Kissing Death: Chapter 08

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As Gizmo laid on my I was staring at the ceiling. Trying to figure out what I did for this to happen to me. I started to nod off. My eyes didn’t want to stay open. I thought I was still awake but my mind slipped of to dream land and I was back home in my bed. With my mom. She was waking me up, talking to me.

“Baby, come on breakfast is ready.” she was pulling my blankets down, like always. So I wouldn’t fall back asleep and ignore her protest.

“I’ll be own. You know I wont miss breakfast.” she sighed, took my blankets with her. “Moooom.” I whined following her, sleep time was my time. She walked down the stairs, my blankets in arms reach. But as I would grab for them she walk a little faster.

She tossed my blankets on the sofa, and sat at the table. My father was sitting at the opposite end. He was reading the newspaper. He was never into the stories but he was curious. Both my parents like to keep tabs on the neighborhood and society. He folded down one corner, looked at me then went right back to his paper. Of course he gave me that ‘do-as-your-mother-says’ look. So I did and took my seat between the two.

Eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and pancakes were on the table. All smelling great. Our dishes and silverware matching each other, in sets. With its floral country design. Forks against plates and knives cutting meat and pancakes. mother poured me a cup of orange juice, and we all began eating our morning meals.

“So Annie, did you sleep well last night?”

“I did.”

“Good, anymore nightmare?”

“No, not really I think I out grew them.” the homemade pancakes nearly melting in my mouth. So warm and fluffy.

“That’s good. You would wake up screaming and shouting and honestly I was beginning to worry.” I nodded. When I was younger I had horrible nightmares. About a monster. He would break into my bedroom and try to kill my family. He never go the chance, my black knight would come save me. Us.

Breakfast has ended and it was time to wash up for the day. Shower and than chores. Walking up the stairs I could hear my mother cleaning up the dishes and father was sitting in the living room, flipping through the TV guide. I turned the shower on, letting the water warm up, I picked out my clothes for the day. A pair of jean shorts and a cute pink tank top. My sneakers will do fine. Its Thursday so it wasn’t like I was going anywhere.

Stripping of my clothing, just as I would step in the shower I heard a dish drop. The plate or bowl shattered piercing the air. My mother was screaming. And my father, well I didn’t hear a word from him. Wrapping a towel around me I rushed down the steps, to see what was going on. A monstrous man, large and well fit it looked. But I know other wise. As he saw me he smiled, his skin began dripping black ooze. He dashed at me but I ran up the stairs. My mother was screaming. He tuned from me and went after her. She went quiet.

Running to my bedroom I slipped my pajamas back on, planning to go out the window. But there was blob. No form or shape. Covering my window, blocking out any of the morning light. I stepped back and ran into the hall. The man, now looking human stood at the top of my stairs. His eyes all black and his hair slicked back.

“My dear, would you please follow me?” I shook my head no and ran to my parents room. He grabbed me and pulled me into him, I was screaming and as I looked at him. His eyes still dark and his grip becoming moist. Moist and sticky. His form was changing. His mouth opened showing sharpened teeth and a black tongue. Wider and wider as he pulled me closer I began screaming again, than -

Waking up, panting and sweaty. I haven’t had a nightmare like that since I was maybe six. Hell I was probably about six in my dream! The blob man, with sharp teeth. My knight didn’t come this time. I was alone. My heart was beating, and the sweat was sticky. I felt like the blob man still had me. The sky was light. It was still day but not for long. Gizmo was asleep on her back, one paw over her eyes and the other three on her belly. I picked her up and nuzzled her fur against my nose. She woke up, meowed and licked my nose. She was all I had.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now