Chapter 10

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"Shut your eye" Alice commanded as she put a thin layer if eye liner across my eye lid. "All this make up will last to, we don't want sweat making you look gross" Alice smiled putting the finishing touches of my make up. I could get ready myself for small occasions but since Alice would be leaving it was almost like a good bye make over. "Now don't want you to replace me with this lou girl" okay she sniffed. "haha never, but i thought she was a like proffesional friend or what ever?" i asked. "haha yeah i respect her a lot atcaully but all the same she works with boys and i work on you!" she chuckled. "is thant a insult or complament?!" "its a ...." "Ms Davison we go in like 15 or 20 minutes?"Ralph interrupted. "Yes yes no she's fine no one will no and I don't want anymore stuff ups before I get back" Luca spat into his phone . "Sorry guys just London on the phone" he smiled. "So after tonight you guys will all be going?" Steph asked eagerly. " yep but don't think we won't know what your doing" Mary laughed before lecturing me on all the safety stuff and how I need to be careful and numbers I can call and how one directions management will be looking after me blah blah blah! "Alright let's go" I yelled briefly saying good bye and grabbing Steph.

"So I didn't know you would be here" I smiled at dani who stood next to me. "We'll I'm in newyork for a music video so may as well see my baby" she smiled. I nodded wiping my brow as more girls pushed their way to the front of the mosh. We were in a separate area but still with the public. "Excuse me but are you macey?" A girl asked tapping me on the shoulder. " sure am" I beamed. "No fucking way fist I'm at a one direction concert now I'm meeting macey fucking Davison this the best day of my life" she yelled. She started to hyper ventilate as her and her friend began to cry. Looking at dani and Steph I pulled them aside and tried not to draw attention to ourselves. "I'm so sorry it just ... Your so ... So so wonderful, I use to hate my body but you always said how proud you are of girls and how you want to be fit not skinny and and and you made be believe in my self" she sniffed. "The boys always sing of of of of that and you preach it and not to mention how much of a good actor you are" the other girl smiled. "And dani your so awesome and the hate you get isn't fair I wish I was half as pretty as you" they both wailed. " hey look at me" I smiled pulling them into a hug. "It took so long to get these tickets and we wanted a meet a great so much but they were so expensive and my mum can't afford it, but just to be here is a dream" she muttered. "I feel so embarrassed but I fucking love you guys and I know how silly it is but your my role models" the second girl yelled over the back up band. I Looked down at the girls and they were everything I used to be and everything good fans were. They cared so much, and cryed and got so over joyed because this was their lives and they got so much out of the very little wisdom I had. They had posters and knew every song but also they were a bunch of normal insecure teenagers, and I found that amazing. "Hey come with me well get you fixed up before they come on" I said leading them back stage. I was going to wish the boys good luck anyway so I saw no harm in bring a few friends a long! "Paul give them five minutes with the boys and then take them out back and let them calm down" I said after explaining my plan. "So this where you can freshen up if you like, oh wait I think this is the wrong room" I smiled before opening the door. "Well Ello lovelys" harry smirked. What happened next was something I between intense screaming, fan girling and flirting, they were so over joyed and overwhelmed that took them a good 5 minutes just to stop crying. The boys knew all to well how to handle it and eventually got them to stop and have a proper conversation with them. The rest of the concert was a blur, except for one very special moment. "this next song is one close to our hearts" Niall yelled. "I would like to dedicate this to my very sweet and special friend who is here tonight" harry winked at me. They begun to sing everything about you. And correct me if I am wrong but harry didn't stop looking at me.

