Kissing Death: Chapter 02

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Hearing crickets, soft winds, and the steady flow of midnight traffic. That is what I was used to. Not alarming winds, and the screech of a crow. My sleep was broken. The constant worry that the man from earlier was going to break in and finish what he tried to start. But I would be ready. With my aluminum baseball bat, I’ll slug him before he gets with in arms reach.

Who did he think he was, and how did that old woman know I wasn’t hurt. Did she know him? Was he the neighborhood rapist? If so, why wasn’t he behind bars? She did say the police wouldn’t do anything, is that because they could never hold a case against him? Or were they terrified? I suddenly missed my mom. Being able to go to her about everything. But if I called her now and told her what happened. She would insist I’d come back home. Only living here for two days, no I couldn’t do that. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. I’ve just run into some bad luck. It’ll be better once the sun was up.

Restless, tossing and turning. Constantly thinking he will be there at my door waiting for me to open it. He’ll be there to intrude on me. Somewhere along my train of thoughts I must have fell asleep cause next thing I remember was my alarm.

Morning was even more beautiful than I remembered. Peeking through the curtain, I could see sunrise. The beautiful glow coming over the horizon. The wind was calm. But the clouds seem to shadow the sun. It could be a dark day of possible rain. Better get out in the sun while I can. I need food. And this would be a great time to check out the kitchen. Slipping on a jacket and my shoes, I made my way down the hall and the steps. Turning left and through the lounge. The kitchen was there and grand. Old but grand. Gas stove with an open flame, one of those old microwaves, maybe one of those first models from when they first came out. The fridge was ancient. But everything was stocked. The pantry and fridge, freezer and shelves. Meats, dairy, veggies, fruits, wheat’s. Everything. For my morning meal, a bowl of cereal. Cocoa crisp. MmmMm yum.

Sitting at the breakfast bar, a girl walked down, younger than me, maybe seventeen. Wearing booty shorts and a tank top. Was this the town’s slut? I mean every city has them, hell where I come from there was a few dozen of them. She turned and saw me, she was cute, maybe younger than seventeen?

“Oh hello!! You must be the new girl, all the boys here are talking ‘bout yah.” she grabbed an apple, “My names Moxie.” she bit into it, clearly not concerned with her wardrobe.

“Hi, I’m Annette, but call me Annie.” she smiled at me,

“So where do you come from?”

“The south, you?”

“Oh I was born and raised here in Lee.”

“So where are your parents, do they live here too?”

“Oh silly no, they died when I was twelve.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not a problem, we didn’t get along anyways. So I quit school and went straight to work.” was that work prostitution? As if reading my mind, she giggled,

“Yeah I’m a prostitute. But hey I make great money. You look good, ought to try it, you may like it.”

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now