Far Too New

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YEAR: 1965

That night I asked my boss if I could leave early; thankfully he said I could go. I rushed to the dressing rooms so I could get changed and put my outfit away. Once I was changed I walked out the back door and made my way home; I arrived around 10:30.

"Hey, what are you doing home so early?" Linda asked as she took pictures of Heather.
"Felt sick," I lied.
"Don't come near me then," she laughed.
"Why are ye takin pictures of my daughter?"
"It's for an assignment. Thought, might as well do it while I'm here,"
"Alright, well it's late. Come on Heather," I smiled. I brought the tired toddler to her room where she quickly fell asleep.
"So what's the real reason you're home so early?"
"I saw Paul," I sighed.
"Oh...honey, you know you had to see him sometime. For god sake you work in a strip club...does he know?"
"Does he know what?"
"Yer pregnant,"
"I'm what?" I chuckled.
"Oh please, you've gained like five pounds!"
"So? Everyone gains weight Lin,"
"Whatever...told you so..."
"Yer so fucking stupid," I joked.
"Hey, can I spend the night?"
"Go ahead," I smiled. "Night," I mumbled as I walked into my room.


The next morning, I woke up before everyone, like always. I did my normal morning routine; put on my glasses, drank a cup of coffee and waited for everyone else to get up. Around 9 o'clock I heard someone knock on my door. I rushed to open the door so they'd stop knocking. Low and behold, it was Paul.

"Paul," I gasped. "What are ye-"
"I left Jane," he said.
"I wanna be with ye Maggie,"
"Ye don't wanna be with me...all I ever do is cause trouble,"
"I've known John for seven years and I guarantee that he causes more trouble than ye ever will," he smiled. "Please Maggie..."
"Ye don't wanna be with a whore,"
"But yer not a whore...yer a beautiful, smart, woman who-"
"I'm pregnant,"
"What?" he whispered.
"Ye heard me,"
"When did ye find out?"
"Last night,"
"Oh my god..."
"Just thought ye should know...goodbye Paul." I started to close the door but he wedged his foot in and swung it back open.
"Maggie, who are you talking to?" Linda grumbled from the couch.
"Paul's here,"
"I thought you told him to get lost,"
"That's what I'm tryin to do,"
"Can we please talk in the hallway?" he asked.
"Sure," I followed him out and closed the door behind us. "Say yer piece and get on yer way,"
"I wanna help,"
"Why not?"
"Paul, yer fame is far too new, this will ruin ye,"
"What will?"
"Don't act dumb," I sighed, "I can see the headlines now: Paul McCartney knocks up local whore,"
"Don't be silly,"
"Paul, ye can't be with me...I'm sorry,"
"I wanna be there for ye guys!"
"Ye can name it. That's it! Are we clear?"
"Yes," he sighed.
"Alright...bye," I sighed and walked back into the apartment.
"How'd he take the news?"
"How'd ye know?" I smiled.
"Saw the test in the trash. Congrats,"
"Thanks," I rolled my eyes. I took a seat next to her on the couch; she glared at me the entire time. "Go on, just say it,"
"I told you so," she smiled.

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