Chapter 36

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Jordan POV

"I need for you to try a little bit harder Lyric." Lyric's speech therapist Mrs. Olivia said.

Lyric rolled her eyes. So far they have been working on sounds and that's not going so well as you can see. Lyric gets frustrated after the first 20 minutes into the session.

I looked at Lyric as she started writing on her note pad. Holding it up it read "I can't do this. Can we try again tomorrow ." Tears started rolling down her face.

"Lyric sweetie you do this everyday. You can't make any progress giving up like that. I'll give you five minutes to get yourself together but I'm coming back and we will get this done." Ms. Olivia said to her before walking out.

Everything Ms. Olivia just said was correct and frankly I was tired of it. All Lyric does is sleep and stare into space. Honesty the only time I seen her smile is when her niece Krista came by. Other then that she looks at everybody else like we not even in the room.

At first I wasn't saying anything because one her family was already on her back about it and two I knew it was something new for her and she was going through something but all this giving up shit is done with.

I got up out my seat and sat next to her in her hospital bed. "Lyric look at me." I said taking her hand in mines. She continued to cry with her head down. l lifted her head by her chin and looked into her eyes before saying "Lyric stop giving up so quickly. We all know you can do this. Put your all into it. As bad as you want to talk, I want to hear you. You have a whole team behind you. Don't let us down and more importantly don't let yourself down. "

I wiped her tears away before adding
"You've been through too much to come this far and give up on yourself. You're stronger then that. Try harder please, for me." I kissed her lips softly.

"Can you do that ? Try ?" She looked in my eyes and nodded before smiling.
I looked over to see Ms. Olivia coming back into the room so I got up and went back to my original seat.

"You ready ?" She asked Lyric. She nodded her head . " Good. We are going to try words for a change. They will be easy but I want to see how far you can get. We'll do your name first. Repeat after me . Ly-r-ic"

"Lly-rrrr-iicccc." Lyric repeated struggling.

"Good but slow down a little . Try again."

"Lyy-rr-iccc, Lyyy-r -ic, Ly-r-ic ." She kept going until she got it which I was proud to watch.

"Great now take it a step forward and say it all together."

"Ly-r-ic , Lyriccc, Lyric, LYRIC ." She smiled excitedly at the fact that not only did she say a word but it was her name.

"You see what happens when you put in more effort. Let's keep it going." I watched as they continued on with their session.

As you can see its been a long stressful two weeks since the shooting. Besides Lyric struggling with therapy the police have yet to find Rell but with Lyric's statement and evidence they found at her apartment they will be able to hold him on first degree attempted murder charges.

Hopefully they do their job and catch his ass because I would hate to have to kill his ass myself. I just want her to feel as safe as possible once she leaves the hospital but I know that won't happen with her knowing he is still out there.

Speaking of feeling safe I need to talk with her about where she will be staying once she leaves the hospital. Which is in three days. I talked to her parents and they thinks it's best if she goes back home with them. I don't think she'll go for that so I'll bring up the idea of her staying with me or the other way around. Which is what want.


"So I wanted to talk to you about something." I said looking up from my plate. We were sitting on her hospital bed eating lunch. She was still eating light foods so I brought her some broccoli soup from Panera Bread.
Ms. Olivia left about three hours ago but I decided to let Lyric take a nap before I brought up the topic.

She looked up at me waiting for me to continue. "Your parents think it would be a good idea for you to come back home when you leave here. How do you feel about that ?"

She wiped her hand off before picking up her pen and pad. After a minute she pasted me the pad which said "Honestly I don't want to but at this point do I have a choice? I'm scared to live alone with Rell out there especially because I'm not working and won't be working until I completely get my speech back. And who knows how long that's going to take. So I'll be home all day by myself."

I pasted it back to her then said "I was thinking maybe you could move in with me or I could move in with you. Which ever you prefer."

She pasted it back and It said "No. I rather go to my parent's. I want you to focus on school and work. I don't want to keep being your distraction. I'll be fine with my family. Plus it maybe a little too early in our relationship for us to live together. Would you even be ready for that ?"

"I would be and you're not a distraction. You're a priority. Plus spring break is coming up soon, so you won't be keeping me from anything. But enough about that, lets just finish eating. I'll let you give me your answer in three days when it's time for you to go. Just promise you'll think about it ."

She nodded and begin eating again. I know she's right about it being too early in our relationship to be moving in with each other but I want to keep an eye on her. I would hate for something to happen again because the results can be worst then this time. I could loose her for good.

Hey Loves, I've been updating a little slower then usual because this book is coming to an end soon. It's about 4 or 5 chapters left. 😳

So question, y'all want a squeal or nah ? If so I need a good amount of feedback. I don't want to waste my time on a second book!

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