Chapter 12

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Harry's P.O.V

It's hard to process illness, you begin to focus on the diese, the sickness, that horrible thing which has left you you in this situation. You begin to only know the bad, the odds, up until the point were you can't even see the person you're fighting for. There is no person, no mind, no personality, no smile, no future there's only illness. The very concept wraps around you like the cancer it's-self and it begins to kill you too. I've tried not to harbour to much energy into hating it but it's hard not to. Macey had Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) when she was a child. This cancer is really only seen in adults but macey has fought cancer on and off since she was 7. Her fist bone marrow transplant happend at 7, followed by more until chemo worked at 9. When she was 15 macey began to bruise again and the cancer was back, she was cured a year later. But macey doesn't have low platelets or white blood cells, her joints weren't sore and a spinal tap didn't indercate Acute myeloid leukemia. Maceys cancer was completely new. Macey is being hit with a double whammy and she's not even 20. It angers me that I can't help her, I cant even hold her. Tom flew in and Liam thinks it wouldn't be appropriate for me to hold her like I want to. It wasn't until Liam found me after sleeping with that girl that became aware of my feelings. I don't exactly no what they are but all I know is her being in relationship angers me.

"Hazz?" "What" i mumble. "Jane asked how American girls been" Louis chuckled but there was a shade of worry in his eyes. "Umm not sure but the fans are amazing" i mumbled to the interviewer. After the interview i hurried to the car. "Buddy, she's gonna be okay, but you have to look after yourself too! Okay?" Paul whispered patting me on my shoulder.

"Paul do you understand she had Acute myeloid leukemia" I scream! "No I don't understand! But she doesn't have leukaemia, she has lung cancer! So I know she's going to fight this!" "You real think that's gonna happen!? She had one cancer and beat that, and now she has an entirely new one! You really think she'll beat it twice?" I yell, moving closer to Paul. How could he not see the desperation, the sickness she had. "She's already beat it twice harry, she's gonna do it again" Paul said lowering his voice, I almost forget Paul's a body guard as He grabs me forcefully shoving me into the car.

Third person P.O.V

Harry stood awkwardly at the end of the room as Tom placed kiss on Macy's head and left the room. "Eww PDA" she muttered. Harry chuckled and moved towards her bed. Macey sat upright in bed weak but fighting. "We have to leave" Harry whispered avoiding eye contact. Macey winced as her breathing became shallow. "Good". "I don't want to leave you" harry sniffed. "It will.. B..e good for everyone.... I am leaving for... Australia soon.. Alfred hospital and.. And... I don't think you guys can handle this" macey huffed. "What what do you mean?" "You guys are my friends yes, but we aren't married or anything, you shouldn't stop your tour just because your friends a tad sick. Okay? Visit me when I've had the surgery." Macey said as she tried to breath. " so your having the surgery?" "Yes, they need to cut the Tumour out so I can breath again. Then a bit of radiation or chemo and ill be fine" macey laughed. She couldn't bare for Harry to think otherwise, cancer was complicated but Harry was even more, and her conflicting feelings were taking to much energy from her. Macey knew she needed all the fight she had to bet this thing, and Harry wasn't worth it, well not exactly.

April, Maceys P.O.V

It gets harder to breath every hour. This little bugger is harder to beat then anyone guessed but I trusted my doctors. *beep beep I looked down to see my phone flashing again. It only took time before everyone found out about my cancer. I am pretty much hidden from the world here in my only little room, filled with flowers, photos and these ridiculously over inflated balloons. " i should really take that phone off you, you can't breath but you can tweet" Olivia chimed. Liv had come to Australia with me along with Eleanor. El had so many commitments but fortunately being friends with celebrities meant they could afford the $20000 plane ticket just to see me. I Was now hooked up to this machine which helped me breathe and I have a thousand and one tubes coming in and out of me. "Jello, that's one perk of hospital food" Eleanor smiled as she came back from the cafeteria. "So it's been like a month, when are you going to have the surgery" she asked. "Who knows! It's a tricky little bugger" I smiled pointing to my lung. As if on cuemum emerged followed by my doctors. Mums eyes were swollen and puffy, she had obviously been crying. "Macey what's the pain out of 10 today?" Asked Dr Pelts. "Probably a 6" I lie. He peered at me through his specticals for a minute before pulling out his tablet. "That's you tumor" he said pointing to a photo on the screen. "Now to remove it would mean take out possibly a great deal of you lung... This would mean you would need assistance breathing". Ohhh that wasn't good. "I kinda need both" I wince. He nodds before explaining a tonne of scientific lingo that sadly I understand. But the thing is I need my lungs, I love to go for runs and do phsyical things but not only that but being an actor isn't always laid back and relaxed. It was totally alien these last few weeks. I didn't get paged all the time, interviews, events and scripts weren't sent my way. I had purposly had no contact with the outside world. All that exists are these four white walls. I feel physically drained, it takes all my energy just to smile at a selfie Liam has sent through. He's been sending me funny photos all day and I love it. I get the occasional text from a friend asking how I'm feeling but I don't have the energy to bother anyone at home or the boys. I know it will be easier for them to focus on their tour if I'm not harassing them every five minutes.

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