Kissing Death: Vampire Romance

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Annette Cross didn't like living home with her parents any more. Being twenty she figured it was time to move out and start her life. So what better to do that to move to a new town miles from home? A town that  has a secret. Women would go missing than reappear near death. Some died on their way to the hospital, some died in the middle of a blood transfusion. Not many survived, and those that did, left. Why didn't anyone do anything about this? Because everyone was afraid. Those who stayed, would  stay in at night and only left the safety of their homes when the sun was in the sky and in plain view. Even on cloudy days, the streets would be bare...

When little Annie encounters the reason for all the missing women and deaths she doesn't know what to think. But she'll learn its better get out while you can. Before he makes you his next meal. Or worst, his new entertainment.

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