Oh Boy

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YEAR: 1969

"Excuse me?"
"We need to talk," he repeated.
"About what?"
"Well, were to put the crib and who gets Stella at night and-"
"Oh don't play dumb Maggie McCartney. I know when something's up,"
"Ye know nothing,"
"Maggie, we've been together for five years and honey, yer a creature of habit,"
"I don't understand..."
"It means ye do the same thing in the same order everyday. Since the day I met ye, you've had the same routine. Wake up, put yer glasses on, go to the kitchen, heat up the kettle, make yer coffee, add yer three creams and two sugars. Then ye drink that real quick and have a small cup of jasmine tea with three creams, and two sugars," he smiled proudly. "And lately you've just rolled out of bed, put yer glasses on and just started making breakfast. Normally ye can't even function without a sip of caffeine!"
"Okay, fine, maybe I am pregnant..."
"I knew it!"
"Oh I'm so excited!"
"I get to see yer belly grow and go to doctor appointments!"
"And I get to see it be born!"
"Imnotkeepingit," I mumbled.
"What love?"
"I'm...I-I..." As I choked out a series of I's, tears started streaming down my face. I eventually took a deep breath and managed to say, "I'm not keeping it..."
"What...wh-why not?"
"I-I don't want another kid," I cried.
"Let me guess, ye don't wanna get fired," he spat.
"No Paul, it's just-"
"It's just what!" he cried. "This would be the first pregnancy I'd be able to see! I could see my wife actually having the baby rather than just showing up hours or even months after it's born!"
"I'm sorry...I tried keeping it a secret..."
"How on earth would ye hide yer constantly growing belly from me?"
"I wasn't gonna get that far," I whispered.
"No...Maggie...please tell me ye weren't gonna a get an-"
"Yes I am...my appointment is in two months,"
"Maggie...please don't do it...I know you'll regret it,"
"My mind is made up. Now drop it,"
"No! I will not drop it!"
"Paul, we can't take care of another baby! We already have Stella and yer always at work and...I-I can't do it anymore Paul..." I sighed and fell onto the couch.
"Can't do what?" he sat next to me.
"I can't keep taking care of everyone...it's driving me mad!"
"Ye won't have to take care of everyone...I'll stay home more, I'll help out with chores, I'll make dinner, I'll even get the girls off to school. I'll do whatever it takes to make ye keep this baby,"
"I don't know..."
"What if it's a boy?" he quickly said.
"Excuse me?"
"What if yer killing a boy? The only chance for the McCartney name to get carried on...and you'd be killing it..."
"Ye have a brother Paul,"
"Maggie...please don't do this..."
"I'm sorry Paul..." I kissed his cheek. "I'll see ye later." I got up from the couch and grabbed my coat.
"Where are ye going?"
"Out. I'll be back tomorrow,"
"Bye Macca."


"Wow...baby number three," Nancy sighed. "This is why we keep yer pregnancy outfits," she teased.
"Sod off," I smirked while cleaning the bar. "I'm not keeping it,"
"Why not?"
"Don't want it,"
"That's no reason to get rid of it! God Maggie, yer fucking crazy!"
"Shhh..." I hushed.
"I'd keep it if I were ye,"
"I can't have anymore kids...I guess I'm just living vicariously through you," she smirked. "Can I have a drink?"
"Yeah." I poured her a scotch and she chugged it quickly. "Easy," I warned.
"Cause at the moment, I'm living vicariously through you," I sighed.
"Get me a beer. Now!" John demanded as he took a seat at the bar.
"Well, hello to you too,"
"I hate yer fucking husband!"
"I'll leave ye two alone," Nancy pursed her lips and walked away.
"What did he do?"
"He said he's leaving the band!"
"And it's all yer fault!"
"Excuse you,"
"Ye had to get pregnant again!"
"I'm not exactly thrilled about it either! Wait...why is it my fault?"
"That stupid thing inside of ye is the reason he's quitting and yer the dumb bitch that said he needs to be home more!"
"Okay buddy, ye need to leave," my boss said.
"Don't touch me! I'm John Lennon!"
"I don't give a rats ass who ye are! Get out!"
"I'll get out when ye fire her," he pointed to me.
"Oh no, she's our best bar tender and one of our most talented dancers. She's not going anywhere,"
"Shes pregnant again!"
"Maggie...is it true?"
"Yeah..." I knew there was no point in lying to him, he'd see right through me.
"You'll get paid through the end of the month,"
"Dave...no, please,"
"Clean up yer racks,"
"Why are ye doing this?" I cried. "Ye know I can work when I'm pregnant!"
"Don't fight me Madonna! And Lennon, get out, ye got yer wish,"
"Thanks mate. Bye Madonna," John spat.
"Calm down, yer not getting fired, I just wanted him out of here,"
"Thank ye! Oh my god!" I took a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, yeah. Get back to work," he smiled.


The next morning, I walked into the house, quietly, so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Although, my plan was flawed when Martha heard the key turn in the lock. As soon as I walked in, she started barking and howling, which woke Stella up.

"Mart! Hush!" I snapped.
"Maggie?" Paul called from upstairs.
"Yer home," he whispered while walking down the stairs, Stella in hand.
"I am,"
"How was work?"
"How'd ye know?"
"Yer in yer whore make up," he yawned. "So? How was work?"
"Fine, I suppose. Something interesting did happen,"
"And what might that be?"
"John came in." As soon as the words left my lips, I could see Paul's body tense up. "I know Paul..."
"I'm sorry..."
"When I said I wanted more help, I didn't mean quit the band," I whispered as we sat on the couch.
"I didn't know what else to do. I wanna be here for ye and the girls,"
"So ye think it's a girl now?" I raised a brow.
"Doesn't matter," he grumbled, "yer not keeping it anyway,"
"I don't know," I rested my head on his shoulder and stared at my tired baby girl. "I could get use to the idea of another kid," I smiled.
"Yer gonna keep it!" he cheered.
"Yeah," I chuckled.
"Oh Maggie, ye sure do know how to make me happy," he kissed my forehead.
"What do ye think it's gonna be?"
"What? Ye don't think so?"
"No...I think it's about time we get a boy."

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