Kissing Death: Chapter 04

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“Got you.” he whispered, he was breathing heavy, his breath was cold to my skin. He put his hand on my waist, and the other on my thigh. I didn’t move, nota muscle as he ran his hand up m thigh. “want to play another game?” he said softly kissing my neck. Both hands on my hips.

“What game…?” I whispered back just as softly. He had me, and he wasn’t letting go. And right now, I didn’t want him to. Is this what he did with every girl? Play with them, toy with them. And them suck them dry?

“I think you know what game,” he ran his hands down between my thighs, I nearly moaned. But I didn’t want this. I don’t have sex with strangers. I don’t have sex with murders. Hell, I didn’t have sex with my boyfriend till w dated for three years.

I pushed off the door, into him, but than away. I turned around and saw him, he was already molesting me with his eyes. Those eyes, focused and serious. His muscles involuntarily flexing, his veins surfacing. He could take me right now, he was stronger, he knew hat. But he was enjoying this, he was enjoying the sight of me fighting back. Trying to bigger and bad-er than I really was.

“We aren’t going to play that game.” he took a step closer, and I took one step back.

“We’ll play what ever game I want to play.” he was focusing on me still, and judging by his pants, he had already had a few game plans going over in his mind.

“well I quit than, you’ll just have to play by your self.” he stepped closer leavening little space between us. I side stepped him and had my back to the bed.

“If you quit than I win.” he pushed me on to the bed, he pinned my arms up, “and you’re the winning prize.” he began kissing my neck. I was screaming, crying. He didn’t care, and there was no one around to hear me. “Stop please.” he slammed his hips between my legs, “I said don’t plead.” he growled at me. But all I could do is plead. Plead, cry, and scream. He was sucking my neck. Holding my arms above my head in one hand and unbuttoning my skimpy top with the other. I was trying to get my feet between us and kick him off. But no such luck.

My top undone and my breast exposed. He looked me over, lowering his head to my chest. My hands were free and he massaged my breast, sucking as the base of my throat. I was crying and beating his back. Trying to push him off. He didn’t budge. My strength was nothing compared to him. His teeth razed my skin, and it started to hurt. “Stop it.” I was screaming. He pulled his hair. It was a bitch move I know. He lift his head and slapped me. Slapped me hard. I stopped my crying, I was whimpering. He turned my head so I was looking at him, “do we like things rough? Huh?!” he yelled at me throwing my body further up the bed. I rolled over to run, but he pressed my body into the bed. He straddled my back, holding my legs apart with his.

“Lets play rough than!” he was laughing, he pulled my arms behind my back and sat on them. As i was trying to inch them away, intending to push him off he began moaning.

“That’s a good girl.” he was getting off, for real this time. And my hands weren’t in the right spot for me to be moving them. I started crying again and kept my hands still.

I felt him lower him self, and he kissed my shoulder,

“If your done playing than I think I’m going to eat now.” he whispered and I screamed. He was about to bite me. He pushed my head into the pillows, muffling my screams. I felt his two fangs sink into me, and his surrounding teeth as well. I started screaming louder, my throat was hurting, burning. I heard him sucking and slurping. This was going on for minuets. I started to get tired, but it didn’t stop me from screaming.

He stopped, lifted his head from m shoulder, I could hear he licking his lips. He turned me over, and I was on my back. Looking up at the monster who was sucking my life away. He started stroking my face, “shuuush, stop crying. You chose this.” he was cooing me, but no way would that help. My shoulder was hurting. “Sex makes this feel a lot better. It wont hurt. Well not where I bite you anyways.” he was laughing to him self. What the hell did that mean? I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but my throat was sore, and the screaming had tired me out.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now