Honey Pie

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YEAR: 1964

"Mornin honey pie," I chuckled. "Here," I tossed him a bottle of pain killers.
"What the fuck is this?"
"Just take it, it'll help with yer headache,"
"Fine...do ye have water or anything?"
"There's some hot water in the kettle. I could make ye some tea if you'd like,"
"That'd be nice,"
"Is jasmine tea alright?"
"Yeah," he mumbled as he looked around my apartment. "Three creams, two sugars please,"
"That's how I take my coffee," I smiled as I poured him a cup. "Here ye are," I walked over to my record player and handed him the cup.
"Ta," he mumbled and took a sip. "I see ye have a few of my records," he smiled.
"I do," I walked back to the couch. "Ye guys are really good," I finished my coffee.
"Thanks...have any desire to tell me yer real name?"
"Not a chance," I chuckled.

He continued to drink his tea and I continued to watched the telly. After a few minutes we heard a door open.

"Ye didn't tell me ye had a roommate," he gritted his teeth.
"Yeah...roommate...let's go with that," I mumbled.
"Hi mum," the little girl yawned.
"Hi baby," I smiled.
"Who's that?" she pointed to Paul; he looked back at her and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
"A friend of mine," I lied. "Don't just stand there lookin stupid. Say hi," I laughed as I headed for the kitchen.
"Hi," she waved.
"Hi," Paul waved back.
"So mum," she followed me to the kitchen, "can we go out for breaky?"
"Why would we do that?" I smirked.
"Mum!" she tugged at my robe. "Ye know what today is!"
"What's today?"
"My birthday!"
"That can't be. Ye had a birthday last year," I teased.
"Well, Madonna, last time I checked birthdays are an annual thing," he smiled.
"Unless yer me," I smiled as I poured myself a cup of tea.
"What do ye mean?"
"I'm a leap year baby," I mumbled. "Go get dressed and we'll go wherever ye want,"
"Really! Thank ye mum!" she hugged my legs.
"Mhmm...happy birthday princess." She ran into her room without another word.
"Ye have a daughter!" he gritted his teeth.
"Yep," I took a sip from my tea. "If it helps I didn't give birth to her,"
"Ye heard me,"
"I don't understand..."
"My sister had her very young and she didn't want the responsibility. So, she was gonna give her to an orphanage but I wouldn't allow that so I adopted her, with my sisters blessing, and moved to London,"
"Wait...where are ye from?"
"New York,"
"Then why are ye here?"
"Cause I knew if I stayed she'd want her back at some point and I couldn't have that...I liked her too much," I smiled.
"What's her name?"
"She seems very sweet,"
"She is...well I should get dressed. Gotta go eat some 'breaky'," I chuckled. "Ye can leave if ye want...to be honest I thought you'd be gone when I woke up...guess ye don't really know how a one night stand works," I winked.
"Guess not," he blushed.
"Kay I'm ready," Heather cheered.
"I'll be right back," I said.
"Is he comin with us?" Heather asked.
"Does he want to come with us?"
"I could go for some breaky," he smiled at her.
"Alright," I russled Heather's hair and walked into my room.
"You look fam...fam..."
"Familiar?" he chuckled.
"Well I'm right there, on that record,"

The two continued to make small talk as I got ready.

"Alright," I sighed as I got my coat on. "Let's go," I smiled. "Heather, honey, put yer hat and gloves on please,"
"But why! I already have my jacket!"
"It's cold sweety. Please put your stuff on,"
"Fine," she pouted as she put her gloves and hat on.
"Ta. Come on then," I opened the door for the two.


"Well that was rather nice," I chuckled as I walked Heather home.
"Mummy, can I play in the snow!"
"I dunno baby, it's cold,"
"Please mum!"
"Fine, ten minutes,"
"Thank ye!" she hugged me and ran into a big pile of snow.
"Wanna sit down?" Paul asked.
"Sure," I shrugged. He walked me over to a bench and cleared the snow off of it. "Thanks again for breakfast," I mumbled. "Ye still didn't need to pay,"
"But I wanted to," he pulled out a pack of fags. "Want one?" he asked as he popped on in his mouth.
"Sure," I gladly took one from the pack.
"Here love," he lit it; I took a long drag and soon began coughing. "Have ye ever smoked before?"
"Yeah," I coughed. "Just haven't had one since Heather yelled at me," I chuckled.
"Yeah, a few months ago she yelled at me for smokin." All of a sudden, my fag was taken from my lips. "What the fuck Paul!"
"Don't smoke..."
"Why the fuck not?"
"Respect yer daughters wishes,"
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and slouched on the bench. "Why are ye still here?"
"Excuse me?"
"Why haven't ye left yet? Why are ye sticking in around? Why did ye pay for breakfast? Why did ye cheat on Jane?"
"I knew you'd bring that up," he pursed his lips.
"I was drunk...ye know that,"
"But why did ye stay? Last time I checked, a normal human being would be rather angry is their significant other cheated on them. And if I'm bein honest Paul, ye don't seem to be makin an effort to hide me," I gave him a smug smile.
"Well...if ye must know...ye intrigue me,"
"I don't see why. I'm just a boring mum,"
"But that's not true...yer Lady Madonna-"
"It's Maggie,"
"Excuse me?"
"My real name is Maggie Mae Eastman."

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