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YEAR: 1973

"Hey Paulie," I called.
"Yeah love?" he mumbled as he walked in.
"We gotta go soon,"
"Are ye serious?"
"Why do we have to go soon? Where are going?"
"I kinda need to give birth darling," I gritted my teeth.
"Oh yeah!"
"Oh yeah my ass," I grumbled. "When is-"
"Hey!" Nancy cheered.
"Never mind,"
"How my favorite bird?"
"Over weight, constantly throwing up, and I haven't seen my toes in months so just peachy,"
"Good to know ye still got yer sense of humor,"
"Sod off,"
"Never," she winked.
"Where's Heather?"
"HEATHER!" I called.
"I dunno," I looked to Nancy, "why did ye wanna see her?"
"Sadie's gonna be here soon. Thought ye guys would wanna play or something,"
"Oh, thanks Nancy," she smiled.
"Well, Paul and I better get going. Macca, help me up,"
"Just cause ye called me Macca, I'm-"
"Help me up!"
"Fine," he chuckled. "Come on love,"
"Ta," I sighed. "Be good guys. I'll be home in a few days. Any last guesses about the gender before we find out?"
"Girl," Heather said.
"Girl," Mary mumbled.
"Boy," Stella smiled.
"Boy," James added.
"Wow, 50/50. Nanc?"
"What the hell, girl,"
"We'll see. Come on Paul."


"Welcome back Mrs. McCartney," a nurse teased.
"Sod off,"
"Alright, ye know the drill,"
"Yeah yeah, I'm getting changed,"
"Mr. McCartney, do ye wanna stay or sit in the hall?"
"I've missed three of my kids births...I'm not missing this one,"
"Ye missed James' birth?" I asked.
"I wasn't allowed in the room,"
"Why not?"
"I dunno," he shrugged.
"Ready Maggie?"
"Take deep breaths. In...out..."


"Here she is Mrs. McCartney," the nurse smiled. "What would ye like to name her?"
"What are ye talking about? I don't want her! Get her away!"
"I'll take her!" Nancy cheered.
"Fine by us...sign these,"

I watched my baby get taken away from me. Tears ewcaord my eyes as Nancy carried my baby girl out.

"Wait!" I called.
"I-I changed my mind...I-I want to keep her..."
"I knew you'd change yer mind," Nancy smiled as she handed the baby girl to me. "Congratulations Maggie..."

I stared at my beautiful baby girl; I can finally call her mine.


"Mrs. McCartney, squeeze my hand once if ye can hear me,"
"Why do ye always do that?" I mumbled.
"Just doing my job," she smiled.
"So what did I-I h-ha..."

Next thing I knew, all I could see is was black.

"Maggie! What's wrong with her?" Paul yelled.
"Mr. McCartney, we don't know. Please leave the room and remain calm!"
"No! She's my wife!"
"Mr. McCartney-"
"No! I will not leave her!"
"Mr. McCartney, if ye do not leave, she will die! Get out!"
"I love ye Maggie,"


A couple hours passed and I still hasn't woken up; Paul was starting to get worried. As soon as the sun set, the nurse sent Paul home; she said she'd phone him once I wake up. Around four in the morning, I started to regain consciousness.

"Well good morning sleepy head," the nurse teased.
"How long was I out?"
"Maybe twelve hours. Why?"
"Where's my husband?"
"At home. I told him I'd phone him when ye woke up,"
"Don't...wait until morning...he needs rest,"
"Alright," she sat down on my bed and began feeling my pulse. "How are ye feeling?"
"My stomach hurts,"
"As well it should...ye kinda got cut open,"
"I'm aware," I smirked. "So why did I pass out?"
"I think we over did it on the meds. That's all. Yer fine, don't worry,"
"How's my baby?"
"Oh, she's very healthy,"
"Yes, she. Yer husband named her Beatrice...I hope that's okay,"
"It's perfect," I whispered.
"Would ye like to hold her?"
"No...I'll wait until I'm fully awake,"
"Understandable. Goodnight Maggie,"


"Maggie..." Paul whispered. "Are ye okay love?"
"I'm fine," I mumbled.
"That's good," he sighed.
"So ye named her Beatrice?"
"Yeah...I-I hope that's okay,"
"It's perfect,"
"She's in the nursery. I can bring her in if ye want,"
"I'd like that,"
"I'll be right back," he smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Oh," he stopped in his tracks and walked back to me. "Here," he handed me my glasses.
"Thanks," I smiled. He returned a couple minutes later with my beautiful baby girl.
"Here she is,"
"She's gorgeous," I cried.
"Well that's because she looks like her mum,"
"Sod off," I chuckled. I stared at my baby girl and started to cry. "She looks exactly like I thought she would,"
"Are ye still having those dreams?"
"I had one when I was 'giving birth' to her. Nancy was starting to take her but I immediately took her back,"
"That's good. Did ye have any last night?"
"No...I-I think they've stopped," I smiled. "Paul..."
"I'm gonna stop,"
"Yer gon a stop what love?"
"Stripping...I'm gonna stop,"
"Why? I thought ye loved doing it,"
"I do but...I'm old Paul, and...I think I've finally had my moment of clarity,"
"What do ye mean?"
"I don't want my girls growing up like me..."
"But ye had a wonderful childhood Maggie,"
"Ye know what I mean! I don't want them becoming whores,"
"I understand...thank ye Maggie..."
"It's no trouble," I whispered as I continued staring at my baby girl. "I can't believe it," I mumbled.
"Can't believe what love?"
"Lady Madonna is dead."

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