Kissing Death: Chapter 12

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No one responded. But instead a man slipped into the bed. No heat was radiating off of him, so I’m sure it was Ashland. He pulled me close to him, arms around my waist and nuzzling his nose into my hair; sniffing me. He licked my ear, causing me to giggle. This had to be Ashland he knew I was ticklish on my ears.

“Hey Ash, quit it.”

               But he didn’t, he licked along my neck. Biting, or well nipping at my skin. Was he trying to send me a message? His hand roamed down to my stomach, his nails gently grazing my skin, down my thigh. I let out a gasp, my voice stuck in my throat. Within seconds he was on top of me, kissing down my neck. Pushing my straps aside and he ran his fingers along my shoulders and arms. I placed my hands to his chest, gently pushing away. Why was he in this mood all of a sudden/


He cut my protest short with a kiss. This kiss was full of lust, like the many other kisses. But the way he was tugging at my bottom lip and sucking on it, this kiss was as if to say good bye. I went along with the kiss, and all the other intimate pleasures he was releasing upon me. Until we were both gasping for air under the blankets, naked and sweaty. If I thought I was getting fat before, I completely worked it off.

               Ashland got up suddenly, his naked body walking to the bathroom. I listened to hear what he was doing, he was running the shower. I got up about to dress myself till he stepped back out,

“Are you joining me?”

It was more like a command then a question. But smiling and nearly skipping there I joined him in the shower. We washed each other’s backs and hair; splashing soap and water at one another. Who knows how long we’ve been in there playing around, making out, and actually bathing, but when we got out both of us were more exhausted from the shower than the sex.

               Neither of us got dressed, just dried our skin off and jumped into bed, pulling the blankets up to our chins, with me wrapped tightly in his arms. Making my too warm skin from the hot shower to freeze from his cool skin, it’s a wonder I haven’t caught pneumonia yet.

               Morning came, assuming it was morning. We both laid in silence, still in the position as we were when we fell asleep.  Neither of us said a word, just watching the other, looking for any other movement other than our own breathing. A knock at the door made him jump. He quickly was out of the bed with a sheet around his waist, had me covered by the comforter. Completely, head to toes.  

“Thatcher. Have a nice night? Sounded like it.”

               It was the devil, I heard Ashland growl, and I was sure he was going to punch luc, but he didn’t. He kept his cool.

“Yes, it was a very good night.” I could hear the mockery in his voice. Taunting the devil. Why would you ever taunt the devil was his screws loose? It was the DEVIL!!

“Good, well I came to see Miss Annette. For her decision. “

               Ashland looked over at me, with an eyebrow raised. Oops. I forgot I didn’t tell him. Was it too late to tell him? It’s not like I chose to go. But then again I didn’t exactly choose not to go. Maybe I should speak up before luc fills Ashland in first.

“My answers no.”

“Oh dear, wrong answer. Ashland, your choice will be made for you tonight.”

 I tried to look beyond Ashland but it was impossible. If Ashland’s choice was to be chosen for him, than that means either he’s going to become mortal, or I was to be immortal. Would I mind being immortal? I won’t have any contact with my family again, not like I speak to them much now. No sunlight, no tanning. Well I don’t really tan. Outgrow all my friends. Would I get bored?

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now