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YEAR: 1968

"Hey, Maggie, are ye working tonight?"
"I'm not working for another week. Why?"
"The lads need me-"
"Yeah, I got the kids," I smiled.
"Yer the best," he gave me a quick kiss.
"Have fun," I waved.

That night the girls and I a lot of fun. We sat around, watched movies, played a few games, among other things. Around eight o'clock, I heard someone ring the doorbell; I picked Stella up and headed for the door.

"Hi...can I help ye?"
"I'm looking for Paul," a familiar red headed girl said.
"He's not home,"
"Who are ye?" Jane asked. "I've never seen ye here before?"
"And how often do ye visit?" I raised a brow.
"This is the first time in a while. Are ye the babysitter?"
"Ye could call me that," I said as I bounced Stella in my arms. "Why are ye here?"
"Who are ye? What happened to his fiancé?"
"Please answer the question,"
"Why should I?"
"I'll tell ye who I am,"
"I know who ye are. Yer Jane Asher, yer a model from Liverpool. Ye were struggling in the business then Brian Epstein set ye up with Paul which made ye rather successful,"
"Glad my reputation proceeds me," she smiled as she walked into the house.
"Excuse me," I followed her in. "Please leave,"
"I'm here to get my ring back!"
"No, Paul bought it. It belongs to him,"
"Look ye little blue collar bitch-"
"Excuse you,"
"I don't need to be taking shit from a babysitter. Now, tell me where he keeps the ring,"
"I wouldn't know, I threw it at a wall years ago; never saw it again," I narrowed my eyes.
"So yer the ever so famous, Lady Madonna?"
"The one and only," I smirked. "Now please get out of my house,"
"Your house?"
"Yes, my house,"
"Hey Maggie," Paul said as he walked into the house, "who's car is in the..." he trailed off. "Jane..."
"Why are ye here?"
"Wanted to say hi," she lied.
"Bullshit. Why are ye here?"
"Fine," she huffed, "my career is going down the drain,"
"So ye need me back so ye can get money?" She nodded. "Get the fuck outta my house,"
"Don't fucking call me that! Out!" He pushed her out the door and quickly locked it.
"Macca?" I chuckled.
"It was my pet name," he grumbled.
"I like it,"
"Macca," I teased.
"Shut up Maggie,"
"Come on Macca," I found my arms around his neck and laughed.
"Maggie," he chuckled, "please stop,"
"Oh alright," I hugged him. "I love ye-"
"Don't you dare-"
"Macca," I laughed once more.
"I'm going to bed," he playfully pushed me off and headed upstairs.
"I'll be up in a minute," I smiled. I walked into the living room to get the girls attention. "Girls,"
"It's time for bed," I said as I picked Stella up from her play pen.
"But mum-"
"Bed, now,"
"Fine," they sighed.
"Thanks ye,"

I turned off all of the lights and headed upstairs for the night. I fed Stella and put her to bed while Paul read Heather and Mary bed time stories. Once the kids were asleep, we cuddled up in bed and talked, since neither of us were that tired.

"I picked up the adoption papers today," Paul said. "I signed my parts. All that's left is your signature,"
"That's good...Heather's excited to become a McCartney,"
"I bet she is,"
"Hey Paul..."
"Do ye wanna get married tomorrow?"
"Ye heard me,"
"Ye don't want a-"
"Big fancy wedding? No..."
"Are ye sure? I mean, yer only gonna get married once...don't ye want something special?"
"Paul, all I need is you and the girls. Just by having you guys, my family, be there, it will be more than special,"
"How could we even get married tomorrow? Don't we need a marriage certificate?"
"Remember when my parents came to visit a couple years ago?"
"Well, I picked up a certificate before they visited. Y'know, just in case they asked,"
"We just need to sign everything,"
"I still don't see how we could get married,"
"At the court house. Ye can have yer bachelor party tomorrow with the lads. I can call Nancy and maybe we could hang out with our kids. It'll be fun!"
"Come on Paul," I chuckled.
"Why are ye in such a rush to get married?"
"I just wanna be Mrs. Paul McCartney," I chuckled as I got on top of him. "And I'm 31...I really should get married," I joked. "I love you," I chuckled as I kissed him.
"I love ye too," he whispered.
"So can we get married tomorrow?"
"If that's what ye really want...yes we can get married tomorrow,"
"Thank ye Paulie!" I gave him a tight hug. "Just think, yer gonna have a wife tomorrow,"
"And three kids,"
"We're done with kids...right?"
"We can be done with kids if ye want," he shrugged.
"I love you." I smiled.
"I love you more."
"I love you most."

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