Lovely Bride

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YEAR: 1968

"Morning love," Paul whispered.
"What's this?" I mumbled. I sat up in bed while Paul placed a tray on my nightstand.
"I thought my lovely bride deserved a nice breakfast,"
"Yer too sweet," I smiled. I pulled him into a kiss and eventually pulled him onto the bed.
"So," he chuckled, "I made all yer favorites. Scrambled eggs, french toast, and-"
"Pancakes!" I let out a laugh, "I love you,"
"I love you too," he kissed me cheek and got out of bed.
"Where are ye goin?"
"The lads will be over in a minute to pick me up,"
"That doesn't answer my question," I said with a mouthful of food.
"I don't know," he shrugged, "they're just taking me out,"
"Well be dressed and at the court house by 5 please,"
"Will do," he kissed my forehead.
"Have fun Macca,"
"Do ye wanna get married today?" he threatened.
"Ye already called me yer bride," I smiled widely, "ye can't not marry me now,"
"I can do whatever I want, I'm Paul McCartney,"
"Yeah yeah princess, have fun at yer party," I smiled and shooed him away.
"I will. Have fun darling,"
"I will."


"Hey honey," Nancy smiled. "Are ye excited to become a McCartney?"
"I knew ye liked him," she said as she walked in with her daughter Sadie.
"Sadie, Heather's in the living room,"
"Thanks," she smiled.
"Where do ye wanna go?"
"Living room," I sighed.
"What about the girls?"
"They'll go into Heather's room,"
"Alright," she shrugged. "So what does yer dress look like?"
"What do ye mean?"
"Yer wedding dress...what does it look like?"
"Haven't picked it yet,"
"You've got to be kidding me! Yer getting married in 5 hours and ye still don't have a dress? What the hells wrong with ye?"
"I'll find something in my closet,"
"Oh no, we are getting you a dress,"
"Nancy, the whole reason for me getting married in a court house is to avoid all the fancy, cliché crap,"
"I know...I still don't know why yer not wearing a nice white dress,"
"We're going out and getting ye a veil and maybe a nice white dress,"
"I'm not paying for it,"
"Fine," she shrugged.
"Wait, we can't take the girls with us,"
"I'll call my husband,"


"I don't know about this Nanc," I mumbled from the dressing room.
"Come on out," she chuckled.
"Fine..." I stepped out of the dressing room with my head down
"Oh my look gorgeous!"

I was wearing a stunning silver evening gown. It had beaded straps, a layered skirt, and a smooth bodice with a princess neckline.

"Here...yer a size 6 right?"
"Put these on." She handed me a pair of silver heels.
"I haven't worn heels in forever," I chuckled.
"Ye look to pretty,"
" much is all this gonna cost?"
"Don't worry about it. Remember, it's on me. My husband is a doctor after y'know we, uh...we have a lot of money," she mumbled. "Obviously not as much as ye but-"
"I get it Nanc,"
" all ye need is a veil...a birdcage would look amazing with that,"
"I didn't want all this Nancy," I sighed.
"I know me...when ye look back on this day, you'll be glad I made ye get a dress,"
"I'm sure yer right," I smiled.


"Hey girls," Nancy's husband, Robert, greeted.
"Hey Rob," I waved.
"Ye girls find everything?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Congratulations by the way,"
"So why can't I come again?" Nancy laughed.
"I want it to be a small, secretive thing. I want no one other than Paul and the girls to show up,"
"I know," she smiled. "We should get ye ready."

She brought me upstairs to my room where she pulled my hair back into a bun and placed the birdcage in. For my make-up, she did some thick, black eye liner, dark red lipstick, and tinted my cheeks pink with blush. Before I went back downstairs, I took my glasses off and threw my contacts in so I would look nicer. And before I knew it, I was a bride.


At 4:45, Nancy, Robert, and Sadie all said their goodbyes while the girls and I drovebto the court house. When we arrived there was no one from the media around which honestly, made me extremely happy.

At 5, Paul joined me in the court house; he was dressed in his nicest suit. When he walked in, he stopped in his tracks to 'take in my beauty'.

"Ye look beautiful," he whispered as he hugged me.
"Thank ye," I blushed.
"Shall we get started?" The judge asked.
"Yes please," Paul said.

The judge said his piece, we said our vows, and before I knew it, I was officially Mrs. Maggie McCartney.

"I love ye Mrs. McCartney," Paul smiled into a kiss.
"I love ye more Macca," I chuckled when he broke the kiss.
"Excuse me yer honor, I'd like to have the marriage-" I laughed and hit his chest. "I love ye most," he finished while giving me a tight hug. "Let's go home Mrs. McCartney,"
"Gladly Mr. McCartney,"

He picked Stella up while I took Heather and Mary's hands. As we exited the court house, we were bombarded by the media.

"Oh my god." I held the girls closer as Paul wrapped his arm around my waist. "Why are they here?" I gritted my teeth.
"I don't know...someone must've told..."
"Mum," Mary cried and tugged on my dress.
"Come on baby." I began pushing through the crowd of reporters with the girls glued to my side.
"Worthless whore!" A few girls yelled while throwing things at me.
"Sod off ye jealous bitch! Come on girls,"
"Mr and Mrs. McCartney, what is it like having three children?"
"Fine, now please move,"
"Mr. McCartney, what is it like being the father of a five year old?"
"Just awful," he laughed.
"Hey!" Heather pushed him.
"I hate it," he joked.
"No ye don't!" Heather yelled.
"She's the worst," he continued.
"I hate you!"
"I'm only teasing. I love her to the moon and back. Ye hear that Heather? I love ye!"
"I love ye too," she grumbled.
"Please excuse us!" I yelled.

We began pushing through everyone to get to our car. When we were about ten feet from our car, police showed up to escort us. After a great ordeal, we got to the mini and we were finally able to drive home.

"That was an ordeal," I sighed while helping to girls out of the car.
"I think one of the scruffs stole my ring," he laughed.
"Stop," I smiled. "Come on girls, mummy wants to take this dress off,"

Paul tossed me the house keys so I could open the front door. I slid the keys into the lock with ease and stepped inside to find all our friends sitting around, not saying a word.

"What's all this?" I asked.
"It was suppose to be a party. A reception, if ye will..." Nancy whispered.
"Oh? Then what's wrong?"
"Yer sisiter called..."
"Yer mum died."

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