Kissing Death: Chapter 06

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Waking up to someone knocking on my door. Or my piece of wood. I crawled out of James embrace, soon regretting it as the cold wrapped its self around me like a blanket. Opening my door stood him. And he was baring his teeth. “what the hell is your problem?” he took in a deep breath. What the hell?

“Who’s in there with you?” he was trying to look around me and I let him. Why is there a man on your sofa?” his fangs were out. Was he threatened by James?

“because someone broke my door and I didn’t feel safe being alone.” I shrugged and he looked at me, glaring at me but fangs gone.

“I’m sorry about your door but you should of just told me. I would of came over.” him? Sure he’s the scariest thing I’ve face in my life, so why would I ask him to stay over? I wasn’t even going to invite him into my apartment. I was keeping James here for that reason as well. To be safe form him.

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to cause you left.” he straighten him self out and looked at me, coldly.

“Well, I demand you make that man leave.” what?

“Excuse me? This is my apartment. And I’m not a five year old, you cant tell me who I can and can not sleep with.” he was angry I could his fang peeking through.

“No when you were five you need not to be told, you just listened. “ me? Please! I was a trouble maker when I was five.

“Go away please.” I was going to shut my piece of wood, as it was almost closed he asked me, “Did you sleep with him?” he was quiet about it.

“Yes. Actually you made me leave the sofa into the coldness!” I slightly hissed. And he looked kind of hurt “what?” he was baring his fangs, “I will drain him.” what why?

“No! James is my friend, be sides he did nothing wrong!” he was looking past me and at James as he slept. He almost woke him, that would surely scare James.

“Can we talk in the hall please.” he asked me, despite there feeling in my stomach, I nodded. Closing the door behind me.

He pulled me close to him, slamming his lips against mine, kissing me hard and long. I was trying to push him away, but he’s a vampire. With strength of ten men. When he finally let go of me, he was looking me I n the eye, “You didn’t sleep with him.” he was stroke my face with one hand and holding my close to him with the other.

“Yes I did.” how is he going to tell me what I did and didn’t do?

“No you didn’t, or I would taste him on your lips.” he kissed me quickly again.

“My lips? Oh, ohhh. No I didn’t have sex with him! We just fell asleep on the sofa. It was cold and he’s warm.” realizing just how cold he was, I started to quiver. He took notice and let me go.

“That’s a relief. Why wont you invite me in?” he was asking why, I cant believe this man.

“Your a vampire. We went over this. The apartment is mine. And I don’t want you invading in on me.” he put his hands in his pockets, not really caring about what I had to say. He was acting like a little kid. Either his way or no way. And if he didn’t like what he heard, he’d ignore you. That asshole.

“Than come live with me.” he was looking at me, smiling, “no, now please go away I want to sleep.” his smile dropped and he was frowning, “your making this difficult.” making what difficult? Us? There is no us. Threes me trying to build a life. A normal one.

“I’m not making anything difficult. You’re the one who keeps showing up and messing around in my life!” I shouted, I was sure people would come in the halls an watch but I think by now they got the idea. He looked taken back, “go find that girl you love and annoy her. Not me!” I walked back into my apartment shutting my door. He didn’t say anything but I figured he left. I crawled back onto the sofa and in James arms. He squeezed me and held me tight. His warmth was so comforting.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now