Kissing Death: Chapter 05

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Sleep was easy and felt so great. My body was refurbished and I was ready for the day. Kind of. I didn’t want to leave my bed. But I did want to finish my apartment. So slipping on a hooded jacket I was all snuggly in me baggy pajama pants and warm cozy slippers. This was just how every rainy day should be spent, walking into the living room I saw that today was going to being a rainy day again. Judging by the late afternoon clouds and grey skies. I hung the photos in the center between the two plants on the far wall. Taking the long shelf form the wall between the two chairs and the book shelf, I placed it above the photos. Putting my candles there. The room was almost complete but something else was missing. A pet.

A pet was needed, this apartment was too quiet. Too empty. So slipping on my skater shoes, my lucky shoes. The shoes I have had since I was fourteen, from when I sued to skate. They brought me some good times. With their tears and holes. Pulling my hair into a messy bun I headed out the door, locking it and taking my keys. I plan to be home before nine, but I never know if the old woman would lock me out in spite.

Crossing form willow thorn and on the main road, I was fairly sure I saw a pet store. A small one. And I did. Four stores up form the pizzeria, which just smelled amazing. Deciding I needed some kind of food, I bought a slice and ate it as I walked to the pet store. When I walked in I could smell hamster bedding and wet fur, hear the wheels of mice running and birds chirping. They had about one of each animal, now I just have to decide what pet I want. Something small and affordable. I was looking at a hamster, it was long hair and it curled. It was cute but not what I wanted. Spending maybe ten minuets in the store, I heard the silence. No animals making their little noises, no customers chatting. It was quiet. I looked up from the fish tanks. Looking around I saw why everything was so quiet.. Even the animals were scared of him.

“What are you doing here?” he asked he walked up to me, putting his arm around me waist, pulling me close to him and nearly off my feet. I pointed to the fish tank,

“Um getting a pet.” he looked at the fish disapproving.

“But you have a pet. Remember?” I do? I mean he was a best and all but not my idea of a pet.

“Sorry but your not house trained.” a little girl snickered and he was smiling,

“No my dear, your kitten.” my kitten?

“What?” he picked me up and I squeaked, “Put me down.” he didn’t listen and the room blurred. Choking on air again I was hiding my face into his chest hoping to be able to breathe.

We stopped inside his house, it was a bit lighter so I could see. And I didn’t want to. It was just as filthy as the other night. Dusty, concrete floors, bare walls. Just not welcoming.

“Wait here,” he ordered and I did. Where else was I going to go? I heard a tiny high pitch meow, in his arms, or hands, was a tiny calico kitten. It was the kitten from a few nights ago. When I first saw the dead cats body’s.

“I tried taking care of her, but as you can see, he doesn’t like me too much.” he hands me the kitten who clung to my chest, looking at him and hissed. I cupped her in my hands and softly petted her, she was just the cutest little thing.

“It’s a she, calicos are female.” he shrugged, “and why did you keep her?” I didn’t think he would take care of a animal let alone a kitten.

“My first plan was to drink him, or her. But it started to cuddle next to me as I slept, purring. And it was welcoming.” oh so he found her cute.

“But?” I asked, there was a but, always was,

“But, once the blood I had eaten had faded and my body became cold again, she began hissing and scratching at me, hiding. And I didn’t know what to feed her. I tried cat food but she would take it.” he tried petting her with his finger, but she batted at it with her paw hissing. I chuckled a little, she was feisty.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now