Kissing Death: Chapter 03

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This hell hole, he wanted me to except this hell hole as my home? No, maybe if he didn’t exist. “I am not staying here.” I said as rain ran down my face, I’m sure I looked a mess, but he didn’t seem to care about how I looked, nor what I said. He only smiled. “you’ll learn to love it. This place has, oh I don’t know, and eerie feel.” he brought my face closer to his, my feet hardly touching the ground, “Just sets the mood, don’t you think?” his eyes were looking through me, like I was transparent.

“You’ll find another person to fuck with. Just let me go home. I’ll even stay in my apartment! Just leave me alone, please.” I could cry, he wanted to cause me nothing but pain, by starting with a slap. My face already wet from rain, making the slap sting more. The dirt now splattering mud, “I said don’t plead. It doesn’t suit you.” he was looking down at me, “And there is no compromise. You can stay in that shit hole if you please. But I will be out side your window every night, watching you.” That shit hole? My apartment looked very welcoming, I liked it. “if I run?” he was laughing again, “oh, you wont.” he was so wrong. First chance I got to run from him, I was going to. And there would be no rain.

“Now lets go. The Sun will be shinning through, and I would like to keep my strength.”

“So the sun doesn’t kill you? Just weakens you?” he picked me up by my upper arm, “ Darling, nothing can kill me, I’m already dead. I am the living dead.” once on my feet he linked arms with me.

“But yes, I get a rather bad sun burn and dehydrate,” he picked up all my bags, both me and Moxie dropped them, “And you don’t want me dehydrated. Oh no, cause you’ll be the closest one to me. Which mean you’ll be the appetizer.” appetizer? Not even the main course?

“Am I not fat enough for you or something? How many would you kill?”

“Oh many, maybe the entire town.” he must have read the look of disgust on my ace because he was grinning, he liked toying with me, “So don’t try anything.” I nodded even though on the inside I was already planning. I will get away from him or I will kill him trying. He may be the undead, but if need be I will bring on his true death.

“Now hold still.” he put all my bags on his arms, not even wincing at the weight, “your next.” I’m next?

“what? Whoa I can walk.” I said backing up from him, but no he wanted things done his way. “I rather you didn’t.” he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, as if I was just another bag.

“My name is Ash by the way, Ash Thatcher, but you my dear can and will call me Sir.” what a prick, sir? I didn’t even call my own father sir. And he wanted me to call him sir?

“Hold your breath.” hold my breath? Why?

The surrounding blurred together and I was choking on too much air rushing down my throat and into my lungs. Trying to close my mouth, but b the time I did we had stopped. What took maybe two or three hours for me and Moxie to walk, took him less than a minuet to run. We never stood a chance. At least Moxie got away, hopefully she’ll go back to school and quit the prostitution. Actually I really hope she’ll come back with the military. Some of the big guns.

Standing in front of my building, the streets still bare, he never put me down. No he carried me into the foyer, when walking past the old woman I saw her quiver, her jaw nearly hitting the floor. She was both scared and shocked. Why would she be scared? I was the one he was carrying.

“I think I’m staying after all.” I said to her, he took me up the stairs and didn’t put me down till we were in front of my door. “I could of walked up the stairs.” He did responded to me in any way, I unlocked my door and went in, but he stood there. Just outside my apartment door.

Kissing Death: Vampire Romance (( EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now