Kissing Death: Chapter 09

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The rain began hitting the gazebo roof in large droplets. Almost like hail. The wind was picking up, and the night air was freezing. I felt the goose bumps on my arms and chest. Ashland held my hand as he held me close to him. His body colder then this winter air.

“I’m cold,” I whispered and he nodded. Picking me up we were back inside with out a single drop of rain on us. Ember was at the table n the dinning room reading a book. She looked p from her book at us, at Ashland holding me in his arms. “Did we make up?” I was smiling at him as he was smiling at me, he whispered, “Not completely.” I was looking at him wide eye and ember raised an eyebrow as he carried me off to the bed room. Not completely? He wasn’t planning on what I think he was, was he? No I didn’t want this not now anyways. Sure maybe one day but not now. I just figured out he was some part of my history and I had so many questions. I wanted to talk not this.

He placed me on the bed and I was feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I wasn’t so self conscious about my body but more of about my performance. I was still new to it and I didn’t want him thinking I was terrible.

“Relax, I have something for you.” he was digging in the top drawer of tithe dresser and pulled out a small box. A very small jowly box. He knelt down before more. Holding the box in one hand, and my hand in the other.

“Annette, I wanted to give you this when I first saw you again.” oh no, was it a ring? Was he proposing? Oh geese I rather go back to the sex idea.


“Shhh o listen, please.” I nodded letting him continue, “ Your so beautiful, and I don’t want to spend an eternity alone anymore. I don’t want you to be alone anymore,” he opened the box and I was preparing my self to reject him, ruining the night.

When the box lid opened I saw a pendant, not a ring but a small round pendant. It was like a little sphere. He stood up and took the necklace out of the box, Putting it around my neck. His face mere inches from mine, oh how I could kiss him right now. If not out of love then because it wasn’t a ring. Love? Did I just admit to my self I love him? No of course I didn’t.

‘This pendant,” he knelt back down at eye level with me, “It was my mothers. She gave it to me to give to the woman of my dreams.” he was smiling and I was in awe.

“And Annie, I believe that is you.” he kissed my hand, and I felt my cheeks heat up. He leaned towards me, closing the gap with a kiss. And I kissed back as he kissed harder and I matched him in the kiss. This kiss was deepening as were my feelings. I was lying flat on my back as he was on top of me, like two teenagers enduring their first make out session. Not knowing when too much kissing was enough. As if our parents would walk in any moment and stop us making us treasure every kiss that much more.

He pulled away, and my lips felt naked.

“I need to go out and eat. Otherwise, well..” his eyes were dim, I nodded,

“I understand.” he walked to the door to leave but not with out turning around and kissing me one last time. Making me smile ear to ear. “I’ll be back shortly.” he kissed my forehead and was gone with in seconds. It was moments before I felt the cold air wrapping around me proving the loneliness I have to undergo.

I crawled to the top of the bed slowly stripping of the leather boundaries. The sheets were cold. Everything was cold. But none of that bothered me. I was getting use to it. The cold air. The cold blankets. The cold skin, lips and heart. Everything about him may be cold but it all heated my heart. As I settled into the bed and my eyes closed, my mind began to question about just where from my past he was from.

Considering I didn’t remember much I had to of been young. Or did he do something so I couldn’t remember? Was it the blob man who did something? Was the blob man really exist? What exactly am I forgetting. There was tapping noise above me. The rain was hitting the roof harder. The wind was picking up and whistling loudly. Almost shouting through the woodwork and bricks of this barely stable home. I clutched the sheets closer to me. I never did like storms. The door was squeaking open, very slowly. I didn’t see any one though. Lightening lit the room and I think I could see a figure in the door way. Pulling my feet to my chest I held m breath, “Ashland?” I whispered but no one answered. The door slammed shut and something tiny jumped on the bed hissing. Not hissing at me but the door. Gizmo must have gotten lonely. I picked her up cuddling her as my heart beat began to go back to normal. This little fur ball was pure evil sneaking up on people and everything.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now