Loveable Loser

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YEAR: 1972

"Yer having another baby? Why?" Mary asked.
"Well, because we wanted one honey,"
"But ye already have four of us..."
"No! I don't want another sibling!"
"Mary, I thought Stella would be throwing a fit, not you," Paul said.
"I don't want another sibling!"
"Mary!" I snapped. "Stop being a brat! Ye weren't acting this way with Stella or James, why are ye bring so rude now!"
"No! Stop it!"
"Mum, what's going on?" Heather asked.
"She's pregnant," Mary pouted.
"Really? What are ye having?"
"I dunno yet," I chuckled.
"I think it's a girl,"
"Cause ye always have girls," she smirked.
"I guess I do,"
"Do I have to share my room?"
"No," I chuckles again.
"Then I can't wait to get another sibling," she shrugged and headed into the dining room again.
"Why can't ye act like her?" I raised a brow.
"Cause she's seven. Give her a break Maggie,"
"I know, I'm sorry," I sighed. "I'll be back," I mumbled.
"Maggie, where are ye going?"
"Out," I said as I grabbed my coat. "See ye guys later,"
"Why does mum always leave when she gets mad?" Mary asked.
"I dunno..."
"Where do ye think she goes?"
"I don't know honey but, as long as she comes back safe, I could care less. Now, go eat yer lunch."


"Madonna's back!" Dave cheered. "How has my favorite girl been?"
"I could've been better," I sighed.
"Uh oh...what's wrong kiddo?" He asked as he pulled up a chair for me.
"Paul and I moved to a farm for a few years and I wasn't exactly happy about it,"
"Why not?"
"Well, I had to quit working here, I had to move away from all my friends, and my daughter nearly died," I exaggerated.
"Sorry to hear that but, y'know what? Yer back, and I intend to put ye to work," he winked.
"I'll work while I can," I smiled.
"What do ye mean?"
"I'm kinda on baby number five," I smirked.
"Well good for you," he pat my hand.
"Do ye still have my outfits?"
"How could we get rid of them? Yer a legend Madonna,"
"Thanks Dave,"
"The joint opens in four hours. Get ready whenever ye want," he got up and flashed me a smile. "It's good to have ye back."


"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome a very special someone to the stage. Ye all know her very well. The one, the only, Lady Madonna!"

With my cue I strutted on and nearly died of laughter when Dave started playing Lady Madonna over the speaker. I just did what I normally did when I was on the main stage; god I missed doing this. About halfway through, I saw a group of guys walk in; I knew who they were in a heart beat.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Of course, with my luck, they decided to take a seat right in front of the stage.

Fuck you guys, go away! Fuck!

Thankfully, the song ended; I quickly avoided eye contact and rushed backstage.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!"
"What's wrong Madonna?" A colleague of mine asked.
"My husband and a few of his friends are out there," I cried.
"Why are ye so upset? Doesn't he know ye do this?"
"That's not the point Lucy,"
"Then what's the point?"
"I-I dunno..."
"Then go say hi. I gotta go,"
"Fuck!" I yelled once more before heading out into the crowd.

Since, Paul and his mates were focused on the stage, I ducked and ran to the bar where I nearly had another breakdown.

"Shit," I murmered.

My eyes didn't move from Paul for a good half hour; then George decided to come to the bar.

"Hey love, I'd like a beer,"
"Light or dark?"
"Light please,"
"Here," I whispered.
"Thanks Madonna. By the way, I though yer performance was excellent," he teased.
"Thanks," I pouted.
"Why are ye here?" he gave me a cheeky grin.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm here for my bachelor party,"
"I got stressed and left,"
"Yeah, Paul told me,"
"Who's with my kids?"
"That's good...I like her,"
"Paul's a little mad that he saw ye up there...he thought ye were past this,"
"I thought I was too...little did I know, I missed it," I let out a faint chuckle. "I'm actually surprised he hasn't come to talk to me,"
"He knows if he comes over here he's gonna yell and he doesn't wanna do that. Says it'll hurt the baby or something like that,"
"So ye know..."
"Yeah, congratulations,"
"Thanks Georgie,"
"Have a good night,"
"You too," I waved as he walked away.

Another couple minutes passed and before I knew it, an angry Paul was two feet away from me.

"What?" I mumbled.
"Why are ye back here?"
"Why do ye care?"
"Madonna," I corrected.
"Madonna," he grumbled, "yer pregnant! Ye should be home resting,"
"Ye seem to be forgetting that I've worked through pregnancies before,"
"Please go home! Ye get sick so easily an ye get tired easily,"
"What are ye getting at Paul?"
"Go home love,"
"Maggie!" He yelled as he slammed his hands down on the bar. "I would love it if at least one if our kids wasn't brought up in a strip joint! Now get changed and go home!"
"Fuck you," I cried.
"Maggie-" he whispered as he tried grabbing my arm.
"Don't touch me!"
"Maggie, please, I'm sorry,"
"I don't wanna hear it Paul! Leave me alone!"
"Maggie, please calm down,"
"Leave me alone," I scoffed as I headed backstage.
"Nice one,"
"Sod off Starkey,"
"No, you sod off McCartney. Yer wife comes here to calm down; this is her safe place. And by you showing up and saying this kind of shit to her, it freaks her out in the one place she knows she can calm down. Go home Paul and leave her alone,"
"I wanna apologize,"
"Do it tomorrow when she gets home cause she sure as hell doesn't even wanna hear yer name right now, never mind hearing yer crap apology. Go home,"


The next morning I woke up in bed alone; when I walked in around 3:30 Paul was nowhere in sight. I sat up in bed but I immediately felt sick; I rushed out of bed and started throwing up.

"Fuck me," I mumbled.
"Mum," Heather whispered.
"Oh," I wiped my mouth, "morning baby,"
"Are ye okay?"
"Ye sure?"
"Just a little morning sickness. I'm fine,"
"Okay...well, dad just made breakfast,"
"I'll be down in a minute,"
"Okay," she shrugged and walked back downstairs.

I sat on the floor for a few more minutes before I worked up the courage to face my dick of a husband. I strolled downstairs, and took my place at the dining room table; I did my best to avoid making eye contact with Paul. After breakfast, Paul and I headed to the kitchen to do the dishes.

"Hey Maggie,"
"I'm sorry-"
"Save it,"
"Maggie, please hear me out,"
"Fine," I threw the dishes into the sink and leaned against the counter. "Say ye piece,"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said last night, it was very disrespectful of me,"
"Ye think?"
"Sorry...go on,"
"Thankfully Richie smacked some sense into me. I shouldn't have yelled at ye in the one place ye feel safe. I should've just let ye be and let ye get it out of yer system. I'm sorry Maggie,"
"I appreciate that Paul," I gave him a quick kiss.
"Yer breath tastes like throw up," he teased.
"Fuck off," I nudged him and continued cleaning the dishes.
"Ye love me," he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my head.
"I do," I rolled my eyes and smiled. "And I will always love ye,"
"And I will always love ye too,"
"Yer my big, brown eyed loser," I teased.
"And yer my small, blue eyed princess,"
"Damn right I am,"
"Fuck off,"
"Love ye too."

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