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(Ellen's P.O.V)

The sliding of my cell door awoke me from sleep. As I sat up, the light hurt my eyes. I reached for m hood but remembered my coat was confiscated. All I had on now was my tight sleeveless white shirt, my grey skinny jeans that stopped at my knees, and my black running shoes I had stolen from friend's house. I looked up to see who had opened the door of my holding cell and saw that it was a man. But the light was so bright that I couldn't really make out any features.

"Ellen Rose?" He asked with a soft voice.


"This way."

We walked around the corner to a room that read:

"Interrogation Room"

This room was less lit than the other room and my eyes were thankful for it. The mysterious man sat a mug in front of me. It had steam coming out the top of it.

"Coffee?" He asked. "You look tired."

I finally was able to see his face clearly now that my eyes had adjusted; and boy! He was no ordinary man. He was actually kind of cute. He had curly black hair that ran down the side of his face into a neat (and hot) mustache/goatee combo. He wore a white dress shirt with a police badge sticking out of the top. JUST MY LUCK! HE WAS A COP!

"Um...Who are you?" I asked as I tried my best to keep my mouth from dropping at the sight of his gorgeous green eyes.

"I'm detective Rooke. Ivan Rooke" He answered in his soft voice that was music to my ears. "Let's see here...two accounts of petty theft, one account of identity theft, and one account of data theft. Wow...looks like you are quite the thief miss Rose. Now I already have in mind what I'm going to do as punishment for these charges; but like I ask every crook that comes in here, what do YOU think I should do?" He asked very seriously.

Suddenly, I got an idea and a sneaky grin crept up my lips.

"Well..." I said seductively. "I'm not quite sure what you have in mind...but, I have a few ideas of what I could give you if you'd...just forget all my little...discrepancies." I said as I leaned over the table and rubbed his hand slightly with a seductive smile.

Okay! I'm not a whore or anything like that but...I have my...urges. Yes...I admit it. Being eighteen and a virgin is not easy burden...and this guy was hot...I wasn't quite sure what else to do...I didn't want to go to jail...

Ivan began to smile as I did this to him. YES! It was working! I could not only get out of going to jail, but I could also have a piece of this guy! He leaned his face close to mine and said:

"Nice try Ellen. But I'm not interested."

"But I can't go to jail!" I said loudly as I tried to put on my good girl act. I grabbed his hands from across the table to try to make it more believable.

Ivan removed his hands from my grip and leaned closer again. He had a slight smile. "Don't worry." He said. "I'm not sending you to prison. I'm letting you have your freedom actually."

"Really?!" I said; perking up immediately and losing the good girl face.

"I thought you were faking." Ivan smiled at me. "And you can have your long as you stay with an officer at all times for three months."

"WHAT?!" I as my voice rose significantly. "That's crazy!"

The detective shrugged. "Hey." He began. "You broke the rules...and this is you're punishment."

"Bullshit..." I mumbled.

"Sorry?" He asked; raising an eyebrow.

"Hm!" I said; not noticing that he heard me. "Oh...nothing." I finished; looking away. Jeez...this guy was really getting to me...I've never let a guy get to me like now...weird. "So...Can I go now?" I asked sweetly.

"Not just yet. Meet your parol officer. Kina! Would you come in here please?"

After he called for this Kina officer, a seven foot tall Hybrid alien walked in. She had a grey detective vest on that was custom made for her larger body frame. Now normally, the Hybrids were really...REALLY imposing creatures...But there was something different about Kina...Her eyes were a little softer than most Hybrids...And for a race where the females were dominant, that was rare.

"You're...My parol officer?" I asked the Hybrid.

"Yes." She answered. Even her voice was lighter than most Hybrids. No wonder she was a cop.

"Kina, This is Ellen." Ivan said; pointing his finger to me. "Ellen, this is Kina. I have a feeling you two will be getting to know each other very well these next few months."

"Oaky enough with this," I said. "Can I leave now...?"

"Yeah." Ivan said. "But...before you go, answer me a question. Will ya?"

"I'm listening." I replied.

"Why do you steal data? All you steal are personal records. What exactly are you looking for?"

I thought about if I should really tell him...Then, I made up my mind. "I'm looking for who my parents are...They aren't around and I wanna know who they are and if they're dead."

I saw the sadness in his eyes...I knew he felt my pain...Or at least he THOUGHT he did...The truth is, no one can and ever will understand I truly feel. "Oh...I'm sorry...Any...Any leads?"

"Actually...yeah." I replied. "Trinity Rose is my mother...and I'm her biological daughter."

The shock that my words had given to Ivan and Kina were very prevalent.

"T-Trinity Rose?" Ivan studdered. "How can you be so sure kid? I mean, I understand that your last name is Rose and everything, but that's a pretty bold statement, don't ya think?"

"I may not look like it, but I know what I'm talking about." I reassured him.

"Trinity Rose..." Kina began. "She's a...a legend. And according to fact, she had not children."

"Well I'm here..." I said. "And I'm going to find the truth."

"And if your wrong?" Ivan asked.

Ivan's remark caught me off guard. I had never thought about it that way...what if...all this time...I actually WAS wrong? What would I do then...

"I...I'm not wrong!" I said firmly.

"Okay..." He replied. "You're free to go. Stay outta trouble."

I walked swiftly to the front desk to collect all my things. Once I was sure I had everything, I pulled my hoodie over my head and walked out the door. Kina right behind me. Three month of her breathing down my neck? Great..



Well...Is Trinity telling the truth? Or is she simply lying to get what she wants?

Whats her deal with Ivan?

Now I know this book's action is building up slowly, but character development is key bear with me. lol

Well, as always. Please read, write and enjoy! :D


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