Chapter 18

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We make out way into the pizza/ cafe joint keeping a low profile. The smell of pizza fills the stuffy room. Harry and I are both wearing sunglasses and we know if we keep them on we will draw attention to ourselves, so cautiously we both take them off. The girl at the counter is quite pretty 16 or 17, wearing little make up, she has the natural look not a cake face like most girls these days. She is leaning against the counter filling in a cross word. She looks longingly at the paper hoping perhaps for the answer or maybe that her shift will be over soon. Her head darts up as Harry brushs his feet on the mat. "Oh, sorry, how can I help?" She stutters clearly embarrassed, and then the penny drops. Her mouth gaps into a big 'O' as she try's to conceal her surprise. "Hello, we're picking up three pizzas under um um oh right grimshaw" I smile. "Oh okay yeah i'll check that" she squeaks. Harry leans into me "gee you must have a funny looking face for that reaction". I jab him under the ribs "I think it was your silly looking beanie!". "Ouch that hurts, right in here" he smiles and motions to his heart before rubbing his hair and repositioning his beanie so it's slightly to the left. "The umm pizza is ready" the girl smiles. "Thanks love, got the money mace?" Harry says, I mod hand over the money and tell her to keep the extra 5 pounds. "Have a wonderful day" Harry says as we leave. "Oh god, seriously lucky with that one" Harry laughs as we make our way back home.

"I can't eat another slice" nick groans, "and i can't loose another piece of clothing" I laugh. We have been playing strip poker, Alison was only in her undies but she left a few minutes ago claiming she needed sleep. Grimmy turns out to be quite good and has only lost a shoe and a jumper, Harry also knows his stuff only losing his shoes and necklaces. "Omg a royal flush suck it styles" I jump up and down, probably not a flattering sight considering I'm in my undies though I do have a singlet on. "How did she know what a royal flush was?" Grimmy says, "jeez I thought we could lose that singlet" Harry winks. "Come on styles take off the shirt lets see those pecks" I celebrate. Harry obliges stripping off his jumper revealing a slightly inked chest. "Harry's got his boobies out" grimmy snickers. "Fuck off" Harry laughs. "Aww poor little Harry, doesn't have very big boobies there like two little birds" I tease. "Birds a beautiful creatures and it would be an honour to have them on my chest" Harry states, clearly intoxicated. "Fine then go on get two magpies" I dare. "No way perhaps something pretty, I've always liked swallows". "Your drunk and I'm not getting anymore naked, so with that I shall bid you goodnight". Harry's eyes are glassy and I know he's one sip away from being smashed. "I'll take him home" I tell grimmy before grabbing my coat and keys.

"Morning love" I say quietly as Harry stirs on the couch. "Ummm" he says blankly. "Babe you were so drunk and I came into my apartment to drop some stuff off before going to yours but you were already asleep" "you didn't let me sleep in your bed? I'm cut" he fake weeps. "No we fucked on the couch and I thought I would just leave you their" I say. Harry looks at me through sleepy eyes, he flops back down, rolls around and looks back up at me, "really?" "No of course not silly, but you are no Liam so you don't get to share my bed, yet" I wink. I can't help myself, Harry is many things and being adorable in the morning is one. "Ew i forgot you two had sluber parties" he wrinkles up his noes. "Alright go away and turn the lights off" he says as he throws a pillow at me, yep and Harry's also grumpy in the Morning. "Erhhh, what ever I have to run some errands so I will be back in about and hour or two " but he's already fast asleep.

