Chapter 20

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"You sure you can't come?" Eleanor whines on the phone. "I'd rather not I have to work today and I'm catching up with my sister for drinks" I explain. "Taylor will be there and after we're going to a party! Olly and the others from Xtra factor will be there too". How could I forgot that Taylor was here. Of course Harry would fly her across the globe to show her off to all his friends, I hope Annie and ken hate her, I know it's horrible but I can't stand the thought of them together. "Sorry El, hey mums calling me so I better go" i lie and hang up. I instead dial Danni's number as she is the only one who understands my little dilemma. "I can't stand it!" I breathe into the phone "you have too! You know the alternative!" I do. Tell Harry I am madely in love with him, date Him, let fame ruin it and then lose him and all my friends or worse have him not like me back and still lose all my friends. ".... I know but I can't keep swallowing this feeling I'm going to explode" I gulp "hey I know what it's like but trust me your better off dating someone who's not.. " "not famous?" "Yes it's far less complicated listen I have to go okay but just get through the next week and then you're back in Australia and you won't have to deal with it, okay?" "Okay." I end the conversation and flick on the telly opting for 'doctor who' because it i know it won't contain another segment about bloody taylor and Harry's relationship.

I walk through my managements office and i am greeted my Mary. "Selma's In her office with Alice ready to go over some stuff, you want anything to eat?" "Ehh maybe a coffee?" I tell Mary who nods and goes back to work. "Macey darling come in we have lots to discuss" Selma smiles her red lipstick cracking slightly at the tips of her lips. "Now I want you to look over these in the next few days I think they are definitely movies to be involved in" she says and hands me some files. I flick through them, 'catching fire' 'Johanna mason' oh god. Could I actually be in the biggest franchise and one of the most popular book series's in the world? "I thought you'd like that" selma says as she sees my eyes pop out of my head. "I have to be in it" I exclaim. "Well I knew you would be interested the script is very good and Francis Lawrence is directing it" she smiles. "Macey after the Christmas break there are some photographers who want to work with you in Australia and this magazine called girlfriend" "I know girlfriend I use to read it when i was wee little tacker" they nod and proceed to fill me in on my busy schedule.

14th of December Doncaster

I arrive at the hotel almost an hour late Due to the fact Hayley and Frankie decided to drop in unexpectedly and didn't leave until the day was nearly over. I pull at my green dress regretting the length and hoping this isn't a formal thing. I'm relived when i see Gemma at the door of the hotel with another friend who's dress's are even shorter then mine. "Macey" she shouts and I greet her with a hug, "am I really late?" "Naa not really its pretty crowded in their but your not the last one" she tells me as I peek inside "Macey babe you made it" Eleanor smiles and leads me to the room they've booked out, "21 Louis" is on all the balloons and a mix if young and old fill the room. Music is playing and people are dancing, "so where is the birthday boy?" I ask, Elenour points to Louis talking to some boys I don't recognise. I almost pounce on him as I give Louis a massive hug and then a birthday 'nuggie' "Louis 21 Louis 21" I sing while he fixes his hair. "Happy birthday, well in 9 days it will be" I chime "oh yeah this is for you" I say sticking out the gift which is tightly tucked under my arm. I watch intently as he peaks into the bag "oh god" he laughs and pulls out a 'where's wally' book that I changed to 'where Louis' with some whiteout. "I'll open the rest later but that's babe" he says and puts it on a table piled high with gifts. I chat with him some more but as he's the birthday boy he is quickly pulled over by somebody else wanting to wish him happy birthday. I find dani and Liam amongst a group of younger people. "Macey" they cheer slightly intoxicated "oi none of that" I laugh as I take a swing of Danni's drink "err what is that?" She blushes "err it's straight vodka" "going at it hard tonight?" "yeah we are" they all cheer again. Harry is also amongst the group but I acknowledged him with only a nod of the head. As the night goes on I enjoy Louis party by catching up with people, drinking, dancing and drinking and singing and drinking so more but Harry is never far from my mind. "I need some air" Harry says and drags me outside. "What Harry" I bark a little to sharply. He stands there looking at me "what's wrong". I keep my arms firmly crossed on my chest "nothing it's cold out here". We stand there with nothing but the cold air between us yet it feels like there's a mile long brick wall. "Have I done something wrong?" Yes Harry you always do "no of course not". We stand there in silence until Harry sits down on the gutter and I have no choice but to join him "here" he says and gives me a little box. It's wrapped in Christmas paper and I'm slightly confused "what's it for?" I ask blankly. "I can't come to the Christmas gathering and this is the last time ill probably see you" oh. I glance between Harry and the box before opening it to find a beautiful necklace. I hold up to the night sky to see its a gorgeous little snowman. "I thought every Christmas you could get it out and where it" he shrugs. I want to cry so instead I give Harry a tight hug letting my tears soak his shoulders, "it's perfect". He pulls away from the embrace and looks at me, gently moving away a strand of my hair and wiping a tear that's half way down my face. "Don't cry" he cooes, "there happy tears" but there not, there tears of pure sadness because he's so close yet so far. "I've got something for you too but I'm afraid I've left it at home" I say "don't worry in sure we can make time" he smiles his dimples forming "what!" "Sorry it's just your dimples are so cute" I blush "yeah no I am super cute". We make our why back inside and go back to the way it was before, me avoid his eye contact. Later Harry leaves with a friend to go to a uni party and I spend the night getting very drunk with Louis and his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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