"Oi wind the window down" I yelled throwing a chip at Niall! "Your ruining my music flow" he yelled. "Music flow"?? "You know through these magical fingers I strum this magical guitar to create magic to your ears" he snorted. "How high are you" I smiled. "Children stop bickering" Louis yelled slumping on the couch. "Can we like explore?"I asked. "Macey there's literally like three rooms in this bus" harry smirked. "We'll cant we stop and see the sights?" I asked. "Mace you maybe be fresh but we just wanna relax and have fun not go crazy" Liam replied. "Hold up CRAZY MOFO'S know one tells Niall not to go cray cray" Niall screamed running around the bus and pretending to play the drums on Paul's head. "Okay well I'm not watching family guy so I'm gonna chill on your bed" i said moving to the sleep compartment. Liam moved Opened the door and squeezed in the single bunk with me. "Um what are we watching" he smiled. Pinching his checks I replied "gossip girl"! He screwed up his face but grabbed an ear phone and we began to watch it. About half way through the 5th episode Paul came in smirking before telling us we were having a break. "Dani's gonna be coming for the rest of the way, but she's staying with Steph and macey not you" Paul said in a stern voice. "And why ever not?" Liam asked. "Because look at those beautiful little dimples" I teased pinching his cheacks again. "Haha that's not all he has" Louis winked as he grabbed his phone from his bunk bed. I smiled at Louis big bum and made my way out of the bus. We made our way through the city with us girls mainly tag along because managment was filming for some dvd or something. "Ahh look at that busker he's amazing, lets go jam" Louis yelled as he approached a young busker. I smiled as all the boys began to sing along to this young girls music. "She's holding in tears isn't she" I whispered at dani. "Yeah it looks like the start of a fan fic or something" I giggles. It was a pretty amazing site seeing all the boys laugh and sing along and in that moment I was with in and without! They were my best friends, and my idols. "Come on" dani whispered and we decided to go around get a milkshake. "Hi ill have a A.ahhhh double chic chip thanks" I smiled in my best American accent, though I was an actress. "Yeah the banana one" dani said but it was horrible excuses for an American accent. "Girl that ant no American accent" Louis said appearing into the shop. "No! I don't got no time for you peasants lets a go harry!" Louis snapped grabbing harry who I hadn't even noticed and left the shop. "Errr okay" dani smiled "bloody lucky Eleanor's not here" I smiled as we meet the boys on the street. there was a cool breeze sweeping through the surprisingly quite town as we approached Louis and harry. I noticed Louis whisper to harry and this incredibly cute smile being exchanged. "Larry moment" zayn cooed, pointing to the boys. "Yeah" harry said sarcastically, as zayn, Niall, Liam, and josh joined them. Just as we began to talk about what we had been up to our phones simultaneously buzzed. Management had told us we had 25 minutes to get back to the buses. "Let's go" Liam said grabbing danis hand and waltzing towards the bus. I began to walk as a beautiful but chilling voice muttered in my ear. "I want to show you something". I nod as harry pulled me in a new direction. "I found this with Louis..... but I wanted you to see it" he grunted opening a old rusty gate. I walked in to see an amazing garden, it was surrounded by four walls with little gates leading up to the town houses which hide its beauty. There was a few big old trees that towered over the grass which was covered in Daisy's. "it's ahhh it's"........ "it's gorgeous" harry smiled finishing off my sentence. "Like you" he whispered. Oh god, I hadn't seen that coming, it had taken the wind right out of me and i was gasping for breaths. "So how's all your lady's" I muttered as we sat down in the bench. God why did I want so desperately for him to tell me there was no girls. Why did my heart skip a beat when he would smirked. "No um nothing serious" he said. Yes of course its nothing serious he's harry fricken styles for gods sake, there's never anything series with him, and thats exactly why I decide I could never be with him. "What about Tom?" harry smiled, but his eyes seemed a little distant. "Yeah you know long distant relationships are hard but I'll see him soon" I blushed. "Hey smile" harry said whipping out his old camera someone had brought him. I went even redder as harry snapped away. I moved over into a flower bed "Here" I beamed passing him a daffodil. "Your favourite flower?" "Mmhmmm how'd you know!" "I just do" harry laughed pulling me into a right Hug. I smiled and pulled him down placing my head on his chest and gazing at the stars. "Never seen them so bright" he muttered. "I have, all the way in Iceland it's beautiful up there, I,ll take you someday" I choked as the smell of his cologne mixed with the scent if the gardens. "Oh god we have to be back it 2 minutes" I giggled pulling harry up and making my way to the gate. "You coming!?" I yelled over the wind. harry just stood there starring at the sky, "Yeah" he smiled picking up our jackets, and we made our way back quickly to the bus.

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