Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of a harsh pounding on the door. I rolled over and poked Dean in the shoulder who cracked his eyes open a bit before sighing and getting up to investigate. I managed to hop out of bed and scurry after him, rubbing my eyes as we walked to the door.

When Dean threw the door open I gulped as Sam stood there in the doorway, an angry look covering his features.

Sam shoved past Dean, who let out a 'hey!' and stormed up to me, backing me up against the wall with a finger pointed in my face like I was about to get scolded.

"I don't appreciate you, some...freak, interfering with me and my brother! You are!"

I whimpered and cowered as Dean shoved Sam onto the floor, standing over him menacingly.

"In case you haven't noticed Sam, this is the 21st century and males getting pregnant is as common as women getting pregnant! Stick with the damn program! Alright, little brother?!"

Sam scowled and and stood up shouldering Dean out of the way. Before he could walk out the door he turned to me and pointed a finger at me again.

"This isn't over," he snarled before storming out and slamming the door shut.

As soon as Sam had left, Dean ran over to me and pulled me into his arms, holding me close and swaying back and forth, murmuring comforting words.

"It's ok baby. You and peanut will be fine. Sam won't do anything."

I simply stayed in dean's arms, staring off into space and occasionally shivering and letting out a whimper.

Dean pulled back from me and looked me in the eye or at least tried to.

"Cas, baby, look at me please,"Dean pleaded. I managed to look at him, but I could tell from the way that Dean let out a sob and gasp that my eyes probably looked empty.

Dean pulled me closer to him again and rocked us back and forth. "Cas baby please. Come back to me."

I managed to look at Dean and smile weakly. "Dean I'm perfectly fine. I just need a few minutes."

Dean looked down at me and smiled in relief. He pecked me on top of the head and and got down on his knees in front of me, lifting up my shirt.

He kissed my stomach and I giggled as he continued to leave light kisses all around. I squirmed away from him and ran into the bedroom, going to hide in the closet. I left the door open a crack so I could see and make it look casual.

Dean walked in and looked around, smirking.

"Cas, baby, where are youuuu?" I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a giggle and wrapped my other arm protectively around my stomach.

Dean went over to the bed, kneeled down, and slowly looked under it. He frowned and stood up straight.

"Cas, honey?" Dean looked around and left the room scratching his head.

I could hear him calling out my name throughout the house and I giggled quietly.

"Cas,babe, I'm getting worried. C'mon honey let's watch a movie or something instead."

I snickered as Dean continued to call out my name. I was thinking of stopping when he sounded more worried but I just stayed where I was.

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