I hurry down the street grabbing a few things I need for America. I have to go back in a day or two but I still make time for elenour and steph. I find my way to the back of a small cafe, "hey Macey" elenour calls. I squeeze into the small booth dumping my shopping on the floor in a huff. "Not very organised I see" steph remarks. I roll my eyes and order a short black. "Tired hey?" Elenour questions, "jeez you two are hagglers today" they both smile and we begin to chat like no time has passed between us. "Yeah lou's good, he's going on the TMH tour though" El tells us. "Again? weren't they just on tour!?" Steph questions. "They were that was the UAN tour this is there next album". I suppress a smile as Elenour continues to express how proud she is of Louis. Oh shit! "I have an interview today kinda slipped my mind" I apologise as I hurry home. "Macey I'm sending someone to pick you up at 5 okay?" "Yes Mary, don't worry I won't forget" "okay good, sorry I have to go but I'm taking you to the airport so we can talk then" Mary finishes just as I reach my apartment. Before I've even entered my place I can smell something delicious spreading from the kitchen. "I thought I would make a cake because I was bored and I don't have my keys" Harry smiles, I almost forgot he was here. I dismiss him with a nod of the head as a hurry around my apartment. "Kinda forgot tonight I have an interview and I was relying on tonight to pack" I yell to Harry as I find my planner. In big Green letters reads Allen chatty, shit how did I forget that? "Who with" Harry calls back "Allan chatty" "ha, have fun with that character". I frantically rush around my room collecting a few things and checking my watch. "I thought you were organised?" "Haha" "I sense sarcasm" "you think Harold?". I return to the main living area to find Harry icing a cake. "Rose icing very feminine " I remark, Harry just does I little wiggle around the kitchen before poking his tongue out at me. "Okay so I have to go in like an hour" "plenty of time to eat cake" I roll my eyes as Harry begins to cut precise pieces.

"Alright have fun" the stage manger calls as she pushes me forwards propelling me down the stairs. I regain balance swiftly and smile as the crowd applauds and Alan meets me giving me a tight hug. "Macey, lovely dress, pheww that's a stunner" I look down at my blue lace dress giving a little twirl "this old thing, haha and that suit Alan is it velvet?" "Yes made it myself" he jokes. We take a seat and chat about my recent works, "now Macey, boy your the new golden girl of Hollywood" I indulge into the usual story before we begin to talk about the avengers, "now Tom he's bloody good dancer", "yes yes he came on the show and-" "and whipped your arse?" I finish. We engage In more banter before he suggests a dance off, "now I did do dancing as a kid" I warn. After we bust a few moves and talk some more I find my self wishing my heels weren't so tall and this day wasn't so long.

"Macey, good work, Macey , Macey!" I snap into attention and smile at Luca "yeah yeah" "ok well don't stay up to late tonight you have a big flight tomorrow" he insisted as I hop into a cab.

I just want to flop onto my comfy bed and sleep for a thousand years. I approach my door when the familiar smell of cake and cologne hits me in the face. I unlock to find Harry for the second time today lying on my couch shovelling cake into his mouth. "Don't you have your own house?", he looks at me and smirks "yeah but yours smells nicer and there's food". I shake my head "we'll I'm not being a host I'm tiered and I want to sleep" "demanding arnt you" he teases. "Don't you have a date with grimmy tomorrow?" "Radio one, errr don't worry ill be find" he finished before smiling at his phone. Harry gets up to go to the toilet leaving his phone on my couch. I wonder who could captivate Harry this much? It could be one if the boys, Gemma, maybe grimmy? But I sense it's a lady friend. I know Harry's passcode, my curiosity gets the better of me. I don't even have to open his phone to see who lucky girl is : Taylor. "Macey your almost out of toilet paper" Harry calls making me jump. I move back to his position just in time. "Hey do you keep in contact with other artists?" He gives me a puzzled look "yeah I guess what do you mean?", I gulp "like at award shows and stuff". "Errr yeah but you do to right?" "Of course, anyone you fancy at the moment?" I ask hesitantly. Harry's eyes seem to pierce through me and catch me out "why do you ask?" "Your my friend and I just thought maybe there'd be a lucky lady?" "Oh haha" he says uncomfortably "Taylor, um swift, she's errr I've been chasing her for awhile" he says slowly. Taylor swift, I'm sure she's lovely but I've just learnt that dating fellow celebrity's is not a good game to play, "isn't she dating that Kennedy guy?" "Not for much longer he winks"

Next chapter soon keep on reading were getting into haylor season :)

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