Kissing Death: Chapter 11

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Ashland sat on the bed. A big long sigh leaving his lips. The devil likes me and that terrifies him? He patted the bed for me to sit next to him, so I did.

“What did he mean it involves me? The decision you have to make.” he wouldn’t look at me, “Ash? Tell me. He said I should know and I want to know.”

“No you don’t. and it doesn’t concern you, I already know what I am going to do.”

“And what is that.”

“Nothing. Drop it. Get some rest. I have things I need to tend to.” he walked to the door but stopped.

“Do not leave this room. Even if someone knocks and says their room service. Do not open this door. Remember where you are.” and like that he was gone. No hug nor kiss good bye. I feel loved, not.

Laying on the bed, I felt restless. I was curious and kind of excited. I was in hell! Hades! The under world! And the fact that this excited me, also worried me. Climbing under the blankets, the soft blankets, I got nice and comfortable. I could fall asleep, and I would have if there wasn’t a knock at the door. Someone actually knocked.

“Miss, I have a delivery for you from the lord.” The devil sent me a gift? I should ignore it like Ashland said. But what is it? Probably some kind of snake or something.

Getting out of bed I looked through the peep hole. A man who looked well alive and normal was standing outside the door. He held a bouquet of flowers. More than two dozens worth of flowers.

“how do I know this isn’t a trap to get me to open the door?”

the man rolled his eyes and just stood there. Eh looks safe enough to me! I opened the door and he handed me the flowers. Maybe three or four dozens of dark red roses. Very cliché, but beautiful. Looking back at the man who was not normal at all, gaping I saw half of his head was gone. Like someone shot him with a shot gun. His whole left side of his head was gone. I stepped back and I saw his right hand was missing a few fingers and a hole in his stomach too.

“Yes I must look horrible whatever, here this is with the flowers.” he gave me a letter and walked off. I poked my head out the door looking both ways and there was no one else, even the man disappeared. Closing the door and locking it, I sat the flowers on the bed. Which took up most the bed. And read the car.

Red roses may be common, but they are for a reason. Beautiful red roses symbolize love and romance, and each one of these roses symbolize each time I’ve though of you since our last encounter. There should be a vase on the dresser on your room. Sleep well Annette.

Awe how sweet. Creepy, but sweet. What would Ashland think if he saw the roses? Would he think I’m cheating on him? Am I cheating on him? No, I was given flower. Sure I accepted them but I didn’t do anything really wrong. Well, they are beautiful, and I do love roses. Ashland will just have to get over it.

After placing the roses in the very large vase, that wasn’t there before I answered the door, I crawled back into bed. Not really thinking nor dreaming, but I fell asleep quickly and it was a dreamless dream. I woke up briefly when Ashland walked in. I couldn’t see him, but he got in the shower. I drifted off again. Waking up as he got in the bed, and pulled me close to him. I left out a sigh as I could feel his cold embrace against the warmth of my skin.


Morning or night, not sure which, came and Ashland wasn’t in the bed when I woke. The bathroom was empty. Where was he constantly going off to? Getting out of bed there was another knock at the door. Looking through t peep hole again I saw a woman in a maids outfit. She was small and petite. I wonder what happened to her. Opening the door she walked in with a trey. There actually was foodservice.

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