Kissing Death: Chapter 10

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Nothing coming to mind on what to do. I wasn’t tired but I didn’t have much energy as well. I was curious, and kind of worried my self. If Ashland was this worried, then I should be too. What was he so scared of. Ashland stood up and walked behind me, he was rubbing my neck and shoulders. A massage.


“Mmm, no not really.” this felt really good.

“I have an idea.”

“Hmm? And what’s that?” as he leaned down to my ear, “Well, the house is ours tonight.”

“Oh?” he didn’t say a word. “Oh, oh OH!” now I got it. He began kissing my neck,

“How about it.” which was more of a statement then a question. Nipping at my neck I felt my body go warm. I was getting that feeling of lust. Was this going to happen tonight?

“Um, well,” he kept kissing my neck and down. “You see,” shit, I need to think of an excuse. I don’t want to do this. “Um Ashland right now is not a good time for this.” he was looking at me smiling,

“For what?” brushing hair away from my face, “Affection?” he kissed my forehead, “Attention?” Kissing my cheek, “Desire?” kissing my lips “Love?” kissing my more passionately. And that was it. Oh yeah I was gone. Picking my up while kissing me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Being forceful and rough, he lead to the bed room. Kissing me. Holding me tightly. There was defiantly something wrong. No matter how miraculous this feels, no matter how comfortable I was feeling. Ashland was not. As if touching me was only to get his mind off something terrible. Something he refused to talk or think about. Breaking the kiss just as I was placed on the bed and my top off,

“Ashland wait.” but no, more kisses.

“Please listen.” force.

“Ashland Thatcher!” I slapped him. Bracing for an impact my self, he only smiled. Placing my hands above my head. He was kissing my neck, leaving a hicky for sure.

“Ashland stop it!!” I was yelling but he was ignoring me. His hips firmly pressed against my legs at the end of the bed he made it difficult to move them. But not too difficult.

“I’m not your fucking play toy!” and just like that with a swift movement, I kneed him in the groin. He was knelt over on the floor. I was panting, not realizing just how hyped up I was. Out of breathe and my heart nearly jumping out of my chest.

“I’m sorry, but you wouldn’t listen.” I went to touch him and he was looking at me, with tears.

“No you don’t listen. This just may be our last night. I may loose you tomorrow.” a single tear fell. “I may loose you, for good.” leaning down I swept away a falling tear. I was on my knees in front of him, cueing him, and wiping away tears.

“Why?” he was looking at me, “You wont tell me anything but expect so much.” he didn’t meet my eyes, he knew I was right. “Now top crying, grown men don’t cry.” kissing his forehead, “At least not when I woman is present.” he showed half a smile.

Standing, I kicked off my shoes, unzipped my jeans and slid them off. Standing in nothing but my underwear. Which is more that I’ve worn in front him than that skimpy lingerie he had me wear to play hide and seek. Climbing onto the bed, at the head of it sitting cross leg Indian style. “We going to do this?” I saw his head, just above the foot of the bed. His eyes wide. I wasn’t able to see his nose or mouth, but I could tell he was smiling. I was looking away, my face and ears burning.

Slowly but surely, he was climbing onto the bed. Taking his shirt off. As it fell on the floor my heart beat was speeding up. This was happening. He unzipped his pants, gracefully kicking them off and he was moving closer to me. My heart is about to explode. Moving between my legs and kissing me below my left ear, he whispered, “get some sleep.” and just like that, he rolled over and got under the blankets. Looking down at my self, examining my own body. Did I look weird? Are my legs fuzzy? I was sure that I shaved them. Maybe I smelled bad? Sniffing under my arms and hair, no I smell fine. What happened, a moment ago he was all into this. What had happened? Slipping under the blankets, I lay flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Thinking over and over, but no conclusion. I wasn’t tired. And I doubt he was. So what to do now?

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now