My Problem

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YEAR: 1970

"Kids, let's go! We're gonna be late!" I yelled.
"Maggie, I'm gonna head out early," Paul said.
"Take a kid with ye,"
"Fine, Mary! We're leaving early!"
"Coming dad!" She ran down the stairs with her coat in hand.
"I'll see ye guys in an hour,"
"Mum, what about breakfast?" Mary asked.
"Here," I handed her a bagel and waved goodbye. "Good luck Macca!"
"Sod off!"
"Love you!"
"Love ye too!"

I waved as he ran out the door with Mary. As soon as the door slammed I headed upstairs to wake Stella up and bring James downstairs.

"Heather!" I banged on her door, "Let's go!"
"Coming!" She quickly ran out with her hair half done and her jacket on inside out.
"What on earth were ye doing?" I chuckled as I fixed her up.
"I thought ye guys were leaving so I rushed to get ready," she pouted.
"No, honey," I put her hair behind her ears and smiled, "only Mary and yer father left,"
"Well, yer father wanted to get there before the fans and I told him to take a kid and Mary was the only one ready," I smirked.
"Breakfast is ready, go and eat,"

I pat her back and followed her downstairs with Stella and James.

"So mum," Heather started.
"I had a dream last night,"

Oh god, not her too.

"Wanna tell me about it?"
"There's not much go tell," she shrugged.
"Well, tell me what ye remember,"
"It was about this guy,"
"Honey, yer seven..."
"No mum! Nothing like that...ew...but anyway, he seemed really nice and oddly familiar..."
"How old was this guy?"
"I dunno...not old,"
"How did he seem familiar?"
"I dunno...he just seemed like someone I see around school...thats all,"
"Did this boy have a name?"
"I don't remember,"
"Ye know, when ye have a dream it's normally about something ye want. Do ye have a crush on this boy, Heather?" I teased.
"No! I don't even know who he is!"
"I'm joking honey, calm down," I fixed a few loose stands of hair that sat on her head. "How about you Stel? Have any dreams last night?"
"No," she whispered.
"How about you James?" I chuckled as I rested my head on my hand. I flashed a smile at the confused infant and eventually looked back to Heather.
"How about you mum? Did ye have any dreams last night?"
"No," I lied.
"Don't lie to me mum," she nudged my arm.
"Damn, I swear, sometimes ye know me better than yer father," I laughed. "Okay, well, I did have this one dream,"
"What was it?"
"Something stupid,"
"Mum!" she whined.
"Fine...I dreamed about having another baby,"
"Yeah, a little girl,"
"Did ye name her?"
"I guess..."
"What was her name?"
"Beatrice," I smiled.
"Does dad know ye want another baby?"
"Honey, I don't even know if I want another baby..."
" literally just said, when ye have a dream it's normally about something ye want."
"Yer right, I did say that," I smiled.
"Come on, finish up, we gotta head to the concert,"
"Okay mum."


"Get back. Get back. Get back to where you once belonged..."
"Daddy's really good," Stella whispered.
"Isn't he," I smiled.

About twenty minutes later the police came by to shut the concert down; we all rushed inside before we got arrested. Once we were all gathered in the studio of Apple Co. Heather started tugging on my leg.

"That's him!" She pointed to John and Yoko.
"Ye dreamed about John?"
"No! The boy next to him!"
"Julian?" I chuckled.
"Is that his name?"
"Ye use to be friends,"
"Mhmm. He's a sweet boy. Why don't ye go say hi,"
"I dunno,"
"Hey love," Paul said.
"Hi honey pie," I gave him a quick kiss, "ye did great,"
"It's over Maggie..."
"Is it yer problem now?" I teased.
"Yes, it is,"
"Come on, let's go home,"
"Uncle Paul!" Julian yelled as he ran into Paul's arms.
"Hey kiddo," he smiled.
"Hi Jules," I waved.
"Hey Auntie Maggie,"
"It's been forever since I last saw ye," I hugged him. "Julian, do ye remember Heather?"
"No," he twisted his face.
"Really?" I raised a brow.
"Nice to meet ye, I guess," he stuck his hand out to introduce himself.
"Hi," Heather blushed.
"Julian!" John yelled. "Come on, yer mother wants ye back,"
"Okay dad...well bye," he smiled.
"Wasn't he nice Heather?"
"I guess so,"
"Wait, why did she want to meet him?" Paul asked as he picked Stella up.
"She had a dream about him," I teased.
"Stop it mum!"
"Does Heather love Julian?" Paul joined in.
"Stop!" she cried.
"I'm sorry honey," I pat her back. "Let's go home."


Around two in the morning, when I was feeding James, Paul strolled down half asleep.

"What are ye doing up?" I whispered.
"Couldn't sleep," he fell onto the couch with me.
"So why am I feeding the baby? I was sleeping happily," I lied.
"Sorry," he chuckled. "We really need to talk about yer dreams Maggie,"
"What dreams?"
"Don't play dumb,"
"Those stopped," I lied once more.
"Don't lie to me Madonna,"
"Fine..." I sighed. "I think I want another baby..."
"Saw that one coming,"
"Oh shut up," I laughed.
"We literally just had one,"
"Ye don't think I know that? Paul, it literally came out of me," I laughed once more.
"So when do ye wan a start trying?"
"I wanna wait until James is at least one..."
"Do ye think ye can last that long?"
"I've already been having the dreams for six months...what's another six?"
"Well, that's also assuming that ye get pregnant on the first go,"
"That's how we got the rest of them," I raised a brow.
"True...but Maggie, ye are getting older,"
"I know, I know..."
"Lucky number five," he sighed. "I'll take him," Paul whispered as he took James from my arms. "Get to bed love,"
"Thanks," I pecked his lips. "Love ye,"
"Love ye more,"
"Love ye most."


The next morning, I woke up before everyone else, like usual. My dreams started to repeat themselves; I'm not exactly sure what it means. At least they're not continuing. Around 8:30, the girls and Paul started to walk downstairs for breakfast. As Paul made my coffee, I strolled out to the end of the driveway to pick up the morning paper. I lazily walked back into the house and prepared my coffee. As I stirred my coffee I started to read the paper.

"Look..." I threw the paper at him.

And there the words were, big, bold, and on the front page: PAUL IS DEAD.

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