Kissing Death: Chapter 07

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She was looking me over, obviously disapproving of my attire. Even though our styles nearly mirror each other, I am just a bit more public appropriate.

“Hey there cutie.” she said. Cutie?

“Um, hi. So are you the vampire who killed all those men and women?” she nodded playing with his hair. Like it was nothing. Just an average thing.

“Why?” she looked at me, smiling,

“Well, I was hungry.”

“Why there?” why my building.

“I was looking for my darling Ashland, and his scent was just all over the place.” she was looking at him, kissed his cheek, “Like he spends a lot of time there.” well he kind of does.

“So what am I suppose to do now? every time I call the cops they hang up on me!” she was giggling, “what?” I didn’t say anything funny.

“You’ll stay here as ember cleans up her little mess.” this time she was looking at him in a ‘are you serious’ look and I was laughing,

“Wow your funny. But seriously.” but his face was straight. He meant it.

“No, I’m not staying here. You planned this didn’t you? Its because I yelled at you isn’t it” ember looked at him with a raised eyebrow,

“She yelled at you?”

“Hell yeah I yelled at him, he’s a freaky stalker guy.” she as growling

“You stalk her?”

“YES! And did you eat me boss? He’s missing.” I forgot about him.

“Was he in that building?” I shook my head no,

“Well than no.”

“Ashland? Did you eat my boss?” he wasn’t looking at me, “did you kill him?” he still wasn’t looking at me, that told me enough. That jack ass killed my boss!

“You fucking jerk! No I’m going to stay at James house. Fuck you both!” I was walking to the door but he stood in my way, teeth baring,

“You are not staying with him.”

“Hell if I’m staying here.” he picked me up, but I was fighting him. Kicking my legs and arms. He was struggling wit me, ember hot on his heels rejecting the idea as much as I was.

We got down the hall, he opened the door with the stairs. Flipping me over his shoulder I was face to face with ember.

“Do something!” I yelled at her and she growled,

“I’m trying!” he was ignoring both our protest. He put me down on a sofa that was covered with a white sheet. “stay.” he said but of course I didn’t listen. I got up and bolted for the door. He was going after me but ember talked him saying something like let her go. But he was stronger than her, extremely stronger. He flung her off of him like she was a piece of rice.

He got me as I was half way down the stairs, knocking us both off our feet. We both landed at the bottom, tangled with each other. As I was saying owe he was laughing.

“Your laughing? You fucking freak!” my elbow, and knees, and chin and everything was hurting. He picked me up by my upper arm which was hurting.

“Stay upstairs. I am going to gather your things.”

“You cant, I haven’t invite you in. and I don’t plan to!” I said and he growled. He knew I was right. He thought for a second, there was no way he was getting in my apartment with out me. And as soon as I saw my apartment I was going inside getting my things and going to James house. Oh no, what if James went over and saw the mess?

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now