Passive Parent

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YEAR: 1965

My parents was coming to visit me for the first time in nearly three years; I've never been so nervous. I moved some of my things into Paul's house and may I say, it's probably the nicest house I've ever been in. The morning my parents were suppose to come over, Paul pulled me into his room.

"Close yer eyes and stick out yer left hand,"
"Just do it,"
"Fine," I rolled my eyes and stuck out my hand. I felt him lightly grab my hand and slid something on.
"Wonder what it is," I joked. I opened my eyes and saw a gorgeous diamond ring sitting on my finger. "Paul...what is this?"
"Jane's old ring,"
"Oh you've got to be kidding me,"
"Come on, ye said yer self, yer parents think we're married. So, I thought this would convince them,"
"'s beautiful...Jane didn't deserve ye," I mumbled.
"What was that dear?"
"Nothin," I smiled.
"Mum," Heather said as she ran in.
"Someone's at the door,"
"Alright, thank-" Before I could finish, I was cut off by Mary's crying.
"I got her," Paul said.

I followed him down the hall before I went downstairs.

"So, there's a few things I should warn ye about,"
"Like what?"
"Well, my parents are gonna be drillin ye with questions, like our wedding or what ye do for a livin,"
"Alright, I can handle that,"
"We'll see," I sighed and ran down the stairs. "Oh, Heather!" I called.
"Call Paul dad,"
"Just do it!"
"Okay," she shrugged. I took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hi mum! Hi dad!" I plastered a fake smile on my face. "Where's Linda?"
"She had to run, something about school. May we come in?" My mother asked.
"Oh, yes of course,"
"Well, this is a marvelous house," she gasped. "How do you afford it?"
"Well, it's rather easy when her husbands a millionaire," Paul chuckled as he walked downstairs with Mary. "Paul McCartney's the name,"
" married a long hair,"
I clenched my fists and held my breath before continuing my act.
"Why yes, yes I did,"
"And I suppose this is our grandchild,"
"Her name is Mary," Paul smiled.
"Paul is it?"
"Yes mam,"
"Paul, where is your wedding ring? Same for you Maggie,"
"Oh," Paul froze, "we realized they carved the wrong initials into the wrong rings so-"
"What do you mean wrong initials dear?"
"Well...they carved my initials into her ring and her initials into my ring so we sent them back to get them fixed,"
"I see," she scrunched her face. "Well, I'm so happy someone finally agreed to marry our Maggie. Tell me dear, did you ever have an issue, you know, knowing Heather is-"
"Mum!" I cut her off. "I made lunch...let's go eat, shall we?" I freaked out.
"Yes of course...where is your dining room?"
"Right this way," Paul smiled and showed her down the hall.
"This is exhausting," I whispered to Paul.
"Ye can do it love, I believe in ye," he smiled. "Heather! Lunch!"
"Comin P-dad!" I looked to him out of the corner of my eye; he'd never looked happier; Heather calling him dad must've really gotten to him.
"So dear, what's for lunch?" mum asked.
"Well, to start off, we have salad,"
"Are you still doing the whole vegetarian thing?"
"Yes I am," I gritted my teeth.
"Maggie, she's hungry," Paul mumbled as he handed me Mary.
"I'll be right back. Feel free to start eating," I sighed as I headed upstairs.
"Um, Paul," my dad started, "where is your bathroom?"
"I'll show ye, come on,"

As I started to feed Mary, I heard someone come upstairs; I just ignored them. In the middle of feeding her, my father and Paul stormed into my bedroom.

"Dad!" I gasped as I tried to make myself a little more decent. "What are ye doin?"
"He's not yer husband is he?"
"Wh-What are ye-"
"Cut the shit Maggie. Who is this guy?"
"He's my boyfriend," I sighed.
"I'm yer what?" he cheered.
"Why does he sound so surprised?" my dad chuckled. "Come on, who is he?"
"My boyfriend,"
"What guy would agree to date a girl with two kids?"
"Dad...Mary's his,"
"So you've been dating for a while?"
"A few months,"
"I-I don't understand Maggie..."
"Well...Mary was made from a one night stand. Then after I told him I was pregnant he would stop by my work every once in a while and after a few months we got close and started dating I guess,"
"Oh my god Maggie," he sighed. "What do you do?"
"I'm a whore," I whispered.
"You really do live up to your name...okay, let's not tell your mother. She actually thinks you guys are married, let's just hope she buys it,"
"Ye and me get back downstairs, I'll be down in a minute,"
"Alright," they sighed.

I returned downstairs a few minutes later but this time without Mary.

"Sorry that took so long," I smiled.
"It's alright dear," mum frowned. "So, Paul, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm a musician,"
"How's that going? Book any bar gigs lately,"
"Never marry an artist, actor, or musician!"
"Well actually Mrs. Eastman, I'm in a very successful band,"
"Highly doubt it," she scoffed.
"Stop it!" I gritted my teeth.
"What the name of your very successful band?"
"The Beatles,"
My mum nearly died right there. She choked on her water and dropped her cutlery.
"You're a Beatle,"
"Yes mam,"
"Why don't I believe you? Everyone says that these days,"
"Who's yer favorite?"
"I love Ringo," she chuckled. "Cute little thing,"
"I can have him over here in 10 minutes,"
"Mum, yer here for a month, ye can see him whenever...can we please just eat?"
"Sure...I'm sorry,"
"It's alright,"
"I can bring ye to the studio if ye want," Paul offered.
"I'd love that," mum blushed.
"Seriously mum, how did ye not know he's a Beatle?"
"You're the bassit right?"
"Yeah, I don't pay attention to you," she admitted, "you're a left handed long hair,"
"I have the shortest hair," he laughed.
"I'm sorry Paul..." she flashed him an apologetic smile.
"It's quite alright...thank ye for listening to our music,"
"Have ye seen his movie? A Hard Days Night,"
"I have not,"
"It's really good," Heather smiled. "Dad's really silly,"
"He is?"
"You do know that he-"
"What? Shouldn't she know?"
"No because it doesn't matter! Get out of my house!"

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