Dumb Decisions

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YEAR: 1969

For the past few months, Paul has been sleeping in the guest bedroom. He refuses to make eye contact with me. He refuses to talk to me. Whenever I walk into a room, he immediately walks out. I appreciate the fact that he's trying to show how he won't touch me again but it's getting a little out of hand. The girls are starting to sense that something is wrong; I could tell they were uncomfortable around us. One day, when the kids were at school, and Stella was taking a nap, I was in the den reading Gone With the Wind. A couple minutes into my read, Paul walked in, not knowing I was in there.

"Oi, um...I'll leave," he mumbled.
"Paul," I closed my book.
"This needs to stop,"
"What needs to stop?" he continued mumbling.
"Don't act dumb," I set my book down. "Come on...sit," I pat the seat next to me.
"James Paul McCartney, sit!"
"I hate it when ye use my full name,"
"See...this isn't so bad," I sighed. "We can work this out...right?"
"It's up to you Maggie..."
"Excuse me?"
"Yer the one who put the rules in place...it's yer call if they're still in play," he said. "But, if it were up to me I'd try to work it out...I-I miss ye Maggie,"
"I miss ye too," I rested my head on his shoulder. As we sat there, in silence, he grabbed my hand and gave it a soft kiss.
"I'm sorry...for everything..."
"It's okay Paulie," I admitted.
"Does this mean I can sleep in our bed again?" he laughed.
"Don't push it," I joked.
"Of course ye can sleep in our bed again," I chuckled.
"I love ye Maggie,"
"Do ye love me enough to fuck me?" I said through my teeth.
"Maggie!" he gasped. I got up from the couch and quickly straddled his lap. "What's with the sudden change of heart?" he teased. I snaked my arms around him and placed little bites and kisses on his neck.
"I've gone four months without touching you," I pulled him into a passionate kiss, "it's probably the dumbest decision I've ever made,"
"I'm not complaining."

He placed his hands on my waist as I started to unbutton his shirt. As I worked my fingers around the little buttons, Paul began working on a little love bite on my neck.

"Fuck," I moaned. "I missed you," I said with a breathy tone in my voice.
"I missed ye too," he smiled as he undid the buttons on my shirt.

As he started to slide my shirt off, we heard the girls run through the front door. Paul dug his face into the crook of my neck as I hung my head back and laughed.

"Later love," I chuckled. I got up from his lap and quickly buttoned my shirt. "Fix yer self up," I teased.
"Yeah yeah," he mumbled as he got his clothes on. I smiled and walked into the living room to meet the girls.
"How was school?" I asked.
"Fine," they shrugged.
"Hi girls," Paul smiled. He walked into the room and snaked his arms around my wiast. The girls froze and stared at us blankly for a few moments.
"Hi," they whispered back.
"Hey love, what's for dinner,"
"What's going on?" Heather asked. "Mum, I thought ye were mad at dad,"
"I was,"
"But not anymore?"
"Not anymore..."
"Hey mum," Mary said.
"What's that on yer neck?" She motioned to the purple mark that sat in my neck. My eyes widened and my hand flung over it.
"Are ye sure-"
"Yer mother said it was nothing! Let it be!"


"Maggie, I can't thank ye enough for forgiving me,"
"Shut up," I mumbled as I got on top of him.
"Slow down love," he chuckled.
"I said, shut up!"
"Fine, fine. Let me at least get a-"
"Forget it," I whispered as I undid the buttons on his shirt.
"Maggie, are ye sure?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm too old to get pregnant." I quickly ripped off his shirt and started unbuckling his belt.
"Maggie...really think about this...yer only 32...ye could easily get-"
"I'll be fine!" I gritted my teeth.
"Ye always say that..."
"Just shut up and fuck me for god sake!"


"Girls! Get up! Ye have to catch the bus in an hour!"
"Mum," Heather whined as she strolled down the stairs.
"Yeah baby?"
"Can I stay home? I don't feel well?"
"Come here," I motioned her over to me. I placed my hand on here forehead and twisted my face. "Yer fine, sit and eat,"
"But mum," she fell to the floor in a dramatic manor.
"Cut the shit and eat yer breakfast,"
"Fine," she pouted.
"Morning Maggie," Paul yawned. "Can I have a tea?"
"Are yer legs broken?"
"Are yer legs broken?"
"Are yer arms broken?"
"Then make yer own god damn tea,"
"What's with ye this morning? Are ye feeling alright?" He placed his hand on my forehead but I immediately swatted it away.
"Don't touch me," I mumbled.
"Are ye guys fighting again?" Mary yawned.
"No," I said. "Paul...would ye mind getting Stella?"
"Are yer legs broken?"
"No but I'll break yours. Get Stella," I demanded.
"Fine, god damn,"
"Mum, are ye okay?" Heather asked once Paul left the room.
"Yeah...I just haven't had my coffee yet..."
"Are ye sure?"
"Yes Heather! Just drop it!"

The rest of the morning was silent. I'm pretty sure it's because no one wanted to talk to me. Once Heather and Mary headed for school, and Stella was on her play mat in the lounge, Paul pulled me into the den.

"We need to talk."

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