. You're to sweet." I just smiled and noses into his side, closing my eyes. I was quite content.

I put on a movie and me and Dean sat there watching the movie until my phone buzzed. It was that twat, Gabriel.

Hey Cassie. I'm gonna be home soon so if you and your boyfriend have your pants off I suggest you put them back on ;) -Gabe

I blushed and scowled. "Stupid Gabe", I muttered under my breath.

Dean turned to look at me,"What-" but before he could finish his sentence Gabriel burst through the door with Charlie close behind.

"HEY BITCHES!!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. These fools were embarrassing.

"Hey Gabe. Charlie." Gabe smirked when he saw Dean.

"And who might this be Cassie?" Charlie smiled and put her hands on her hips. I groaned and stood up.

"Guys this is Dean. Dean the orange bitch-nerd is Charlie and the mega twat is my brother, Gabriel."

Dean smiled,"Nice to meet you."

Charlie stepped forward, suspicious. "What are your intentions with my little angel. You better not be using him or anything or I swear I'll break your dick." Deans eyes widened and his cheeks got red. I giggled.

"Umm...don't worry. I care about Castiel very much."

Charlie nodded suspiciously,"Good. But if you break his heart, me, Gabe, and his other brothers and sisters will kick your ass and trust me: you don't want to deal with the older Novak siblings.

Dean nodded. "Understood ma'am." Charlie nodded and turned to me.

"I like him. He called me ma'am." I rolled my eyes.

"You two are idiots." Gabe stepped forward and ruffled my hair. He was taller than me and so was Charlie for fucks sakes.

"We're your idiots though Cassie." I rolled my eyes.

"Ya whatever now go away." They held their hands up in mock surrender.

"Ok ok. Use protection though!" And just like that they were both out the front door. I rolled my eyes again and sat down on the couch. Dean sat down next to me and pulled me into his side.


I scoffed,"Ya nice. Perfect word to describe those two lunatics."

Dean laughed. "Ok Castiel whatever you say." And then he kissed me again and again and again.

I'm officially falling in love with Dean Winchester.

I don't know why that pictures there...I'm just in the doctor who mood. Anyways hope you enjoyed and there's more to come!


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