Chapter 12

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AN: Cas's stomach size up top or on the side where ever it may be. Ps he's four months pregnant.
I sat down on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. I looked around for the remote and finally found it wedged between the cushions.

I turned on my favorite show, Unnatural, and sat back, gulping down the ice cream.

It had been a month since I had moved in with Dean and I loved it. I was happy that Dean was closer and I didn't have to worry about him leaving me when he finished filming.

The downside was that I wasn't allowed to leave the apartment by myself. I always had to have a bodyguard or Dean with me. When I had asked Dean why he had always said that it was for me and peanut's safety. I mean, I understood that he was worried about us since no one could find San or Amara but it got a bit annoying.

I sighed and sat back, staring at the screen, but not paying full attention to what was happening.

I suddenly felt the urge to get involved in some drama in a way and turned on Keeping up with the Kardashians. AN: I do not watch this show. Sorry if there's inaccuracies.


I stared fuming at the tv, the episode was over and an add for Viagra was playing.

That episode was unbelievable!

I shook my head and got up, figuring I should do something productive. I walked into the kitchen and over to the sink, seeing some dirty dishes from last night's dinner and Dean's breakfast this morning. I grimaced a bit as I saw all the dirty food. I mean I wanted to do something and cleaning the dirty dishes was that something so I told myself to stop being a little pregnant bitch and clean the dishes.

I turned on the faucet and reached in, but I immediately drew my hand back when I smelt the disgusting food.

No fucking way. Dean can wash the dishes.

I turned off the sink, turned around, and bolted back into the living room. I glanced at the clock.
12:30 pm. I groaned. I wanted Dean and his cuddles (and maybe for him to do the dishes), but he wouldn't be home for about 4 hours though.

I slumped down onto the couch and looked around. I would go out but I was basically imprisoned in this large, boring apartment. I rubbed my slightly swollen stomach absentmindedly. Peanut was supposed to have an appointment but we were too busy to go.

I turned on the tv and put Unnatural back on. Might as well watch some good tv.


My eyes flew open when I hear the door open. I glanced at the clock before getting up. I happily ran to the door like an excited puppy, running into a hard, muscles chest.

I wrapped my arms around the person and nuzzled my face into their chest, inhaling deeply and sighing as I smelt their cinnamon-y smell.

"Dean!" I said happily. Dean chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

"Hey sweetheart! How're you and peanut? What'd you guys do today?"

I pulled back and stared at Dean. "Dean Winchester. If I have to go one more day doing absolutely nothing and waiting for you to get home like some dog, I will run away." I said in monotonous voice. Hey I could be the male version of Cassandra. Castiel: An Angel of the Lord.

Dean looked at me guiltily and I had to suppress a smirk. Good that bastard should feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know it's boring but I can't let you go out by yourself. I wish I could but it's for your safety if you don't."

I frowned at him, turning away and stomping into the guest bedroom. I could here him following me and I could sense his confusion.

"Cas, honey? Why are you going in here? The bedroom's the other way." I turned to him, still frowning. "I will be sleeping in here tonight. Let's see how you like it when you're all alone."

I saw Dean's eyes flash with amusement and it enraged me even more. "Cas, honey, you'll be by yourself too."

I smirked. "No I won't because I'll have peanut and Deanna and Samantha to keep me company."

Dean looked confused and scratched the back of his head. "Who're Deanna and Samantha?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "They're only two of my favorite characters on my favorite show!"

Dean just sighed and shook his head. "Honey, sleep in our bed tonight. I'm sorry and I'll try and figure it out so you're not left alone and you have something to do."

I shook my head, being a stubborn little shit. "No Dean. Now go away. I'm mad at you."

Dean walked over to the door and looked at me pleadingly one last time but I shook my head telling him for the last time 'no'.

He sighed sadly, looking at his shoes and walking out the door, shutting it softly behind him. I bit my lip and looked around. Now what do I do?

I looked at the tv and decided to give into the temptation.

That night I finished two seasons of Unnatural and I don't regret it.


When I woke up that morning it was surprisingly to the smell of pancakes being made. I rolled over and out of bed.

I rubbed my stomach as I walked into the living and I tilted my head to the side in confusion when I heard someone humming in the kitchen.

When I walked in, I almost fell over in shock when I saw Dean there in an apron cooking pancakes. He was supposed to be working!!! Dean looked at me and smiled, coming over and resting his hands on my slightly big stomach.

"D-Dean?! What're you doing here?! Don't you have work?!" Dean chuckled and pecked me on the forehead.

"Thought I'd spend the day with the two of my babies." He then proceeded to bend down and kiss the top of my stomach. I blushed and stared at him fondly as he did so.

"Dean," I said softly,"You didn't have to do that." I reached up and stroked him on the cheek, him smiling and leaning into the touch.

"I wanted to baby," he said, equally as soft. "C'mon Cas! Eat up and then we're going to the mall so I can spoil you!"

 "C'mon Cas! Eat up and then we're going to the mall so I can spoil you!"

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AN: Sorry this took so long. What happened in Orlando was awful and I'm just not feeling like myself right now. So hope you guys enjoyed I guess and The Boy with Blue eyes will be updated soon. I fully support the LGBT community since I am technically apart of it (I'm bisexual).


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