Chapter 12

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It took five minutes for Raymond to come back and when he did come back he had a big sack of food with him. My jaw dropped at the sight of all that food. Giovanni smiled and took out five florins to pay for that whole thing. I guess Giovanni is a regular customer so that's probably why he gets it all so cheap. I took a big whiff of the bag and my mouth just started to water. I could smell ham, pork, fruit, vegetables and even bread. I guess being a Deamon wasn't such a bad thing. Your senses get heightened and you're faster and stronger. A perfect combination for when you're fighting someone or even a group of people. Well besides my heightened senses, I guess I could get use to this. After Giovanni had paid for the food he handed the whole sack to me.

"Let's see how well your strength and speed is right now boy! See if you can keep up with me while holding onto the sack."

I hung onto the bag tightly, which was freaking heavy! But I knew that I had to be strong for Giovanni. I started to run with the bag over my shoulder and tried to keep up with him. I guess I have a lot of work to do if I'm ever going to be like him. Did I just say that? I just couldn't keep up with Giovanni but I continued to push myself to my own limit. I could tell that we were heading back to the place where I had woken up. I saw Giovanni ran up to the door and stopped to look at me in where I was only five feet away from him. I set down the bag panting trying to catch my breath for just a brief moment.

"Well, I guess your speed is alright. But you still have a lot of work to do if you ever want to strengthen yourself. This world is full of cruel people and I aim to help you survive. So that is why I am going to train you. Make you stronger, faster, even smarter!"

I looked at him and nodded because it felt like that was the only thing that I could do.

"Giovanni, I have some questions that I would like to ask you. If that is okay I mean."

He looked over at me smiling and nodded.

"I will answer anything that you want me to answer."

I gave off a soft smile and he opened the door. We walked in and I set the food down beside the table and then we both sat beside each other.

"The first thing that I want to ask is, what was that language that you were speaking back in the cells?"

Giovanni got up and he grabbed a piece of paper and a quill then sat back down beside me.

"What I was speaking was the demonic language of our people. It has been around for years to come. So since you asked about it I will teach you it!"

I looked at him and nodded awaiting my lesson.

"The first thing that you should know is that the demonic language consists of shapes and symbols. There is also converting it into the alphabet you know like A B and C. There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet and there are the same exact numbers in our language. The first thing I will show you is how to write them down. Now, in order to do that the demonic alphabet is in different formations. A is not the first and B is not the second. In our language A is O and B is X. So first I am going to write a word in the demonic language."

I looked at him slightly confused but I was prepared to listen and watch.

"First off I will show you the whole alphabet."

I watched him write down the letters.

"First off A=O, B=X, C=P, D=K, E=Y, F=B, G=R, H=W, I=E, J=M, K=N, L=D, M=T, N=F, O=A, P=H, Q=V, R=L, S=Z, T=S, U=I, V=J, W=Q, X=G, Y=U, and finally Z=C. So right now I want you to decode a word for me."

I looked at him all confused but I still won't give up on learning this new language. He started to write down the word Wydda. I had no idea that it was but I used the decoder to find out. I started to decode the word and once I did I looked at him.

"You wrote hello."

Giovanni looked and me and slapped my back and smiled.

"That is correct Marcus! Now I want you to keep on practicing this until you understand how to write the language. Oh and I'll tell you how to pronounce them later."

I looked at him as he got up and walked away from me. I looked down atthe paper and started to write my own phrasing and words. This is going to be along lesson I can see that right now.

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