Kissing Death: Chapter 01

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My car was humming, the wind still cool, humid and sticky. There would be rain tonight, thank goodness I was leave now, just as I was about to drive off,

"Annie! Annette Clarice!" Mother was yelling after me, always a last minute woman. "Yes mother?! I'm running late; you're going to make me hit traffic!!" She was carrying my old school bag,

"Don't forget this." she handed it to me

"Why?" I used this beat up book bag through middle school and high school, why the hell would I want it?

"Something to remember home." she kissed me on the cheek, "Please call me as soon as you get to your apartment." It's not like I'm going across the country, I'm just moving to the north, this southern life was not my style.

"Ok, I promise. As soon as I reach the apartment I will call you." leaning into my car she hugged me, nearly choking me, "I love you! Come home and visit often." was she going to pay for gas? But I told her I loved her too, and off I went. Driving was my thing, just like cold rain, cloudy days and snow. I loved driving my little red Jetta. It was small but great on gas and it got me places. Avoiding highways, I took back roads driving though the east coast. Stopping only to sleep, get some breakfast, call my mother and back on the road.

Tuesday night, and I was finally here. The old sign swinging in the wind said Population: 2,620. As of today that number will go up one, and I will be an official member of this tight knit town. Old building's that seem to lean and tilt lined along the old brick road. Worn brick, this town doesn't look as if it's had any updates since the civil war. Old Victorian size homes, metal gates, creaking doors, this place was a gothic wonderland.

"I just hope there's plumbing." saying aloud to myself as I made my turn down the street 'Willow Thorn rd.' I saw my building, it was on the new side, but not by much. The bricks looked to almost fall out of place, the windows still the originals I assume, and stone steps that were missing a few pieces. But this old antique town, building, vibe... I love it. My teacher would tell me I had an old soul. I never thought much about it, but it makes sense. Parking in the small parking lot next to the building, I got out my bags. My home will now be a single bedroom, second floor apartment.

Standing in front of the double door entrance, I could see just how big this building was, it's an old grand building that was maybe once bed and breakfast. A wrap around porch, tall glass windows with wooden frame work. I could smell the age and nearly see the termite damage. This building just may crumble beneath my feet. How exciting. Walking up these broken steps, I came to front desk in the center of the foyer. An old woman was sitting there. Her hair in a tight bun, small beady eyes, and thin red lips. She was frail and thin, may blow away in the wind.

"Can I help you." her voice echoed and crackled as she spoke, creepy.

"Hi my name is Annette Cross." she took something off her desk and handed it to me, it was a set of keys.

"The front doors will be locked at nine o'clock every night, no exceptions.  If you are outside the building it's your loss. At ten o'clock the secondary lock will be in place, and will not be unlocked until six o'clock in the morning. The second key is to your apartment, if the key is lost than that is on you we don't make copies and you get one key." She didn't even bother looking up from her book as she spoke to me,

"Any questions?" with everything seemingly pretty clear, I shook my head no, "Your room is up the stairs to the right. Last door at the end. Enjoy." with that I picked up my bags and headed up the stairs. The entire interior was done in dark reds, grays, blacks and white frame work. The wall paper was black and grey stripes. With deep red furniture in the lounge. The hall was no exception, as it was too designed in this manner. Deep red cushioned chairs paired off with a cherry wood table sat between every other door. Paintings hung of sunrise, the ocean, a forest, and the moon lit sky between each door.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now